280 products
Dictador 20Yr Rum 750ml
Dictador 20 Years Rum is made from the fermentation of virgin sugar cane honey, distilled partly in copper alembic and partly in steel continuous column, to achieve a medium body rum. It’s then aged in pre-used oak barrels and finally bottled under the highest quality control to ensure all the…$59.99Out of stock (0)
Dictador XO Perpetual Rum 750ml
Dictador XO Perpetual Rum is made from the fermentation of unique virgin sugar cane honey, distilled in an antique alembic copper still, then aged in the highest quality pre-used oak barrels from ex-bourbon. Dictador uses their family’s traditional method which the master blender conceives with all their skills and senses.…$99.99In stock (5)
Diplomatico Ambassador Selection Rum 750ml
Distilled from sugarcane and aged for up to twelve years, the history of Ron Diplomático Reserva Exclusiva can be traced back to the 19th century when Don Juancho Nieto Melendez, a legendary figure in the history of Venezuela, began distilling rum near Hacienda Botucal. Inspired by the 18th-century distiller Don…$259.99Out of stock (0)
Diplomatico Mantuano Extra Anejo Rum 750ml
Mantuano is the replacement for Diplomatico's Reserva rum. 'Mantuano', meaning 'nobleman', reflects Don Juancho's status and his passion for travel and the discovery of new spirits, mainly rums. Don Juancho is present on each of Diplomatico's rums. Aged for up to eight years, Mantuano is a blend of Column, Batch…$22.99In stock (4)
Diplomatico Planas Rum 750ml
Planas is the replacement for Diplomatico's Blanco Reserva. Aged for six years, the same as its predecessor, the strength has been upped to 47%. The result is a rich and chewy rum with notes of cappuccino and a nutty finish.$22.99In stock (10)
Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva Rum 750ml
A refined and elegant blend of exclusive rum reserves masterfully crafted. It boast aromas of orange peel, toffee and licorice, giving this refined rum a signature smooth taste. Marrying a unique body with excellent balance, this multi-award winning rum** is a true reference for fine spirits lovers throughout the world.…$32.99In stock (23)
Diplomatico Seleccion de Familia Exclusiva Rum 750ml
Rich, dark and intense. Stewed orange flesh, charred peel and fruity jelly are backed up by singed caramel. As it sits in the glass, lighter sweet and floral notes develop rose, honeysuckle and sweet barley sugar as well as darker fruit and soft, sweet spice.$45.99In stock (5)
Don Q Cristal Rum 1.75L
*This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Unlike most clear rums, Don Q uses a multiple distillation system to produce a cleaner, more refined, and more delicate flavor profile. So a Cristal drink will sip smoother than a drink made with another rum. It’s then aged for 1½…$20.99In stock (35)
Don Q Gold Rum 1.75L
*This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Don Q Gold is a favorite of those searching for a classic rum taste. With a similar production process to Cristal—but more flavor to punch up a traditional rum cocktail—it’s a blend of rums aged 1½ to 5 years, smooth, and…$20.99In stock (39)
Don Q Limon Rum 1.75L
*This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Some take lemons and make them into lemonade. We take island key limes and turn them into Limón. How? Through a process of infusing tangy citrus and natural essential flavor into our rum aged 1 to 1½ years. If you love…$20.99In stock (50)
Dos Maderas 5+3 Double Aged Rum 750ml
A blend of 5-year-old Bajon and Guyanese Rum that rest for an additional 3 years in casks of 20-year-old Palo Cortado. Elegant notes of deep amber rum, with rich hints of pecan, vanilla and smoky oak. The palate is balanced with ripe fruit and tropical spice, layered over smoky oak…$29.99Out of stock (0)
Dos Maderas 5+5 Triple Aged Rum 750ml
Dos Maderas is composed of exclusive rooms from Barbados and Guyana. When the master blender has assembled the desired mixture, the room is first stored for 5 years on the oak barrel in the Caribbean. After this part of the storage process, the mixture is sailed across the Atlantic, to…$39.99In stock (3)
Dos Maderas Double Aged Luxus Bodegas Williams and Humbert Limited Edition Rum 700ml
An interesting limited edition rum from the folks at Dos Maderas. A blend of rums from Barbados and Guyana, matured for 10 years in the Caribbean before shipping to Spain for further maturation of five years in sherry casks that previously contained Don Guido, an incredible 20 year old sherry.…$154.99In stock (2)