
2850 products
  • Kilchoman Machir Bay Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Machir Bay, our signature peated single malt, is a vatting of Kilchoman matured in both bourbon and sherry casks. Named after Islay’s most spectacular beach, the high proportion of bourbon barrels create a distinct balance of classic Islay character and fresh floral complexity.

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  • Killepitsch Krauter Liqueur 750ml

    More than 90 fruits, berries, herbs provide the base for this 84 proof Herbal liqueur. Similat to Jaegermeister in color, consistancy, and taste, Killepitsch goes beyond with a much stronger, more complex nature with hints of licorice, anise, and gentian. Great on the rocks, as a shot, or cocktail additive.…

    In stock (4)

  • Kilo Kai Rum 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* KILO KAI is spiced rum blended with the unique flavors and scents of the Caribbean. The complexity arises in the flavors of anise, vanilla, banana, cherry, nutmeg and orange peels that linger harmoniously on the palate. It is crafted with 1-year-old…

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  • New

    Kilo Kai Rum 700ml

    KILO KAI is spiced rum blended with the unique flavors and scents of the Caribbean. The complexity arises in the flavors of anise, vanilla, banana, cherry, nutmeg and orange peels that linger harmoniously on the palate. It is crafted with 1-year-old and 3-year-old rums for a smooth blend that delicately…

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  • King of Kentucky 16Yr Single Barrel Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 2024 Release 750ml

    King of Kentucky, an ultra-premium Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey, is returning this year with the release of its seventh edition. Hitting shelves early October, the limited-edition expression will mark the seventh anniversary for the brand. The 2024 expression is a 16-year-old Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, featuring a premium embossed label…

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  • Kinky Blue Liqueur 375ml

    Kinky Blue is a naughty infusion of super premium vodka distilled 5 times with succulent blackberry, raspberry and blueberry.

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  • Kinky Blue Liqueur 750ml

    Kinky Blue is a naughty infusion of super premium vodka distilled 5 times with succulent blackberry, raspberry and blueberry.

    In stock (12)

  • Kinky Fruit Punch Liqueur 750ml

    A Juicy Fusion of Cherry, Pineapple and Orange Blended with Super-Premium vodka.  Kinky Fruit Punch Liqueur has an alcohol by volume content of 17 Percent.  Packaged in a 750mL bottle.

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  • Kinky Pink Liqueur 375ml

    Kinky Blue is a naughty infusion of super premium vodka distilled 5 times with succulent blackberry, raspberry and blueberry.

    In stock (15)

  • Kinky Pink Liqueur 750ml

    Kinky Pink Liqueur is a naughty fusion of super premium vodka distilled 5 times with succulent mango, blood orange liqueur and passion fruit.

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  • Kinky Red Liqueur 750ml

    This liqueur is a tantalizing fusion of super premium vodka, distilled five times, with fresh watermelon and strawberry flavors. Perfect for making unique and delicious cocktails.

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  • Kleiner Feigling Fig Liqueur 750ml

    The production of Kleiner Feigling began in 1992 in Eckernforde, Germany. Since then Kleiner Feigling has been the market-leader in the fruit-flavored spirits category and the world's biggest fig-flavored liquor with worldwide sales of over 1,000,000 cases. With only 20% alcohol by volume, Kleiner Feigling has almost no discernible alcohol…

    In stock (25)

  • Kleos Mastiha Spirit 700ml

    Greece’s First Luxury Spirit Brand The World’s First Super Premium Mastiha Spirit KLEOS Mastiha Spirit is Greece’s first luxury spirit brand, the world’s first super-premium mastiha liqueur. The raw ingredient, Mastiha (mas-tee-hah) is a sap from the ‘Skinos’ tree that grows only in 24 villages in the southern part of…

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  • Knappogue 12yr Single Malt Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Knappogue Castle 12 year old, our signature expression, is an exceptional single malt made exclusively from malted barley. Triple distilled one batch at a time in traditional, onion-shaped copper pot stills, the whiskey is then aged in bourbon oak casks for twelve years. The delicate distillation process, along with the…

    In stock (6)

  • Knappogue Castle 14Yr Single Malt Irish Whiskey 750ml

    This is both richer and more complex than the standard twelve year old Knappogue Castle. Named 'Twin Wood' because both Bourbon and Sherry cask types have been used for the maturation. It seems that the sherry casks have added to the body and depth and also brought some spice and…

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