
2875 products
  • Patron Anejo Cristalino Tequila 750ml

    Patron Cristalino Tequila is the smoothest handmade Cristalino. Crafted from Patron Anejo, filtered through American oak charcoal for a crystal-clear smooth, sweet liquid. Butterscotch and vanilla come through w/ very light cooked agave, oak and slightly spiced notes.

    In stock (9)

  • Patron Anejo Tequila 375ml

    Oak aged for over 12 months to produce a tequila perfect for sipping. Tasting Notes: COLOR: Warm amber AROMA: Oak wood, vanilla and raisins TASTE: Oak wood with notes of vanilla, raisin and honey FINISH: Caramel and smoky notes

    In stock (18)

  • Patron Anejo Tequila 50ml

    Patrón Añejo Tequila is aged in White Oak Barrels for a minimum of 12 months and each vintage is perfected before Patron let's it out. Patron Anejo is a smooth tequila that is enjoyed on the rocks. It is elegant with a fresh bouquet of grapefruit, orange, and spearmint shows…

    In stock (30)

  • Patron Anejo Tequila 750ml

    Patrón Añejo Tequila is aged in White Oak Barrels for a minimum of 12 months and each vintage is perfected before Patron let's it out. Patron Anejo is a smooth tequila that is enjoyed on the rocks. It is elegant with a fresh bouquet of grapefruit, orange, and spearmint shows…

    In stock (15)

  • Patron Cafe XO Tequila Coffee Liqueur 750ml

    Patrón XO Cafe is a dry, low-proof coffee liqueur that’s a blend of Patrón Silver and the essence of fine coffee. It’s excellent for sipping, mixed in cocktails or as a dessert ingredient.

    In stock (61)

  • Patron El Alto Reposado Tequila 750ml

    Patron El Alto Reposado is a limited edition tequila that's crafted with the finest Patron Reposado, Anejo and Extra Anejo Tequilas. These Tequilas are blended together to create an ultra-premium tequila with subtle notes of caramel and vanilla. Smooth, sweet and perfect to the last drop.

    In stock (6)

  • Patron El Cielo Silver Tequila 700ml

    Introducing PATRÓN EL CIELO—a new, prestige silver tequila. Unlocking the naturally sweet flavors of agave while achieving an undeniably light, fresh, and ultra-smooth finish. Distilled four times to unlock 100% naturally sweet and subtle agave flavors, PATRÓN EL CIELO delivers an incomparable taste with an undeniably light, fresh, and ultra-smooth…

    In stock (6)

  • Patron Extra Anejo Tequila 750ml

    A smooth, golden tequila aged in oak barrels for at least three years. COLOR Bright, dark gold AROMA Dry fruits, vanilla & light banana TASTE Fruity with notes of light agave, honey & vanilla FINISH Oak, vanilla & dry fruits

    In stock (7)

  • Patron Reposado Tequila 375ml

    Aged at least two months for smooth taste with a hint of oak flavor. Tasting Notes: COLOR: Light amber tint AROMA: Oak wood and fresh agave TASTE: Fresh agave and oak with notes of fruit citrus and honey FINISH: Light floral and vanilla

    In stock (2)

  • Patron Reposado Tequila 50ml

    Aged in oak barrels for an average of six months, Patrón Reposado is blended to combine the fresh clean taste of Patrón Silver with a hint of the oak flavor found in Patrón Añejo.

    In stock (67)

  • Patron Reposado Tequila 750ml

    In stock (29)

  • Patron Silver Tequila 375ml

    In stock (95)

  • Patron Silver Tequila 1.75L

    Patron Silver is crystal clear, pure ultra premium tequila. This light, fresh tequila is a favorite of tequila connoisseurs worldwide. Many prefer this smooth, soft and light tequila over an aged and slightly oaky flavor. Patron Silver is the perfect ingredient in your favorite margarita or in your favorite mixed…

    In stock (29)

  • Patron Silver Tequila 50ml

    Patrón Silver is handcrafted from the finest 100% Weber Blue Agave and is carefully distilled in small batches at Hacienda Patrón distillery in Jalisco, Mexico to create the perfect super-premium tequila.

    In stock (14)

  • Patron Silver Tequila 750ml

    Patrón Silver is handcrafted from the finest 100% Weber Blue Agave and is carefully distilled in small batches at Hacienda Patrón distillery in Jalisco, Mexico to create the perfect super-premium tequila.

    In stock (85)
