
2859 products
  • Cardenal Mendoza Brandy 750ml

    There is no better way to spend a winter evening then sipping on a nice glass of brandy. Cardinal Mendoza Brandy is produced in Jérez, Spain. Founded in 1781, Cardinal Mendoza is one of the best selling Jérez brandies in the world. Ages 15 to 17 years, this brandy is…

    In stock (8)

  • Caribaya Gold Rum 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Caribaya Rum derives its name from the rich production fields formed around and about the many islands of the Caribbean. It is the salt loaded breeze and the long hours of warm sun that mellows and matures Caribaya Rum.

    In stock (420)

  • Carlos I Imperial XO Gran Reserva Brandy 750ml

    A blend of rare eaux-de-vie make up this Osborne Carlos I Solera Gran Reserva Imperial XO Brandy de Jerez. Some have even matured more than 20 years in American oak casks previously used to age the distillery's own Amontillado and Oloroso Sherry wines.

    In stock (9)

  • Carolans Cold Brew Liqueur 750ml

    A new and unique offering from Carolan’s. A creamy, velvety Irish Cream with added fresh, bold flavors of Cold Brewed coffee. An expressive flavor profile of roasted coffee, chocolate, and nutty nuances.

    In stock (8)

  • Carolans Irish Cream Liqueur 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Ever since its launch in the late 1970s, it has been offering consumers the very best cream liqueur with attractive and distinctive packaging. The same delicious creamy taste that has always attracted fans all over the world.

    In stock (18)

  • Carolans Peanut Butter Irish Cream 750ml

    Carolans Irish Cream, the second largest Irish Cream Liqueur, today launched its latest line extension Carolans Peanut Butter just in time for National Peanut Butter Day. The nutty, creamy flavor is mixed with original Carolans Irish Cream for a rich and delicious combination that is sure to satisfy any consumer’s…

    In stock (13)

  • Carolans Salted Caramel Irish Cream 750ml

    A gorgeous nose of toffee, orange peel, vanilla, luscious caramel engulfs the nostrils. Decadent, creamy caramel rolls across the tongue with a silky texture that hugs the palate, tempered by a kiss of salt. Fantastic as dessert or in an Irish coffee.

    In stock (12)

  • Carpano Botanic Bitter Liqueur 1L

    Carpano Botanic Bitter is the product of a careful selection of ten aromatic herbsthat are infused with traditional method to reach a balanced taste of all the botanical components. The latest addition to the Carpano family is created with the company’s over 230-year-long passion for quality without compromises.

    In stock (1)

  • Carta Vieja Gold Rum 750ml

    Very pale silvery straw color. Aromas of vanilla extract, whipped cream, and praline have a vaporous medicinal Band-Aid like edge and follow through on soft entry to a slightly off-dry light-to-medium body with a wet stone, linen, and hot white pepper snap on the finish. This is a Rum made…

    In stock (7)

  • Casa Del Sol Anejo Tequila 750ml

    This masterfully crafted Tequila is matured for more than 14 months in the same barrel aging process. On the nose, it is elegant, sweet and indulgent, with notes of dark cacao, dried fruit, toasted oak, and vanilla. With each sip, it tastes of toffee, apricot, oak, and chestnut.

    In stock (1)

  • Casa Del Sol Angels Reserve Anejo Tequila Aged in Cognac Barrels 750ml

    An elegant blend of Añejo and Extra Añejo aged in French Oak and XO Cognac barrels. Notes of honey, toffee, butterscotch, and dried fruit marry to create this soft, balanced tequila

    In stock (4)

  • Casa Del Sol Blanco Tequila 750ml

    Blanco was crafted to deliver the pure essence of agave with its smooth and complex body. Complete with pleasant hints of fresh agave, mint and warmed by notes of spice and caramel green apple.

    In stock (1)

  • Casa Dragones Añejo Barrel Blend Tequila 750ml

    Casa Dragones Barrel Blend, 100% Blue Agave Añejo sipping tequila, achieves its distinctive character from being matured in two different wood barrels, new French Oak and new American Oak, each selected for their individual flavor and characteristics. At the end of the aging process, both barrel styles are blended together…

    In stock (3)

  • Casa Dragones Blanco Tequila 750ml

    Named the “Best Blanco Tequila” by Epicurious, Casa Dragones Blanco is a small batch, 100% Pure Blue Agave silver tequila, crafted to deliver the true essence of agave through an innovative process that focuses on purity, for a crisp, smooth taste that is perfect to enjoy on the rocks or…

    In stock (6)

  • Casa Dragones Joven Tequila 750ml

    Casa Dragones is an independent, small batch distiller dedicated to creating an incredibly smooth sipping tequila from high quality blue agave. The harvest for this exceptional spirit is cultivated on an estate 1200 meters above sea level in Jalisco, Mexico, where the combination of soil, climate and altitude provide the…

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