
2850 products
  • Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge Orange and Cognac Liqueur 375ml

    The history of Cordon Rouge is inextricably linked to that of Grand Marnier. One day, Louis-Alexandre had the inspiration to blend cognac, the finest of all spirits and the pride of southwestern France since the seventeenth century, with aromatic orange essence. He took more than a decade to create, improve,…

    In stock (6)

  • Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge Orange and Cognac Liqueur 750ml

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  • Grand Marnier Cuvee Louis Alexandre Liqueur 750ml

    Grand Marnier's special edition Cuvée Louis Alexandre was created in honor of the founder of the house Marnier Lapostolle, the producer of the world's famous Grand Marnier liqueur cognac. This liqueur is at 40% ABV alcohol (70 Proof in UK, 80 Proof in US). Louis-Alexandre is an exclusive blend of…

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  • Grande Absente Liqueur 750ml

    Grande Absente is an authentic absinthe, made after the original recipe with only the best botanicals, including fresh anise, lemon balm, star anise, mint, mugwort and other herbal

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  • Grants Blended Scotch Whiskey 1.75L

    The Grant family motto is ‘Stand Fast.’ Five generations later and still producing world class whisky, we stand by our words with our patiently crafted flagship whisky. Complex, clean with aromas of ripe pear and summer fruits. Balances vanilla sweetness with malty and light floral fragrances on the palate. Long…

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  • Grants Cask Cask Editions Ale Cask Finish No 1 Blended Scotch Whiskey 750ml

    A blended whisky from Glenfiddich's owner William Grant & Sons. The whisky was finished in strong Edinburgh ale casks, very malty. Now it comes with new packaging. Very handsome... Tasting Notes: The nose is of medium-body and quite smooth, there are some herbal notes and a little sweetness, something vegetal…

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  • Gray Whale Gin 750ml

    Gray Whale Gin delivers a taste of California with savory, local, and sustainable botanical infusions. This Brand Battle winner may become your perfect cocktail companion.

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  • Green River Full Proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Green River Full Proof is a small batch of select barrels, blended and bottled at barrel strength. It offers a robust flavor profile that can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or in your favorite cocktail.

    In stock (9)

  • Green River Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Green River Straight Bourbon is crafted on the historic Green River campus in Owensboro, Kentucky. Over its storied past, numerous brands have been made there, including Ezra Brooks, Mellow Corn, Medley Brothers, Old Medley, Five Brothers, and Kentucky Beau. According to Green River, Terressentia Corporation purchased the distillery in 2014…

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  • Green River Kentucky Straight Rye Whiske 750ml

    Green River’s Rye with its easy-drinking appeal and memorable finish dazzles on its own or punches through in a cocktail. This Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey is a blend of hand-selected 4 to 6 year old barrels, bottled at 95 proof, and boasts rich color and flavor. 95% Rye, 5% Malted…

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  • Green River Kentucky Straight Wheated Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Green River Straight Bourbon is crafted on the historic Green River campus in Owensboro, Kentucky. Over its storied past, numerous brands have been made there, including Ezra Brooks, Mellow Corn, Medley Brothers, Old Medley, Five Brothers, and Kentucky Beau. According to Green River, Terressentia Corporation purchased the distillery in 2014…

    In stock (7)

  • Green Spot Chateau Leoville Barton Finished in Bordeaux Wine Casks Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey 750ml

    The first ever single pot still Irish whiskey finished in Bordeaux casks! The choice of Bordeaux wine is also significant - Ch. Léoville Barton is not only a highly-regarded grand cru Château, but one that takes it's name from the Irish 'Wine Geese' winemaker Thomas Barton. In fact, Léoville Barton…

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  • Green Spot Single Pot Still Chateau Montelena Finished In Zinfandel Wine Cask Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Distinctive, salmon color with notes of marshmallow, and hints of Montelena Zinfandel! Nose: Excellent, Irish pot still base. Honeysuckle, briar, spicy berry of zinfandel comes through. Palate: Smooth, almond, perfume, hint of apricot. Finish: Cereal grain finish with stone fruit; malty.

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  • Green Spot Single Pot Still Irish Whisky 750ml

    A wonderful single pot still whiskey, Green Spot is fabulous stuff, and much loved by the critics. Nose: Hints of peppermint, malt, sweet barley, sugary porridge, creamy vanilla, papaya and citrus. Palate: Spicy and soft, gentle bourbon oak, green woods, menthol, potpourri. Finish: Creamy, long finish, vanilla.

    In stock (41)

  • Grey Coast Irish Whiskey 700ml

    Grey Coast Irish Whiskey is a collaboration between professional golfer Graeme McDowell and family-owned Boann Distillery located just north of Dublin, Ireland. Grey Coast Irish Whiskey is crafted using a unique combination of casks and whiskey styles that give Grey Coast its inviting and unforgettable flavor profile. The Virgin American…

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