
2873 products
  • Siesta Key Scooter of the Beach Batch No. 2 Toasted Coconut Rum 750ml

    Limited Edition Batch #2 Scooter of the Beach Note from the makers: Siesta Key Toasted Coconut Rum is hand-crafted in small batches in Sarasota, Florida at our small, artisan distillery. We make our toasted coconut rum by infusing rum with real toasted coconut. We do not use any artificial flavors…

    Out of stock (0)

  • Siesta Key Silver Rum 750ml

    Siesta Key Silver rum is distilled in small batches in Sarasota, Florida. Siesta Key Silver was the winner of the Best in Class medal at the RumXP International Tasting Competition held during the Rum Renaissance festival. Called "smooth as beach glass" by Garden and Gun magazine. Cooking light magazine calls…

    In stock (10)

  • Siesta Key Spiced Rum 750ml

    Note from the makers: Siesta Key Spiced Rum is hand-crafted in small batches in Sarasota, Florida at our small, artisan distillery. We make our spiced rum by infusing rum with real spices and then adding honey for a bit of sweetness. We do not use any artificial flavors or sweeteners…

    In stock (32)

  • Siesta Key Toasted Coconut Rum 750ml

    Dislcaimer: The bottle for Siesta Key has changed. While the outside may be different the Rum inside is still the same. We will add the updated picture as soon as possible.  **** If this item is out of stock, the Limited Edition Batch #2 Scooter of the Beach is the…

    In stock (32)

  • Siete Misterios Doba-Yej Mezcal 750ml

    Introducing Los Siete Misterios Doba Yej Mezcal, a captivating expression that showcases the rich heritage and artisanal craftsmanship of Oaxacan mezcal-making. Available exclusively at Folsom Wine & Spirits, this premium mezcal embodies the dedication and tradition of the Los Siete Misterios distillery. Los Siete Misterios Doba Yej Mezcal is crafted…

    In stock (5)

  • Singleton 12Yr Glendullan Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Our 12 year old single malt scotch whisky is matured in a high proportion of American oak casks with a small portion of European oak casks to balance the liquid. The result is an easy to enjoy single malt with notes of luscious brown sugar, soft cooked apples and creamy…

    In stock (12)

  • New

    Singleton 14yr Autumn Walk Special 2024 Release Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    The Singleton of Glendullan 'Glen Ord 14 Year Special Release 2024' Single Malt Scotch is a captivating expression from the Glen Ord Distillery, nestled in the Highlands of Scotland. This 14-year-old single malt is meticulously matured in first-fill ex-Bourbon casks, with an intriguing twist of partial finishing in Pyrenean and Spanish oak casks. This unique maturation imparts a harmonious blend of fresh and vibrant orchard…

    In stock (6)

  • New

    Singleton 14yr Autumn Walk Special 2024 Release Single Malt Scotch 750ml (Damaged Tube)

    The Singleton of Glendullan 'Glen Ord 14 Year Special Release 2024' Single Malt Scotch is a captivating expression from the Glen Ord Distillery, nestled in the Highlands of Scotland. This 14-year-old single malt is meticulously matured in first-fill ex-Bourbon casks, with an intriguing twist of partial finishing in Pyrenean and Spanish oak casks. This unique maturation imparts a harmonious blend of fresh and vibrant orchard…

    In stock (1)

  • Sipsmith Lemon Drizzle Gin 750ml

    This recipe takes a classic London Dry backbone and layers on sweet, sun-dried lemon peels, lemon verbena for aromatic sweetness on the nose and vapour infused fresh hand peeled lemon for sharp bite and floral notes to dial up the spritz.

    In stock (9)

  • Sipsmith London Dry Gin 750ml

    The quintessential expression of a classic, traditional London Dry Gin. Bold, complex and aromatic – smooth enough for a Martini, yet rich and balanced, perfect for a gin and tonic. The Nose: Floral, summer meadow notes, followed by mellow rounded juniper and zesty, citrus freshness. The Palate: Dry juniper leads,…

    In stock (20)

  • Sipsmith Strawberry Smash Gin 750ml

    Our Limited Edition Strawberry Smash Gin is back for a smashing return, made with real Wimbledon strawberries to capture the very essence of Championship summer sipping.

    In stock (5)

  • Sir Davis Rye Finished in Sherry Casks American Whisky 750ml

    Award-winning American whisky founded by Beyoncé Knowles-Carter and crafted in partnership with Moët Hennessy and five time International Whisky Competition Master Distiller of the Year, Dr. Bill Lumsden. Here the complexity of rye is married with the elegance of malted barley. Finished to perfection in Pedro Ximénez sherry casks, a…

    In stock (10)

  • Six & Twenty Carolina Cream 750ml

    Blended 5-grain bourbon with a rum based cream and several spices. And when you taste it you'll know; this is pure love in a bottle. Fantastic over ice, or in a good cup of coffee.

    In stock (34)

  • Skelly Blanco Tequila 750ml

    In stock (3)

  • Skenderbeu Balle Kazani Skrapari Grape Brandy 1L

    In stock (148)
