
961 products
  • Clermont Steep American Single Malt Whiskey 750ml

    We put our mash bill of a 100% American Malted Barley through our centuries-old process. The result? An entirely different flavor profile in American Whiskey. Relentless focus on malted barley reveals its hidden notes of toffee, vanilla, caramel, whole grain, and so much more. When there’s only one grain in…

    In stock (2)

  • Compass Box Limited Edition Flaming Heart Blended Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    The whisky inspired by a rock song - remixed. This is our seventh edition of Flaming Heart, the whisky that revels in the harmonies between heavy peat and toasted French oak. Imagine Metallica with a backing orchestra, and you’re getting close. With the best bands, each album is an opportunity…

    In stock (1)

  • Compass Box The Extinct Blends Quartet Limited Edition Blended Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Bottles of Scotch whisky are time capsules. Even more than single malts, blends can reflect the production methods and philosophies that prevailed in Scotland during specific eras. Scotch is constantly evolving, and blends aggregate these trends and adaptations. Fashions change, and formulae follow suit. Blended whiskies of the 1970s, '80s…

    In stock (4)

  • Copper Dog Speyside Blended Malt Scotch Whiskey 750ml

    This superb whisky combines eight single malts aged in a mixture of ex-American and European oak caks and first fill Bourbon casks. Blended by master blender Stuart Morrison and married in hogshead, it perfectly highlights the character and experience of Speyside.

    In stock (2)

  • Cromwell’s Royal Blended Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Cromwell's Royal is a blended Scotch whiskey matured in an oak barrel for at least 3 years, with a beautiful amber color. Smoky and malty notes set the tone in a well-balanced aroma. A harmonious blended whiskey with grain, fruity notes and hints of raisins and honey. The aftertaste is…

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  • Crown Royal 12Yr Reserve Blended Canadian Whiskey 750ml

    Indulge in the refined and luxurious flavors of Crown Royal Reserve 12 Year Old. This distinguished Canadian whisky is a new addition to the Crown Royal lineup, now featuring a 12-year age statement. Bottled at 40% ABV, Crown Royal Reserve 12 Year Old offers a sophisticated and smooth drinking experience…

    In stock (14)

  • Crown Royal 18Yr Extra Rare Canadian Blended Whisky 750ml

    The pinnacle of blending, offering unparalleled complexity and a spectrum of flavor. Made in our home of Gimli, Manitoba, this exceptional liquid has been patiently aged to perfection for no less than eighteen years. The crown jewel of some of our rarest stocks, this elegant amber whisky has layers of…

    In stock (3)

  • Crown Royal 23Yr Golden Apple Whisky 750ml

    You’d never imagine that a high-end flavored whisky aged 23 years could be filled with such bold flavor... but Crown Royal Golden Apple has rewritten the rules. An exquisite blend of whiskies aged 23 years and the taste of golden delicious apples, paired with decadent notes of creamy vanilla, toasted…

    In stock (2)

  • Crown Royal 31Yr Extra Rare Canadian Whisky 750ml

    Crown Royal 31-Year-Old Extra Rare Whiskey is the latest release in Crown Royal's prestigious Royal Series. This limited edition spirit embodies the patient craftsmanship and commitment to excellence that Crown Royal is renowned for. Aged for over three decades, this exceptional whiskey is a testament to the journey of time,…

    In stock (5)

  • Crown Royal Black 90 Proof Canadian Blended Whisky 750ml

    A rich and flavorful blend of Canadian whisky. All the signature smoothness of Crown Royal, matured in charred oak barrels and blended at a higher proof for a richer texture and bold finish.

    In stock (38)

  • Crown Royal Black Blended Canadian Whisky 1.75L

    A rich and flavorful blend of Canadian whisky. All the signature smoothness of Crown Royal, matured in charred oak barrels and blended at a higher proof for a richer texture and bold finish. Item may not come as pictured with box.

    In stock (28)

  • Crown Royal Blackberry Canadian Blended Whisky

    Indulge in the luscious fusion of flavor with Crown Royal Blackberry Canadian Whisky—a tantalizing expression that transforms the classic into something extraordinary. Encased in a regal 750ml bottle, this Canadian Whisky is a testament to Crown Royal's commitment to innovation and taste. As you pour, the deep purple hue of…

    In stock (2)

  • New

    Crown Royal Blackberry Canadian Blended Whisky 375ml

    Indulge in the luscious fusion of flavor with Crown Royal Blackberry Canadian Whisky—a tantalizing expression that transforms the classic into something extraordinary. Encased in a regal 750ml bottle, this Canadian Whisky is a testament to Crown Royal's commitment to innovation and taste. As you pour, the deep purple hue of…

    In stock (42)

  • Crown Royal Canadian Blended Whisky 200ml

    Crown Royal Deluxe is the standard of excellence for Canadian whisky. It is an extraordinary blend of our finest whiskies, matured to perfection.

    In stock (37)

  • Crown Royal Canadian Blended Whisky 375ml

    Crown Royal Deluxe is the standard of excellence for Canadian whisky. It is an extraordinary blend of 50 full-bodied Canadian whiskies, matured to perfection. Tasting Notes: NOSE: Rich and robust, with slight hints of vanilla and fruit. PALATE: Delicately smooth and creamy with hints of oak and the sweet flavor…

    In stock (9)
