
2875 products
  • Patsch Extraordinary Anejo Tequila 750ml

    Visually: Deep, rich gold with intense blond highlights. Swirled in your favorite vessel, it forms a lovely string of pearls evenly streaming into seductive legs and tears. Aroma: Ripe notes of pear, baked green apple and hints of licorice root. Dense wood notes of toffee, leather, cloves and a heady…

    In stock (3)

  • Patsch Extraordinary Blanco Tequila 750ml

    Visually: Pristine and luminescent with generous legs and tears. Mercurial when swirled in a glass to release its bouquet. Aroma: Enticing lime zest blooms into grapefruit and lemongrass. Slight anise with deep baked agave caresses the center and bottom of the vessel. Loads of character the longer it blooms in…

    In stock (7)

  • Patsch Extraordinary Extra Anejo Tequila 750ml

    Visually: Intense golden color with auburn hues. Gorgeous legs and tears when swirled in your vessel of choice. Aroma: Fine fragrances of deep barrel notes mingle with hints of ripe plums and cherries. Body: Pātsch 7 Year Extra Añejo elevates the full and round complexity of wood layers into a…

    In stock (6)

  • Patsch Extraordinary Reposado Tequila 750ml

    Visually: Light amber; shimmering golden highlights with ample legs and tears.   Aroma: Light orange blossom and sweet wood notes dovetail elegantly with baked agave. Lingering toasted almond and light butterscotch.   Body: Pātsch reposado transforms silky and luxurious into full and round complex layers. Taste: Delightful sweetness from the barrel while…

    In stock (5)

  • Paul Devoille Poire William Grande Reserve Brandy 700ml

    Poire William is an eau de vie made from the Williams pear. Some producers of Poire Williams also include an entire pear inside each bottle, called prisonnière. This is achieved by attaching the bottle to a budding pear tree so that the pear will grow inside it. It is served…

    In stock (16)

  • Paul John Nirvana Unpeated Indian Single Malt Whisky 750ml

    A fruity, lively unpeated single malt from Indian distillery Paul John. Aromas of fruitcake, honeycomb and caramel fill the nose, and the palate offers notes of apricots, raisins, honey, apples and salted caramel.

    In stock (9)

  • Paul Masson Peach Brandy 750ml

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  • Paul Masson Red Berry Brandy 750ml

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  • Paul Masson VS Brandy 1.75L

    A Smooth Sophisticated Brandy Crafted In The European Tradition. Aged In Oak Barrels. Paul Masson VS Is An Award Winning Favorite With A Rich Amber Glow, And Slightly Sweet Taste Profile Featuring Notes Of Caramel And Vanilla.

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  • Paul Masson VS Grand Amber Brandy 750ml

    A Smooth Sophisticated Brandy Crafted In The European Tradition. Aged In Oak Barrels. Paul Masson VS Is An Award Winning Favorite With A Rich Amber Glow, And Slightly Sweet Taste Profile Featuring Notes Of Caramel And Vanilla.

    In stock (146)

  • Paul Masson VS Grande Amber Brandy 200ml

    A Smooth Sophisticated Brandy Crafted In The European Tradition. Aged In Oak Barrels. Paul Masson VS Is An Award Winning Favorite With A Rich Amber Glow, And Slightly Sweet Taste Profile Featuring Notes Of Caramel And Vanilla.

    In stock (88)

  • Paul Masson VS Grande Amber Brandy 375ml

    A Smooth Sophisticated Brandy Crafted In The European Tradition. Aged In Oak Barrels. Paul Masson VS Is An Award Winning Favorite With A Rich Amber Glow, And Slightly Sweet Taste Profile Featuring Notes Of Caramel And Vanilla.

    In stock (52)

  • Paul Masson VSOP Brandy 1.75L

    A picture of craft, VSOP is an ultimate blend of American brandy individually aged at least four years for full flavor and experience. Accessible yet refined, Paul Masson VSOP Brandy is the ideal choice for any drinker that desires moments of value and merit.

    In stock (21)

  • Paul Masson VSOP Brandy 750ml

    In stock (30)

  • Peerless Kentucky Straight Rye American Whiskey 750ml

    Peerless Straight Rye Whiskey is the first offering from Peerless Distilling Co. in 100 years. Founded in 1889, Peerless was shuttered in 1917 to conserve corn during World War I, and was recently revived by founder Henry Kraver’s descendants. Peerless Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey is crafted using American-made equipment. Malted…

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