
961 products
  • Redbreast Single Pot Still Missouri Oak 101 Proof Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Redbreast Missouri Oak Edition, the latest addition to Redbreast’s esteemed American Oak series, seamlessly blends the signature Redbreast single pot still whiskey profile, aged in sherry and ex-bourbon barrels, with the unique and distinctive influence of Missouri Oak. The whiskey was meticulously finished for ten months in Virgin Missouri Oak…

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  • Redemption 9Yr Barrel Proof Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    This Indiana barrel proof bourbon consists of a mash bill of 75% corn, 21% rye, and 4% malted barley and was aged for 9 years. Madagascar vanilla pod, caramelized toffee, and dark roast coffee dominate the aroma with hints of lavendar honey. Smooth, yet complex.

    In stock (6)

  • Redemption Straight Whiskey Bourbon Pre-Prohibition Whiskey Revival 750ml

    Redemption is bringing back Ameri9can Straight Bourbon Whiskey to its pre-prohibition glory. The Corn and Rye grains create a smooth, balanced and slightly spicy Straight Bourbon reminiscent of the bygone era.

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  • Redneck Riviera American Whiskey 750ml

    Tasting Notes: Nose: Light Vanilla, Butterscotch Sweetness, Caramel with a bright touch of Honey. Flavor: Smooth Vanilla and the perfect touch of oak. Rich, full palate complexity with approachable sweetness, followed by honey dark stone fruit essence. Rounded out with Earthy grains.

    In stock (20)

  • Redwood Empire Emerald Giant Rye Whiskey 750ml

    Named after the fastest growing Redwood in the world, Emerald Giant is a fan favorite in the Rye world. We started with a mash-bill of 95% premium rye and aged it for over 3 years in new charred oak barrels. Spicy with an exceptionally smooth finish, it is a great…

    In stock (4)

  • Redwood Empire Grizzly Beast Bottled in Bond Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Straight Bourbon whiskey, aged five years in 53-gallon American White Oak barrels, primarily toasted and charred to level 3. This release maintains the 4-grain mash bill, with an increase in the percentage of wheat.  Overall, aromas of charred sugar, cherry cola, and reduced red currants open into a rich, full…

    In stock (9)

  • Redwood Empire Lost Monarch Blend Whiskey 750ml

    Named after the world’s largest coastal Redwood, Lost Monarch whiskey has a name to live up to. An award winning bourbon-rye blend with an exceptional balance of sweetness and spice. The perfect choice for those who just can’t decide between rye or bourbon, we call it “the best of both…

    In stock (20)

  • Redwood Empire Lost Monarch Cask Strength Blend of Straight Whiskeys

    Uncut and Unfiltered Experience Lost Monarch straight from the barrel in this limited edition cask strength offering. Aged for a minimum of four years in the temperate climate of the Northern California coast, explore new heights of Redwood Empire’s craft. COLOR: Dark amber NOSE: Vibrant, earthy, mint chocolate ice cream.…

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  • Redwood Empire Pipe Dream Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Named for the 14th tallest tree on the planet, Pipe Dream is our first Bourbon whiskey. Pipe Dream Bourbon is made from barrels aged between four and twelve years with a high corn mash bill. Smooth and complex, it is a true sipping whiskey. COLOR: Deep Golden Hue NOSE: Powerful…

    In stock (15)

  • Redwood Empire Pipe Dream Cask Strength Bourbon Whiskey

    Uncut and Unfiltered Experience Pipe Dream straight from the barrel in this limited edition cask strength offering. Aged for a minimum of four years in the temperate climate of the Northern California coast, explore new heights of Redwood Empire’s craft. COLOR: Deep golden hue. NOSE: Toffee, cherry, soft leather. PALATE:…

    In stock (4)

  • Redwood Empire Rocket Top Rye Bottled in Bond Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml

    Redwood Empire Rocket Top Rye Bottled In Bond - Aged for 5 years, Redwood Empire Rocket Top Rye Bottled In Bond was bottled under the strict tenets of the Bottled-In-Bond Act of 1897. Aged in the temperate climate of the Northern California coast, the original distillate was altered only by…

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  • Remus Gatsby Reserve 2023 Limited Edition 15Yr Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    How about a sip of something legendary, old sport? Remus Bourbon is proud to introduce the one and only Remus Gatsby Reserve. Crafted with the finest 15-year-old reserves, this ultra-limited, cask strength straight bourbon celebrates F. Scott Fitzgerald’s iconic novel “The Great Gatsby”, from its events in 1922 to its…

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  • Remus Repeal Reserve 100 Proof Series VI Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    George Remus Bourbon is proud to introduce the highly-anticipated Remus Repeal Reserve Series VI Bourbon, the latest edition of the award-winning series. Crafted with a medley of five rare bourbon reserves from 2008-2014 at the historic Ross & Squibb Distillery in Lawrenceburg, Indiana, Series VI continues our high-quality tradition with…

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  • Revel Stoke Peach Flavored Whisky 750ml

    A perfect peachy sweetness followed with mild spices and masterfully blended with the always smooth Revel Stoke Canadian Whisky.

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  • Revel Stoke Peanut Butter Flavored Whisky 750ml

    This 2020 World of Whiskies award winner proves that peanut butter is not just for sandwiches any more! This drink has buttery notes and the mild spice of Canadian Whisky. The combination is exactly what you never knew you needed.

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