
2850 products
  • Katsaros Mastiha Liqueur 750ml

    Tasting notes Color: Clear Nose: Seductive mastic aroma Palate: Full, rich mastic flavor with luscious sweetness in the mouth, with long lasting aftertaste Pairings: Enjoy it as an aperitif after a meal, but also ties with traditional Greek sweets such as pastry sweets and ice creams.

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  • Kavalan Concertmaster Port Cask Finish Taiwanese Whisky 750ml

    Using Portuguese ruby, tawny and vintage Port wine casks as the main flavor, Kavalan Concertmaster single malt whisky is the first matured in specially selected American oak casks and then finished in port barriques. Then marrying (maturing) in the barriques mellows the flavors and adds indefinable smoothness to the whisky.…

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  • Kavalan Sherry Oak Taiwanese Whisky 750ml

    Kavalan Oloroso Sherry Oak dilutes the Solist Oloroso Sherry with Kavalan spring water to 46% alcoholic strength. It is easy to drink and is the perfect single malt whisky to share with friends and family. Clean and complex with multiple layers of dried fruit, nuttiness and spices, it has some…

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  • Keeper’s Heart 10Yr Single Malt Irish Whiskey Finished in Malaga Wine Casks 700ml

    Our first aged statement is made from a mash of malted barley, distilled in copper pot stills and aged for 10 years in Bourbon barrels. This expression has all the of the complexity malt whiskey is known for. We then finish it in Malaga wine casks which adds notes of…

    In stock (2)

  • Keeper’s Heart Irish + American Blended Whiskey

    Irish whiskeys blended with American Rye whiskey. Combined the unique qualities of Irish grain and single pot still whiskeys with American Rye whiskey for a remarkable drinking experience. Bright, floral, baking spices Candied ginger, vanilla, lemon zest, sweet biscuits, stewed fruit. Long and lingering with notes of spices, candy sweetness…

    In stock (29)

  • Keeper’s Heart Irish + Bourbon Blended Whiskey

    The characteristic sweet taste of bourbon intertwined with notes of freshly charred virgin oak pair beautifully with the earthy spices of the single Irish pot still whiskey and the delicate butterscotch sweetness from the Irish grain whiskey to deliver a unique tasting experience. Rich caramel in a freshly baked pecan…

    In stock (29)

  • Kelt Blenders Expedition Cask Strength Cognac 750ml

    Kelt Barrel Strength is unprecedented within the Cognac industry.  A first of its kind, giving an aperture into the aging process, some may question why.  Why change 400 years of tradition?  Our Master Blender Jeffrey Karlovitch thinks perhaps 400 years is long enough.  By releasing it from its tiresome confines,…

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  • Kelt Commodore Blenders Expedition Extremely Rare Limited Release 750ml

    For a truly well-traveled cognac, turn to Kelt Cognac Tour du Monde Commodore. Harking back to the tradition of shipping all cognac by barrels that continued into the early 20th century, Kelt sends each of its Limousin oak barrels of Cognac Tour du Monde Commodore on a three-month sea cruise…

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  • Kelt XO Cognac 750ml

    Kelt Cognac XO has rich aromas of flowers, walnut and tawny port with notes of vanilla, cedar, pear and tangerine. The finish lingers, leaving a sophisticated fig note. Dark gold with an amber cast. Medium-bodied. Dry. Delicate caramel, citrus, and herbal aromas lead into a smooth palate with a pleasing…

    In stock (5)

  • Kentucky 10 Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Crafted in the heart of bourbon country, Owensboro, KY. Kentucky 10 Bourbon is a well-balanced, Wheated, Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. Wheat lends a soft, sweet touch to this fine sipper. Aged and bottled in the historic DSP-KY-10 distillery, Kentucky 10 Bourbon is a fine example of why the greatest whiskey…

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  • Kentucky Gentleman American Whiskey 1L

    Created from a blend of Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey and spirits from the finest grains. Represents generations of experience in distilling, bottling, and aging.

    In stock (15)

  • Kentucky Gentleman Blend of Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskeys 1.75L PET

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* What makes a true gentleman? Taste. An appreciation of history, heritage, and hard work. That's why a true gentleman chooses Kentucky Gentleman Bourbon Whiskey. Distilled in the Bourbon Capital of the World since 1879.

    In stock (74)

  • Kentucky Owl 11Yr Kentucky Rye Whiskey Finished for 1 Yr in Bayou Mardi Gras XO Casks 750ml

    In celebration of the spirit of Mardi Gras and the pride of Louisiana, this expression of Kentucky Owl Straight Rye Whiskey has been gently aged for 11 years before sleeping a further year in a selection of rare Bayou XO casks to create and mature into Rye Whiskey of outstanding…

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  • Kentucky Owl Batch 12 Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Kentucky Owl Bourbon Batch 12 - the finest and newest edition to the Kentucky Owl bourbon line up, batch 12 bursts is exhilarating flavors like caramel and hints of passionfruit.  Kentucky Owl was founded in 1879 by a local pharmacist, Charles Mortimer Dedman. He and his new bride received a…

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  • Kentucky Owl Maighstir Edition Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Maighstir is born from a collaboration between Kentucky Owl® Master Blender, John Rhea and Scotch Whisky Master Blender, Maureen Robinson. Maighstir (pronounced May-stir) is a traditional Gaelic word meaning "Master". Kentucky Owl® Maighstir Edition has been awarded 96 points by Tasting Panel magazine.

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