
2875 products
  • Oxley Cold Distilled London Dry Gin 750ml

    Oxley's is designed, as the name suggests, in the classic dry English style and is very similar to a London dry gin, but this one has a unique characteristic. Oxley is produced using a distilling technique called 'cold distillation,' which is not commonly used in the industry. This process allows…

    In stock (4)

  • Paddys Irish Whiskey 1.75L

    Taste a touch of vanilla? How about a light fruitiness? That’s Paddy’s. A local favorite in Cork since 1779, and named Paddy’s in honor of salesman Paddy Flaherty who roamed pub-to-pub about a century ago spreading good cheer and free tipples along the way.

    In stock (55)

  • Paddys Irish Whisky 1L

    Fruity bouquet with hints of honey on the nose. Sweet entry with grain notes dominating the palate, with subtle hints of vanilla and butterscotch. Finish is dry and peppery.

    In stock (13)

  • Palante Anejo Rum 750ml

    Our Añejo is a uniquely Mexican rum. Half of the blend was aged in traditional American white oak barrels and the other half in Mexican white oak. Rather than the heavy vanilla notes typical of American oak, this rum boasts notes of tobacco, leather, and walnut, making for a great…

    In stock (7)

  • Pallini Limoncello Liqueur 750ml

    In stock (6)

  • Pama Pomegranate Liqueur 750ml

    In stock (5)

  • Pamos Signature THC 80MG 32CBD Spirit

    With 5mg of Hemp-Derived THC and 2mg CBD per serving, our Pamos Spirit has a higher concentration of THC and is ideal for those looking for something stronger. Pamos pours a soft orange, then opens up with familiar notes of Angostura® bitters and Curaçao orange peel. There is a balanced…

    In stock (3)

  • Pampero Aniversario Rum 750ml

    In stock (2)

  • Pantalones Blanco Tequila 750ml

    Clear color. Smoky, attractive, baked, umami, tropical aromas and flavors of roasted agave, grass clippings, oyster shells, roasted agave, sundried tomato, fish, raspberry jam, and vinegar with an oily, fruity medium-to-full body and a warming, amusing, brisk finish with notes of eucalyptus, mango, papaya, cinnamon, and apricot and anise. Would…

    In stock (4)

  • Pantalones Blanco Tequila 750ml

    Pantalones Reposado Tequila hails from the heart of Jalisco, Mexico, a region celebrated for its rich agave fields and traditional distillation methods. This tequila is crafted from 100% blue agave, which undergoes a careful fermentation and distillation process, ensuring a pure and authentic flavor profile that reflects its origins. On…

    In stock (4)

  • Papas Pilar Blonde Rum 750ml

    Papa’s Pilar Blonde is the first ever “Blonde” Rum, similar in color to the light rums Papa Hemingway enjoyed in Key West and Cuba during the 30’s. Tasting notes of bright citrus, almond, fresh apricot and fine butterscotch make this a perfect rum for your Hemingway Daiquiri, boat drink or…

    In stock (7)

  • Papas Pilar Dark Rum 750ml

    Papa's Pilar Dark is an ultra-premium sipping rum, bold and well-traveled, much like the man who inspired it - Ernest Hemingway. This 86 proof, award-winning rum has a rich maple, chocolate, ripe fig and candied orange taste profile.

    In stock (11)

  • Papas Pilar Sherry Cask Finished Rum 750ml

    After blending hand-selected aged rums from throughout the Caribbean, Central, North and South America in Bourbon barrels, Port Wine casks and Sherry casks, this blend is further aged in Spanish Oloroso Sherry casks for an extended period of time, thus creating a flavor profile unlike anything Hemingway Rum Company has…

    In stock (2)

  • Papous Ouzo 750ml

    *This item is special order and may take a week to get in stock.*   Papou (Grandpa) was the nickname of Stephen Katzaras, a well-known sponge merchant who owned the historic warehouse we now call home. To honor Stephen and the proud Greek community that lives in Tarpon Springs, we…

    In stock (49)

  • Paralia Ouzo !L

    The silky aniseed aroma makes Paralia Ouzo feel like an old greek song played by the Aegean sea. Composed by a family distillery in Greece, performed with traditional elegance and refined to perfection.

    In stock (11)
