
2859 products
  • Cazadores Reposado Tequila 750ml

    A common tequila where 100% agave quality is desired but money is tight, Cazadores is a solid choice among budget tequilas, though it’s hardly anything out of the ordinary. Cazadores Reposado is a pungent tequila, with intense agave notes. The two months of aging (in new oak barrels) give it…

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  • Cedilla Acai Liqueur 750ml

    Made from Açai, the ‘Berry that Cries,’ Cedilla is a macerated fruit liqueur created at the Maison Leblon in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Expertly blended by Master Distiller Gilles Merlet, Cedilla starts with hand-picked Sambazon Açai berries from the Amazon region in Brazil, macerated and blended with the highest quality alambique…

    In stock (1)

  • Cenote Blanco Tequila 750ml

    Brilliant in color, this lively Cenote™ Blanco tequila is packed with bright citrus and pepper on the nose. Continuous flavor of rich, cooked agave, spices, subtle wood, and green vegetables, are a result of mellowing the spirt in American Oak barrels for three weeks.

    In stock (35)

  • Chambord Raspberry Liqueur 375ml

    Rich ruby red hue. Sweet raspberry jam aromas follow faithfully on the thick, sweet, somewhat syrupy palate. This would be outstanding over vanilla ice cream, or as a dessert in itself." Reviewed by: Beverage Testing Institute

    In stock (2)

  • Chambord Raspberry Liqueur 50ml

    Rich ruby red hue. Sweet raspberry jam aromas follow faithfully on the thick, sweet, somewhat syrupy palate. This would be outstanding over vanilla ice cream, or as a dessert in itself." Reviewed by: Beverage Testing Institute

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  • Chambord Raspberry Liqueur 700ml

    We start with the first infusion by extracting all the delicious juices from our blackberries, raspberries and blackcurrants. The juices are then mixed with the finest French spirits and left for four weeks to infuse and unlock the rich flavor. The berries are then ready for their second infusion. In…

    In stock (9)

  • Chartreuse Vegetal De La Grande Chartreuse Liqueur 100ml

    The preparation of the Herbal Elixir requires several weeks and is done in three stages: distillation to obtain the aroma, maceration which gives the natural color and extraction which makes it possible to collect the beneficial properties of the 130 plants, flowers, bark, roots and spices that compose it. Its…

    In stock (9)

  • Chartreuse Yellow Liqueur 750ml

    The Chartreuse Order of the Carthusian monks was founded in 1084, which makes it one of the oldest religious orders in Christianity. The Order was more than 500 years old when, in 1605, they received a special gift: a manuscript titled "An Elixir of Long Life". A long and complex…

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  • Chattanooga 111 Proof Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Tennessee High Malt Proof: 111 (55.5% ABV) Mash Bill: Yellow Corn, Malted Rye, Caramel Malted Barley and Honey Malted Barley Fermentation: Extended 7 days Cooperage: Toasted and charred oak barrels Age: Greater than 2 years Handcrafted from a single fermentation in small batches, Chattanooga Whiskey 111 Cask is the unfiltered,…

    In stock (14)

  • Chattanooga 91 Proof Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Tennessee High Malt is our rich, malt-forward approach to bourbon. Made from the finest malted grains, each step of our process has been crafted to highlight the complexity of these ingredients. Our signature Tennessee High Malt recipe – known to our distillers as “Barrel 91” – was selected from the…

    In stock (24)

  • Chattanooga 95 Proof Russian River Pinot Cask Finished Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Our limited edition finishing series celebrates the union of Tennessee High Malt into a variety of classic finishing casks. Crafted from a combination of unique mash bills – each containing at least 25% specialty malt - each batch is made to complement the flavor characteristics of the finishing barrel. For…

    In stock (3)

  • Chattanooga Bottled In Bond 100 Proof Whiskey 750ml

    Bottled in Bond is a single-season, vintage-dated expression of our Tennessee High Malt style. Each vintage is crafted from a wide selection of unique bourbon mash bills - all made within the same distilling season - and each comprised of at least 25% specialty malted grains. The result is an…

    In stock (10)

  • Chattanooga Straight Rye Malt Whiskey 750ml

    Tennessee Rye Malt is our rich, malt-forward approach to rye. Inspired by one of our Experimental Distillery’s first batches of whiskey, our version of this rare and flavorful style was made from an abundance of slow toasted and drum roasted rye malt. The result is a bold reinvention of rye,…

    In stock (9)

  • Chicken Cock Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Distilled, aged, and bottled in Kentucky, Chicken Cock Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey has a rich, elegant mahogany hue; a nose which balances oak tones with sweet notes of dried fruit, caramel, and vanilla; and a palate that opens with soft tannins. A creamy, almost buttery mouthfeel is complemented by butterscotch…

    In stock (4)

  • Chila Orchata Cinnamon Rum Cream 750ml

    Made with rum imported from the Virgin Islands with cinnamon and real dairy cream. Quality ingredients combine to create a decadent, yet refreshing taste experience. Tastes great straight, on the rocks or mixed with sodas and other spirits.

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