
2850 products
  • Paul Masson VS Brandy 1.75L

    A Smooth Sophisticated Brandy Crafted In The European Tradition. Aged In Oak Barrels. Paul Masson VS Is An Award Winning Favorite With A Rich Amber Glow, And Slightly Sweet Taste Profile Featuring Notes Of Caramel And Vanilla.

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  • Paul Masson VS Grand Amber Brandy 750ml

    A Smooth Sophisticated Brandy Crafted In The European Tradition. Aged In Oak Barrels. Paul Masson VS Is An Award Winning Favorite With A Rich Amber Glow, And Slightly Sweet Taste Profile Featuring Notes Of Caramel And Vanilla.

    In stock (165)

  • Paul Masson VS Grande Amber Brandy 200ml

    A Smooth Sophisticated Brandy Crafted In The European Tradition. Aged In Oak Barrels. Paul Masson VS Is An Award Winning Favorite With A Rich Amber Glow, And Slightly Sweet Taste Profile Featuring Notes Of Caramel And Vanilla.

    In stock (129)

  • Paul Masson VS Grande Amber Brandy 375ml

    A Smooth Sophisticated Brandy Crafted In The European Tradition. Aged In Oak Barrels. Paul Masson VS Is An Award Winning Favorite With A Rich Amber Glow, And Slightly Sweet Taste Profile Featuring Notes Of Caramel And Vanilla.

    In stock (96)

  • Paul Masson VSOP Brandy 1.75L

    A picture of craft, VSOP is an ultimate blend of American brandy individually aged at least four years for full flavor and experience. Accessible yet refined, Paul Masson VSOP Brandy is the ideal choice for any drinker that desires moments of value and merit.

    In stock (22)

  • Paul Masson VSOP Brandy 750ml

    In stock (39)

  • Peerless Kentucky Straight Rye American Whiskey 750ml

    Peerless Straight Rye Whiskey is the first offering from Peerless Distilling Co. in 100 years. Founded in 1889, Peerless was shuttered in 1917 to conserve corn during World War I, and was recently revived by founder Henry Kraver’s descendants. Peerless Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey is crafted using American-made equipment. Malted…

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  • Peerless Small Batch Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Master Distiller Caleb Kilburn used a sweet mash process and non-chill filtration to craft this landmark release for the brand. Most bourbon on the market today is “sour mash” – cooked with a bit of already fermented grains (and the consistent yeast and bacteria included) from a previous distillation cycle.…

    In stock (7)

  • Penderyn Single Malt Welsh Whisky Madeira Finish 750ml

    This whisky is the original Penderyn ‘house style’, aged in ex-bourbon barrels and finished in ex-Madeira wine casks to bring out its full gold character. It is bottled at 46% abv. Welsh Gold is extremely rare, pure and precious and was worn by legendary Welsh princes. The Penderyn Gold Collection…

    In stock (6)

  • Pendleton 12Yr 1910 Canadian Rye Whiskey 750ml

    Pendleton® 1910 is a rare 100% rye whisky distilled in Canada and is oak-barrel aged a minimum of 12 years. Featuring round, rich notes of tobacco, charred oak and butterscotch with a spicy rye kick and peppery heat, Pendleton® 1910 Rye Whisky is rounded out by the smoothness of maple…

    In stock (11)

  • Pendleton Canadian Whiskey 750ml

    Pendleton® Whisky is an oak barrel-aged whisky distilled in Canada using the finest ingredients. Before bottling, glacier-fed spring water is added from Mt. Hood (Oregon’s highest peak). Pendleton® Whisky delivers an uncommonly smooth taste and rich, complex flavor. Pendleton® Whisky was specifically created to celebrate the bold spirit of independence…

    In stock (36)

  • Penelope Architect Straight Bourbon Whiskey Finished with French Oak Staves 750ml

    Architect is the new blueprint for precision blending. The first build in this series combines our signature four grain mash bill with two styles of French oak staves. Working in collaboration with Tonnellerie Radoux of France, the market leader in oak barrel manufacturing and innovation, we selected each stave using…

    In stock (3)

  • Penelope Four Grain Barrel Strength Blend of Straight Bourbon Whiskeys 750ml

    Penelope Bourbon's Four Grain Cask Strength is a bold and full-bodied expression that showcases their commitment to crafting high-quality bourbon. The cask strength amplifies its character. This bourbon boasts robust flavors of toffee, dark chocolate, and a spicy finish. It's a powerful and intense sensory experience for true bourbon aficionados.…

    In stock (1)

  • Penelope Toasted Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Our Toasted Series is a testament to the power of serendipity. When we began to explore toasted finishes, we weren’t expecting each barrel to be so different — so we decided to embrace this variety of chars and toasts that make every bottle in our Toasted Series truly one-of-a-kind. After…

    In stock (6)

  • Pennsylvania Dutch Chocolate Cream Liqueur 750ml

    Pennsylvania Dutch Chocolate Cream is a decadent treat! Creamy milk chocolate, vanilla and toffee flavors blended with fresh dairy cream and a gently roasted hazelnut finish.

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