
961 products
  • Glenfiddich 12Yr Single Malt Scotch 50ml

    Flowing in the Valley of the Deer since 1887, our family’s signature expression is the world’s most awarded single malt Scotch whisky. With a unique freshness from the same Highland spring water we’ve used since 1887, its distinctive fruitiness comes from the high cut point William Grant always insisted upon.…

    In stock (13)

  • Glenfiddich 12Yr Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    Flowing in the Valley of the Deer since 1887, our family’s signature expression is the world’s most awarded single malt Scotch whisky. With a unique freshness from the same Highland spring water we’ve used since 1887, its distinctive fruitiness comes from the high cut point William Grant always insisted upon.…

    In stock (9)

  • Glenfiddich 14Yr Bourbon Barrel Reserve Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

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  • Glenfiddich 15Yr Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    In stock (19)

  • Glenfiddich 18Yr Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    OAK, BAKED APPLE, CINNAMON ABV 40%, 70CL Fine Spanish Oloroso wood and American oak are used to mature this rich, intriguingly fruity and robust oak expression, but there are many more reasons why this expression is special.   Every batch is individually numbered and carefully watched over. Each has extraordinary…

    In stock (3)

  • Glenfiddich 19Yr Special Reserve Barrel Bourbon Matured Edition Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Glenfiddich 19 Year Old 'Ex-Bourbon' Single Malt Scotch Whisky hails from Speyside, Scotland, home to one of the most renowned distilleries in the world. As part of Glenfiddich’s premium range, this 19-year-old expression is entirely matured in American ex-bourbon casks, allowing it to capture the influence of the oak while…

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  • Glenfiddich 21Yr Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    Patiently matured for 21 years on‐site at the distillery, it is an exquisite, traditional Speyside whisky, rich and ripe with our Glenfiddich signature notes. But rather than bottle it, as other distillers would, our Malt Master, Brian Kinsman, hand picks selected barrels and adds a sublime finishing touch. By finishing…

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  • Glenfiddich 23Yr Grand Cru Single Malt Scotch Whiskey 750ml

    Official bottling from Glenfiddich Distillery 23-year-old single malt Scotch whisky Cuvée cask finish Alcohol: 40% ABV

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  • Glenfiddich 29Yr Grand Yozakura Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    This limited-edition Glenfiddich is the first Single Malt Scotch whisky finished in Japanese Awamori casks. This rare whisky has spent 29 years maturing in American and Oak casks at the Glenfiddich distillery before being finished in rare Japanese Awamori Casks to give it an unforgettable taste. ABV: 45.1%, 750 ML

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  • Glenfiddich 30Yr Single Malt Scotch Whisky

    An exceptional expression that has spent at least 30 years in Spanish Oloroso and American Bourbon Oak. Every cask nosed, selected and married by our Malt Master.  For the finest balance of hearty oak and honeyed warmth. A 30 year old with deep, layered flavors and a masterful finish. Handcrafted…

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  • Glenglassaugh Sandend Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 700ml

    Indulge in the smooth and rich flavors of Glenglassaugh Sandend Single Malt Scotch Whisky. Crafted with exceptional care and expertise, this whisky is a true masterpiece that will delight even the most discerning whisky connoisseurs. The unique combination of flavors, including hints of oak, honey, and vanilla, creates a truly…

    In stock (4)

  • Glenkinchie 27Yr The Floral Treasure 2023 Special Release Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Glenkinchie 27 Year Old “The Floral Treasure” Special Release 2023 is one of the oldest Glenkinchies ever bottled. Matured in American and European oak barrels, whose light features are remarkably unmarked by age, wears a coat of rich spices while its grassy heart still beats inside. A magnificent floral bouquet…

    In stock (2)

  • Glenkinchie The Distillers Edition Single Malt Scotch Whisky Double Matured in Amontillado Seasoned American Oak Casks 750ml

    Founded in 1837 by farmers George and John Rate, twenty miles from the heart of Edinburgh, Glenkinchie was completely rebuild in the 1890s to become a large model distillery. And it has worked almost continuously ever since, even through two world wars. It occupies a sylvan setting with its own…

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  • Glenlivet 12Yr Single Malt Scotch 1.75L

    The Glenlivet 12 year old is a single malt, double matured Scotch whisky. From the Speyside region of Scotland, it is first matured in traditional, then American oak casks. The latter barrel imparts notes of vanilla and gives the whisky its distinctive smoothness. This classic single malt has a rich…

    In stock (17)

  • Glenlivet 12Yr Single Malt Scotch 50ml

    This whisky has been called a lot of things in its time: smooth, fruity, complex, sophisticated, entertaining, classic. The Original Malt Whisky Almanac says: “A first-class malt. One of the most popular malts in the world – deservedly so.” The Glenlivet 12 Year Old’s legendary smooth character and tropical fruity…

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