
2850 products
  • Hennessy VS Cognac 50ml

    The world's most popular Cognac, Hennessy V.S is the modern-day equivalent of the original Hennessy 3-Star. It is an expression of expertise and consistency, centuries in the making. Tasting Notes: Intense character and full-bodied flavors, V.S reveals its liveliness whether enjoyed neat, on ice, or with a mixer.

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  • Hennessy VS Cognac 750ml

    Hennessy is the best-selling cognac in the world and US run by Hennessy family (8 generations) & Fillioux family master blenders (7 generations). Blended using eaux-de-vie from Cognac’s top 4 regions. Each batch of wine is double-distilled to achieve the most flavorful, elegant eaux-de-vie possible. Hennessy also possesses the finest…

    In stock (326)

  • Hennessy VSOP Privilege Cognac 200ml

    Hennessy V.S.O.P Privilège is a well balanced cognac, the expression of 200 years of Hennessy craft. The fruit of nature’s uncertainties, this unique blend has tamed the elements to embody the original concept of cognac. Each sip reveals new facets of its personality. The savoir-faire of the Maison of Hennessy…

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  • Hennessy VSOP Privilege Cognac 750ml

    Hennessy V.S.O.P Privilège is a well balanced cognac, the expression of 200 years of Hennessy craft. The fruit of nature’s uncertainties, this unique blend has tamed the elements to embody the original concept of cognac. Each sip reveals new facets of its personality. The savoir-faire of the Maison of Hennessy…

    In stock (62)

  • Hennessy XO Cognac 375ml

    Each time you taste Hennessy X.O, you go on a journey. Seven tasting notes, like seven unique worlds to explore. Seven oneiric stories to convey the incredible richness and complexity of this cognac. A richness contained in each and every drop of Hennessy X.O. Welcome to Ridley Scott’s take on…

    In stock (6)

  • Hennessy XO Cognac 750ml

    In 1870, Maurice Hennessy created Hennessy X.O for his circle of friends and introduced a new style of cognac.  Hennessy X.O is the Original, the emblematic icon of the Hennessy Maison. Deep and powerful, the eaux-de-vie of this Hennessy X.O cognac are aged in young barrels and marked out by…

    In stock (15)

  • Hennessy XO Kim Jones Edition Cognac 750ml

    The collaboration features a limited edition ‘ready-to-wear’ version of the masterpiece carafe specially imagined by Kim Jones. The Hennessy X.O Limited Edition, encased in an aluminum second skin, stays true to the iconic shape of Hennessy X.O while evoking a couture silhouette. In 1870, Maurice Hennessy, a 4th-generation member of…

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  • Henry McKenna 10Yr Single Barrel Bottled In Bond Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    This high proof, Bottled-in-Bond Bourbon was named for Henry McKenna, the Irish immigrant who adapted his family's whiskey recipe to work with the grains he found in Kentucky. Henry McKenna is one of the longest aged Bottled-in-Bond whiskeys available today, resting in the barrel through 40 Kentucky seasons. Critics agree…

    In stock (5)

  • Herradura Anejo Tequila 750ml

    This Tequila neatly balances flavors of wood and cooked agave, with vanilla, caramel, and hints of coffee; creating a beautiful bouquet of flavors in the mouth and confirming the aroma. Its color is a bright yet dark amber color with and hints of gold, a result of the aging process.…

    In stock (9)

  • Herradura Aniversario 150 Madurado Cien Meses Extra Anejo Tequila 750ml

    Tequila Herradura 150 Aniversario Limited Production One Time Offering. In honor of our 150th Anniversary, we proudly present Tequila Herradura Aniversario - a 100 month aged Extra Añejo. Made from time honored traditional methods, we aged the finest Blue Weber Agave for 100 months in American White Oak barrels creating…

    In stock (1)

  • Herradura Blanco Tequila 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Tequila Herradura Silver is a tequila that is barrel aged for 45 days beyond industry standards. The prolonged aging process in American white oak barrels results in a light straw-colored tequila liquor with a robust aroma full of fruit and cooked…

    In stock (4)

  • Herradura Blanco Tequila 750ml

    Tequila Herradura Silver is a 100% agave tequila blanco that is barrel-aged for 45 days beyond industry standards for a distinctly sweet taste of agave with subtle oak notes. Enjoy this silver tequila neat, on the rocks or in cocktails like a Margarita or Paloma.

    In stock (19)

  • Herradura Legend Anejo Tequila 750ml

    Tequila Herradura Legend is a unique Añejo tequila. made from the finest 100% blue agave, naturally fermented, distilled and then matured for 14 months in heavily charred, new American White Oak barrels. These special barrels have been deeply grooved, exposing the tequila to more layers of toasted oak, as it…

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  • Herradura Reposado Tequila 1L

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  • Herradura Reposado Tequila 750ml

    Unveiled in 1974, the Herradura Reposado rests in charred American White Oak casks for a full nine-months, beyond industry-standards. This award-winning original strikes a harmonious balance between heady depth and crisp flavor.

    In stock (12)
