
2875 products
  • Parce 12Yr Rum 750ml

    Blended and aged to absolute perfection, this award-winning, premium rums is smooth and delicate on the palate. Journey through our sweet and spicy flavor nuances and the complex finish that includes notes of creme brûlee, toffee, dried tropical fruits, and pipe tobacco. Best enjoyed neat or on the rocks, there’s…

    In stock (10)

  • Parrot Bay 90 Proof Coconut Rum 1.75L

    Let Parrot Bay Caribbean Rum envelop your senses and transport you to your own paradise with its legendary blend of rich, Caribbean white rum and natural coconut flavor.

    In stock (11)

  • Parrot Bay Coconut Rum 1.75L

    Captain Morgan Parrot Bay brings a taste of the tropics to your favorite mixers. A premium blend of tropical flavors with light, crisp Puerto Rican rum.

    In stock (104)

  • Parrot Bay Coconut Rum 1L

    Captain Morgan, a brand with deep roots in the rich history of the Caribbean, traces its origins back to 1680, when the legendary pirate Sir Henry Morgan settled in Jamaica. There, on his sugar cane plantation, he laid the foundations for a brand that is now known worldwide for its…

    In stock (58)

  • Parrot Bay Coconut Rum 750ml

    Note: This product is now sold in a plastic bottle.

    In stock (24)

  • Parrot Bay Gold Rum 750ml

    Parrot Bay is a premium merge of fresh, rich flavors with a light, crisp rum. This rum is designed to envelop your senses and transport you

    In stock (26)

  • Parrot Bay Key Lime Rum 750ml

    Sip on the sweet flavors of paradise with Parrot Bay. This rum offers a tropical, lush taste. It will bring out the feeling of summer fun & Caribbean life no matter where you sip it. Simply mix with cola, pour over ice & garnish with lime for a delicious island…

    In stock (22)

  • Parrot Bay Mango Rum 750ml

    Let Parrot Bay Caribbean Rum envelop your senses and transport you to your own paradise with its legendary blend of rich, Caribbean white rum and natural mango flavor. Our mango rum offers a light, tropical, and subtly sweet designed to take you to the type of island you want to…

    Out of stock (0)

  • Parrot Bay Mango Rum 750ml PET

    Let Parrot Bay Caribbean Rum envelop your senses and transport you to your own paradise with its legendary blend of rich, Caribbean white rum and natural mango flavor. Our mango rum offers a light, tropical, and subtly sweet designed to take you to the type of island you want to…

    In stock (35)

  • Parrot Bay Passion Fruit Rum 750ml

    Premium rum made with a distinctively tropical passion fruit flavor. When mixed with your favorite juice, it creates wildly colorful cocktails that are delicious and easy to drink.

    In stock (10)

  • Parrot Bay Pineapple Rum 1.75L

    Let Parrot Bay Caribbean Rum envelop your senses and transport you to your own paradise with its legendary blend of rich, Caribbean white rum and natural pineapple flavor. Our pineapple rum offers a light, tropical, and subtly sweet designed to take you to the type of island you want to…

    In stock (14)

  • Parrot Bay Pineapple Rum 750ml

    Our Pineapple rum offers a light, tropical, and subtly sweet designed to take you to the type of island you want to be stranded on - where it's always the right time to embrace tropical fun and feel the laid-back Caribbean vibes, no matter the time or place.  

    In stock (9)

  • Parrot Bay Spiced Rum 750ml

    Smooth and medium bodied, this spiced rum is a secret blend of Caribbean rums. Its subtle notes of vanilla and caramel give classic rum cocktails a distinctive, flavorful finish.

    In stock (1)

  • Pasote Blanco Tequila 750ml

    All the Agave is grown on the Camarena Estate in the Highlands of Jalisco, just outside the town of Jesus Maria. It is harvested by Jimadores that have worked for the Camarena family for over 20 years. After harvest the Agave is taken to El Pandillo Distillery owned andoperated by…

    In stock (5)

  • Passoa Passion Fruit Liqueur 750ml

    Passoa, a unique Passion Fruit liqueur, at 17% alcohol volume, in a legendary black bottle. Its luscious red color reveals tangy fruit flavors. The recipe of this alcoholic beverage is based on a unique ingredient: passion fruit, or maracuja in portuguese. Passoa can be enjoyed for any occasion and in…

    In stock (7)
