
2873 products
  • Stara Kuka Bela Brandy 700ml

    Bela rakija is the traditional spirit of Macedonia, enjoyed for its taste and healing properties for many centuries. This Makedonska Stara Kukja Bela Rakija is distilled from the finest wines and aged in specially constructed, temperature controlled stainless steel vats. This Makedonska Bela Rakija has a crystal clear colour with…

    In stock (8)

  • Stara Sokolova 7Yr Plum Brandy 750ml

    Old Falcon's Slivovitz is produced using traditional, thousand year old methods of growing and processing plums. Distilled by the Bogdanovic estate in small batches, Old Falcon's unique smooth and silky taste is a result of a secret family recipe passed on through seven generations.

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  • Stara Sokolova Dunja Quince Brandy 750ml

    Stara Sokolova Dunja is made from fully ripe quince and is double distilled in old copper stills ensuring a perfect harmony between sweetness and the natural tartness of quince.

    In stock (19)

  • Stara Sokolova Kajsija Apricot Brandy 750ml

    Stara Sokolova Apricot is made from the highest quality heritage apricots from the regions of Western Serbia and Šumadija. The fruit is picked at the peak of the season and double distilled in old copper stills to ensure the final spirit reflects the pure, sweet essence of apricot. Stara Sokolova…

    In stock (14)

  • Stara Sokolova Klekovaca Brandy 750ml

    In stock (11)

  • Stara Sokolova Medovina Plum Brandy 750ml

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  • Stara Sokolova Plum Brandy 750ml

    In stock (18)

  • Stara Sokolova Travka Herbal Brandy 750ml

    As well as being ideal for fruit production, the region of western Serbia around Zlatibor, Tara and Uvac have long been fertile grounds for various herbal plants. Stara Sokolova Travka combines these two natural gifts to produce a spirit that has a full, fruity flavor that sits atop an earthy…

    In stock (10)

  • Stara Sokolova Uzicanka Slijvovica Plum Brandy 1L

    A Serbian Brandy made entirely out of plums.  Similar to Italian Grappa or Rakia from the Balkans.

    In stock (9)

  • Stara Sokolova Viljamovska Williams Pear Brandy 750ml

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  • Starlight Cigar Batch Private Select Barrel Bourbon Finished in Brazilian Amburana Barrels 750ml

    UniversalFWS.com Exclusive Private Select Barrel Carl T. is our signature bourbon named after 4th generation family member, carl Theodore Huber. After 4+ years of aging in new, charred American oak, this small batch was transferred into a Brazilian Amburana barrel. This process provides intense baking spice aromas, sweet vanilla flavor,…

    In stock (196)

  • Stefan Nemanja Rakija OD Kruske Viljamovka Pear Williams Brandy 1L

    Premium fruit brandy, created from selected Viljamovka pear fruits aged in stainless steel, has a crystal clear color. The smell and taste are intensely fruity and balanced with dominant aromas of pear, preserved thanks to production according to a traditional recipe.

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  • Stefan Nemanja Rakija OD Sljive Sljivovica Plum Brandy 1L

    Premium brandy created from the highest quality Ranka and Požegača plums, has a beautiful chestnut color. The smell and taste are typical for this type of brandy, dominated by plum aromas permeated with vanilla tones thanks to the oak barrels in which it was aged.

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  • Stella Rosa Butter Toffee Brandy 750ml

    Indulge in decadence with Stella Rosa Butter Toffee Brandy - a 750ml bottle of rich, creamy goodness and luxurious flavor. Crafted with care and infused with the essence of buttery toffee, this brandy promises a taste sensation like no other. Perfect for savoring on cozy evenings or sharing with loved…

    In stock (3)

  • Stella Rosa Green Apple Wine 750ml

    Stella Rosa Green Apple delights the palate with its semi-sweet Moscato based blend of crisp green apples. The sweetness is Perfectly balanced by its low pH and natural acidity. Stella Rosa Green Apple is a refreshing semi-sparkling wine from the Piedmont region of Northern Italy and is best paired with…

    In stock (7)
