326 products
Wild Moon Birch Liqueur 750ml
The nose is greeted first by the heady aroma of a root beer float: full, creamy, and sweet, followed by images of springtime. New England woods full of damp earth and fresh hints of spring. Classic birch smoothness hits the tongue with a sweetness that is mellowed by a touch…$48.99In stock (2)
Wild Moon Chai Spice Liqueur 750ml
Pop the cork to the welcoming smell of holiday spice and tropical breezes. Warm gold envelops first the nose and then the taste buds. Cinnamon and spiced honey at the onset rounded by notes of ginger and exotic spices. Full bodied heat dissipates, leaving the delicate flavor of cardamom to…$48.99In stock (1)
Wild Moon Cranberry Seasonal Liqueur 750ml
Bright aromas of hibiscus, unripened berries, and sour cherries greet the nose upon decorking. The flavor is at once tangy and sweet bearing resemblance to a cranberry juice cocktail while remaining true to the essence of the berry itself. Conflicting images of winter holidays and summertime picnics collide as the…$48.99In stock (4)
Wild Moon Lavender Liqueur 750ml
Wild Moon Lavender is a bold, intricate, versatile liqueur that mixes well with all liquors, including vodka, gin, and bourbon. Try this bright yet earthy flavor with lemonade and seltzer! You may also use this liqueur in the kitchen for baked goods, or even in a savory lemon lavender chicken…$48.99In stock (3)
Wild Moon Lime Liqueur 750ml
The nose is bright, sparkling, and citrusy sweet, with hints of sunshine and warm weather. The mouth puckers in anticipation of the experience. The initial taste is bitter-sweet and has long layers of tart citrus. As it lingers, the lime juice essence leads to the astringent hints of lime peel…$48.99In stock (1)
Willm Creme De Cassis Blackcurrent Liqueur 375mL
Willm produces eaux-de-vie and liqueurs made with the greatest respect for tradition and fruit from their orchards. Distillation takes place in copper stills heated by a water bath, using two possible methods depending on the fruit (twice distilled or one column distillation). Expertise and experience are essential to collect only…$15.99In stock (3)
Yukon Jack Original Recipe 100 Proof Liqueur 1.75L
Yukon Jack is a taste born of hoary nights when lonely men struggled to keep their fires lit and cabins warm. Bold flavorful, yet surprisingly smooth, there is no spirit like Yukon Jack. Yukon Jack has a reputation as 'The Black Sheep of Canadian Liquors', the 100 proof whiskey and…$23.99In stock (6)
Yukon Jack Perma Frost Schnapps Liqueur 750ml
From the land where the ice never melts comes Yukon Jack Perma Frost 100 proof schnapps. Its unique taste blends cool peppermint with a hint of hot cinnamon. Experience the only Peppermint Schnapps bold enough to bear the name "Yukon Jack".$16.99In stock (20)
Zucca Amaro Rabarbaro Liqueur 750ml
A classic Italian amaro, with a strong rhubarb flavour. This bottling is made with an infusion of Chinese rhubarb root, bittersweet botanicals and citrus zest. Zucca Rabarbaro serves up notes of smoked oranges, rhubarb, bittersweet herbs, liquorice, cinnamon bark, chocolate and aniseed balls. Enjoy this neat as a digestif, or…$34.99In stock (4)