
2872 products
  • Teremana Small Batch Blanco Tequila 1L

    A collaboration between The Rock's Siete Bucks Spirits and Teremana Tequila from Jalisco, Mexico, this unaged tequila is distilled in handmade copper pot stills using 100% Teremana blue Weber agaves.

    In stock (70)

  • Teremana Small Batch Blanco Tequila 375ml

    A collaboration between The Rock's Siete Bucks Spirits and Teremana Tequila from Jalisco, Mexico, this unaged tequila is distilled in handmade copper pot stills using 100% Teremana blue Weber agaves.

    In stock (11)

  • Teremana Small Batch Reposado Tequila 1L

    A collaboration between The Rock's Siete Bucks Spirits and Teremana Tequila from Jalisco, Mexico, this aged tequila is a particularly rich and smooth expression. Expect a rich and smooth taste with bright and fresh citrusy notes, as well as oak and vanilla. Finishes super smooth and rich.

    In stock (56)

  • Teremana Small Batch Reposado Tequila 375ml

    Teremana Tequila is a super premium 100% Blue Weber Agave grown in the Highlands of Jalisco, Mexico. Roasted in authentic brick ovens and distilled in copper pot stills. This process creates a very smooth and fresh finish with hints of vanilla and citrus on the palate.

    In stock (6)

  • Teremana Small Batch Reposado Tequila 750ml

    TASTING NOTES Notes of oak and vanilla with a smooth, rich finish. AGAVE 100% Blue Weber Highlands NOM 1613 ROASTING Brick Oven DISTILLATION Copper Pots CALORIES 96 per 1.5oz CARBOHYDRATES 0g SUGARS 0g CERTIFIED Gluten Free AGING Former Bourbon Barrels

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  • Terry Centenario Brandy 700ml

    Our most iconic spirit and #1 best-selling in Spain within its category. Its solera was created in 1925. Its organoleptic characteristics make it the best ally for coffee, giving it a sweet and intense sparkle.

    In stock (19)

  • The Benriach 10Yr Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    A milestone release from Benriach, this is the first core expression comprising spirit produced predominantly since the 2004 takeover by Billy Walker and his consortium. A classic Speyside whisky.

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  • The Benriach 10Yr The Original Ten Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    The Original Ten encapsulates the signature smooth and multi-layered character of Benriach.  Three cask matured for at least ten years in bourbon barrels, sherry casks and virgin oak, to create layers of luscious orchard fruit, sumptuous honeyed malt and toasted oak, all interwoven with a subtle trace of smoke. The…

    In stock (6)

  • The Benriach 10Yr The Smoky Ten Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    A fruity whisky that shows-off the darker, lesser-known side of Benriach's whisky: peaty and smoky spirit. This ten-year old brings together bourbon and virgin-oak casks with Jamaican-rum casks, for a fruity, smoky and spicy dram.

    In stock (4)

  • The Benriach 12Yr The Smoky Twelve Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Brilliantly peaty 12 year old whisky here from the Benriach Distillery, released as part of its new core range launched in 2020. To create this expression, Dr. Rachel Barrie used a combo of bourbon, sherry and Marsala wine casks, imparting sun-dried fruit and warming festive spice notes to the smoky…

    In stock (1)

  • The Benriach 12Yr The Twelve Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    To make Benriach Twelve, Benriach spirit is three cask matured for at least twelve years in sherry casks, bourbon barrels and port casks. The whisky from each cask is then expertly married together to create a smooth, sherry-rich single malt, layered with baked fruit, maple honey and cocoa, perfectly balanced…

    In stock (4)

  • The Benriach 16Yr The Sixteen Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    After sixteen years of maturation, Benriach develops a richly balanced evolution of our signature Speyside style. Three cask maturation in bourbon, sherry and virgin oak brings layers of stone fruit, smooth creamy malt, wild honey and nutty oak spice. NATURAL CASK-IMPARTED COLOUR     ABV 43%    

    In stock (6)

  • The Botanist 22 Dry Gin 750ml

    The Botanist is a small-batch, artisanal Islay gin we use nine of the classic gin aromatics – orris root, cassia bark, coriander seed, etc – and augment these with a heady harvest of 22 local botanicals, hand-picked by our expert foraging team from the windswept hills, peat bogs and Atlantic…

    In stock (12)

  • The Botanist Distillers Strength Dry Gin 750ml

    Foraged locally and responsibly by our own professional forager. This first and only Islay dry gin is a rare expression of the heart and soul of our remote Scottish island. They are no prescription. They speak of our place, of our seasons, of our spirit. The Botanist is a manifestation…

    In stock (2)

  • The Busker Triple Cask Irish Whiskey

    The Busker Triple Cask Triple Smooth is an extraordinary Blend made with a high-quality Single Grain and a very high percentage of Single Malt and Single Pot Still. It is a beautifully yellow gold colored whiskey with an unmistakable rich body. The nose often leads off with tropical fruits and…

    In stock (3)
