
2850 products
  • Kentucky Owl St Patricks Edition Limited Release Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Rich caramel and vanilla from some more rare well aged Bourbons. Spice and fruit from Bourbons with a higher rye content, and a feel of sweetness and citrus from Wheated Bourbon. All carefully mingled to bring out a robust, well balanced Bourbon experience.

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  • Kentucky Owl Takumi Edition Limited Release Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    In order to create this exceptional 2nd limited edition international collaboration of blended Bourbon, aptly named Takumi, Kentucky Owl collaborated with Yahisa Yusuke, the award-winning Master Blender from the Nagahama Distillery, to celebrate the artful craft of blending high-quality whisky, for which Japan is quickly earning a reputation. Takumi, which…

    In stock (7)

  • Kentucky Tavern Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 1.75L PET

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* First produced in the early 1900’s, the legendary Kentucky Tavern Bourbon brand was created by whiskey pioneer James Thompson who founded the famous Glenmore Distillery in Owensboro, KY.

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  • Kentucky Vintage Small Batch Kentucky Bourbon American Whiskey 750ml

    "Amber, with a golden cast. Medium-bodied. Reminiscent of clove, citrus, smoke, dried herbs. Buttery, smooth texture. Attractive in its viscosity and warmth of the palate. Nicely balanced by whiffs of campfire scents, soft fruit notes, and a light streak of fragrance.

    In stock (5)

  • Kessler American Blended Whiskey 1.75L

    A golden taste that is as smooth as silk. Kessler has carried this trademarked slogan on its label since prohibition, which truly describes the smooth, silky texture of this fine whiskey.

    In stock (5)

  • Ketel One 80 Proof Vodka 375ml

    Awarded 98 Points from Cigar & Spirits Magazine (September/October 2014) and voted the #1 Best Selling Vodka by Drink International’s 50 Best Bars Brand Report – 2016,  Ketel One is a vodka appreciated by many.     Using carefully selected European wheat and a combination of modern and traditional distilling techniques,…

    In stock (9)

  • Ketel One 80 Proof Vodka 750ml

    Awarded 98 Points from Cigar & Spirits Magazine (September/October 2014) and voted the #1 Best Selling Vodka by Drink International’s 50 Best Bars Brand Report – 2016,  Ketel One is a vodka appreciated by many.     Using carefully selected European wheat and a combination of modern and traditional distilling techniques,…

    In stock (123)

  • Ketel One Citroen Vodka 1.75L

    Ketel One Citroen flavored vodka begins with Ketel One Vodka, infused with the essence of four different types of citrus lemons, and two types of limes to enhance the freshness. Every production run is tasted before bottling; detecting changes and qualities a computer cannot distinguish. Ketel One Vodka was voted…

    In stock (15)

  • Ketel One Citron Vodka 750ml

    In stock (13)

  • Ketel One Oranje Vodka 1.75L

    There's no substitute for natural flavor, that's why when we make Ketel One Oranje, we start by sourcing the world's finest fresh oranges and mandarins. Then, with the greatest care, we extract their flavor and infuse it into our vodka to deliver unmistakable notes of delicious ripe orange on the…

    In stock (15)

  • Ketel One Oranje Vodka 750ml

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  • Ketel One Vodka 1.75L

    Awaken your senses with a smooth glass of Johnnie Walker Black Label Blended Scotch Whisky. Packaged with two signature highball glasses, this spirit is an impressive blend to share on any occasion. Created using only Scotch whiskies aged for a minimum of 12 years from the four corners of Scotland,…

    In stock (161)

  • Khor Platinum Vodka 1.75L

    KHOR Platinum is one of few corn-based vodkas crafted from state of the art silver filtration technology. It is then passed through an intricate birch and alder tree charcoal filter system. This exceptionally precise process gives Platinum a clean, balanced, and soft finish. Thanks to an optimal balance of ingredients,…

    In stock (7)

  • Khor Platinum Vodka 700ml

    KHOR Platinum is one of few corn-based vodkas crafted from state of the art silver filtration technology. It is then passed through an intricate birch and alder tree charcoal filter system. This exceptionally precise process gives Platinum a clean, balanced, and soft finish. Thanks to an optimal balance of ingredients,…

    In stock (9)

  • Kikori Japanese Blended Whiskey 750ml

    Distilled in Japan, and made from 100% locally gornw rice, Kikori whiskey is a smootha dn welcome newcomer to the whiskey category. Barrel aged for a minimum of three years in American oak, French Limousin oak and sherry casks, Kikori is golden and pure in color witha floral and fragrant…

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