
2857 products
  • Corralejo Reposado Tequila 750ml

    Corralejo is known for its innovative techniques that date back to 1775 when the distillery first began producing tequila in Guanajuato. This reposado is aged 4 months in 3 different types of casks - French, American and white oak - to impart a variety of characteristics to this matured spirit.

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  • Costa Cafe Tequila 750ml

    Costa Tequila Café is a wonderful blend of premium blanco tequila and 100% Mexican coffee beans. This handcrafted product contains a rich coffee flavor with notes of caramel and vanilla, is exceptionally smooth and emits the perfect amount of sweetness. Costa Tequila Café, at 35% ABV or 70 proof, can…

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  • Courvoisier VS Cognac 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Courvoisier VS cognac is a blend of several crus aged between three and seven years, composed principally of Fins Bois with a balancing hand of Petite Champagne. The fusion of younger and older cognacs gives Courvoisier VS a fruity, delicate taste…

    In stock (54)

  • Courvoisier VS Cognac 375ml

    Courvoisier proudly boast their Cognac as that of Napoleon. It all started when Napoleon took hundreds of bottles of Courvoisier Cognac for his years of exile. Napoleon told Emmanuel Courvoisier that whilst he could be given the Hennessy or the Cristal, or indeed the Remy, it was the Courvoisier he…

    In stock (61)

  • Courvoisier VS Cognac 750ml

    Courvoisier proudly boast their Cognac as that of Napoleon. It all started when Napoleon took hundreds of bottles of Courvoisier Cognac for his years of exile. Napoleon told Emmanuel Courvoisier that whilst he could be given the Hennessy or the Cristal, or indeed the Remy, it was the Courvoisier he…

    In stock (183)

  • Courvoisier VSOP Cognac 750ml

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  • CR&F Aguardente Velha Reserva 750ml

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  • Cragganmore 12Yr Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    In stock (11)

  • Creme De Violette Violet Liqueur 750ml

    For well over a century Crème de Violette has been an indispensible component to classic cocktails such as the Aviation and Blue Moon and champagne cocktail programs. This violet liqueur imparts a delicate floral nose and taste along with the stunning color of violets. The Rothman and Winter Crème de…

    In stock (10)

  • Creyente Azul Anejo Cristalino Mezcal 750ml

    Born from fire and oak, Creyente Cristalino Añejo begins its journey in the mineral-rich soils of the Valles Centrales and Sierra Sur regions of Oaxaca, Mexico. Only the finest Espadín and Cuishe agaves are handpicked at peak maturity, before being cooked in underground pit ovens using traditional methods. The perfectly…

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  • Cristal Aguardiente 750ml

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  • Cristal Sin Azucar Aguardiente 750ml

    Sugarfree. This beautiful crystal clear spirits is soft, clean, and creamy with a silky mouth-feel. 0% Sugar and offers excellent mix ability in a variety of cocktails. A rich tasting rum with toasty aromas of light toffee and hints of chocolate, honey and molasses.

    In stock (6)

  • Croizet VS Cognac 750ml

    Tasting Notes: Fresh tea leaves, cigar box, and warm baking spices are abundant on the nose. The palate is elegant but complex, offering subtle flavors of tobacco, dried plum, and raisins. Long and pleasant finish.

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  • Cromwell’s Royal Blended Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Cromwell's Royal is a blended Scotch whiskey matured in an oak barrel for at least 3 years, with a beautiful amber color. Smoky and malty notes set the tone in a well-balanced aroma. A harmonious blended whiskey with grain, fruity notes and hints of raisins and honey. The aftertaste is…

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  • Crop Organic Cucumber Vodka 750ml

    Essence of freshly sliced cucumber is evident in every sip of this totally organic vodka. The grain is harvested from fertile, healthy soil that's free of artificial fertilizers, pesticides and chemicals. Then it's distilled so efficiently that no carbon treatment or charcoal filtering is required. Certified USDA Organic, try Crop…

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