
2857 products
  • Clase Azul San Luis Potosi Mezcal 750ml

    Inspired by legendary tales from San Luis Potosí, the spirit and decanter of our newest icon capture the essence of this state’s desert slopes and valleys.  Its mezcal is made with green agave, a plant native to the deserts in the state of San Luis Potosí.

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  • Clase Azul Ultra Tequila 750ml

    Clase Azul Tequila Ultra is the crown jewel of our portfolio, with an exquisite tequila and decanter exclusively designed for collectors around the world. From the agave fields to bottling, this is a journey nearly 14 years in the making. The incredible liquid spends five years aging, first in American…

    In stock (8)

  • Clermont Steep American Single Malt Whiskey 750ml

    We put our mash bill of a 100% American Malted Barley through our centuries-old process. The result? An entirely different flavor profile in American Whiskey. Relentless focus on malted barley reveals its hidden notes of toffee, vanilla, caramel, whole grain, and so much more. When there’s only one grain in…

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  • Clynelish 12Yr Special Release 2022 Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    Clynelish 12 Year Old Highland single malt Scotch whisky "The Wildcats Golden Gaze". Double matured in PX & Oloroso Sherry casks bottled for the Diageo Special Releases 2022 series entitled "Legends Untold Chapter 2". Creamy top notes soon give way to light yet complex fruity and herbal aromas; subtle, understated…

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  • Clynelish 14Yr Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    This is a superb example of what Clynelish can produce even at younger age. The balance is sublime and the mouthfeel is perfectly rounded. A great 14 year old Highland malt, quite coastal too. Tasting Notes:  Nose: Zesty, mandarin, tangerine. Smoky. Palate: Quite light, great clarity. Orange, soft acidity. Dry…

    In stock (8)

  • Code Mango Tango Rum 750ml

    Sweet and loaded with the robust flavor of fresh ripe mangos. Florida's premium 70 proof, pot still, handcrafted mango flavored rum. Best used for mango mojitos, daiquiris, punches and margarita's.

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  • Codigo 1530 Anejo Tequila 750ml

    Código 1530 Añejo is a private recipe refined over many generations by an artisan distilling family in Amatitán. Aged for 18 months in the finest Napa Cabernet French White Oak barrels.

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  • Codigo 1530 Blanco Tequila 750ml

    An unrested tequila. We take pride in every step of our production process, carefully sourcing only the best ingredients to produce a spirit that requires no resting. Like many tequila aficionados, we recommend this expression as the true natural taste of our storied terrior.

    In stock (108)

  • Codigo 1530 George Strait Honky Tonk Time Machine Anejo Tequila 750ml

    Codigo 1530 Anejo has been lauded by Tequila experts as the finest Anejo tequila available. This Anejo is a private recipe refined over many generations by an artisan distilling family in Amatitan. Aged for 18 months in the finest Napa Cabernet French White Oak barrels. Refined, elegant and expressive –…

    In stock (4)

  • Codigo 1530 Origen Extra Anejo Tequila 750ml

    Código 1530 Origen is aged with care for six years in the most exquisite French White Oak Napa Valley Cabernet wine barrels, placing it among the world’s most decadent añejos. Our Origen marries the bright agave flavors of tequila and the rich, warm notes of a fine cognac or aged…

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  • Codigo 1530 Reposado Tequila 750ml

    Rested for 6 months in Napa Valley Cabernet French White Oak wine barrels. Great choice for tequila-drinking whiskey fans. As a lightly rested Tequila, it is also ideal for cocktails like the Hombre Old Fashioned.

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  • Codigo 1530 Rosa Tequila 750ml

    From the makers: Código 1530 Rosa begins with the purity of our Blanco, then is rested for 1 month in uncharred Napa Cabernet French White Oak barrels. The result is a refined spirit with a natural color as beautiful as its taste. Our Rosa has rested just long enough in…

    In stock (13)

  • Cointreau Noir Liqueur 700ml

    Cointreau Noir is a blend of Cointreau orange liqueur and Rémy Martin cognac. The freshness of Cointreau’s orange flavor with the velvety smooth caress of cognac make it a great alternative to premium dark spirits. Sophisticated aromas such as a notes of spice, vanilla, honey, nuts, almonds and gingerbread, give…

    In stock (17)

  • Cointreau Noir Liqueur 750ml

    Cointreau Noir is a blend of Cointreau orange liqueur and Rémy Martin cognac. The freshness of Cointreau’s orange flavor with the velvety smooth caress of cognac make it a great alternative to premium dark spirits. Sophisticated aromas such as a notes of spice, vanilla, honey, nuts, almonds and gingerbread, give…

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  • New

    Cointreau Orange Liqueur 1L

    Cointreau, the crystal clear Orange Liqueur, founded in Angers, France, remains one of the world's most distinguished spirits with over 160 years of history. Renowned for its perfect balance of 100% all natural sweet and bitter orange peels, Cointreau has a uniquely refreshing and complex taste. A versatile, 80 proof…

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