
961 products
  • Sazerac Rye Whiskey 200ml

    There has been Whiskey made on the site of the Buffalo Trace Distillery in Frankfort, Kentucky for more than two hundred years. The first distillery operation that can be continuously traced to Buffalo Trace was started in 1812 by Harrison Blanton (yes, that Blanton). He sold the operation in 1870…

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  • Sazerac Rye Whiskey 750ml

    There has been Whiskey made on the site of the Buffalo Trace Distillery in Frankfort, Kentucky for more than two hundred years. The first distillery operation that can be continuously traced to Buffalo Trace was started in 1812 by Harrison Blanton (yes, that Blanton). He sold the operation in 1870…

    In stock (13)

  • Scapa The Orcadian Skiren Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Delicate scented floral flavours with a hint of fresh pear. Sweet and fruity pineapple notes with a citrus tang. Taste: Smooth and sweet, ripe honeydew melon slices, bursts of fruity pear and lemon sherbet. Finish: Long, refreshing, shimmering sweetness. We call Skiren the honeyed tropical one because of its smooth,…

    In stock (1)

  • Scoresby Very Rare Blended Scotch Whisky 1.75L

    This delightful blend of selected rare, light-bodied whiskies possesses mellowness to please the exacting taste of the connoisseur.

    In stock (30)

  • Seagrams 7 Crown American Blended Whiskey 1.75L

    Put your feet up, relax and let the crisp aroma of Seagram's 7 Crown American Blended Whiskey envelop you. Our aged whiskey has a smooth, slightly sweet taste that leaves your palate with a creamy, vanilla finish.

    In stock (21)

  • Seagrams VO Blended Canadian Whisky 1.75L

    A light amber glow, medium-light body; reminiscent of pear, caramel, butter, brown spices; slightly coarse texture that is complimented by soft brown spices.

    In stock (77)

  • Seagrams VO Gold Blended Canadian Whisky 1.75L

    Seagram's VO is an iconic Canadian Whisky introduced in 1914 by Joseph E. Seagram as a special blend of his finest whiskey's to celebrate his son's wedding. Its golden hue is distinctive and inviting. Its aroma is rich and full bodied, with sweet notes of autumn fruit and wine. Its…

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  • Sheep Dog Peanut Butter Whiskey 750ml

    Kentucky- Blending peanut butter with whiskey? They thought the idea sounded a little nutty too, but it's time a whiskey was bred to take the party to the next level. Grab a bottle of Sheep Dog Peanut Butter Whiskey, break away from the pack, and woof down the good times.

    In stock (3)

  • Shenks Small Batch 2024 Release Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Shenk’s Homestead Kentucky Sour Mash 2024 is a tribute to the legacy of John Shenk, an iconic figure in American whiskey history. Founded in 1753, Shenk’s distillery later became known as Michter’s in the 20th century. This exceptional small-batch whiskey honors the tradition of using the sour mash process, where…

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  • Shibui 10Yr Pure Malt Japanese Whisky 750ml

    This 100% malted barley world blend whisky is a marriage of whiskies from Niigata Japan & the lowlands of Scotland. Matured for 10 years in Ex-Bourbon, Oloroso Sherry & rare Mizunara Oak, Shibui is 100% natural color. Notes of coffee, cinnamon, dark chocolate & oak.

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  • Shibui 15Yr Sherry Cask Single Grain Japanese Whisky 750ml

    For over 600 years, Okinawa has been home to the oldest distilled spirit in Japan. Made from the cereal of the land, Shibui Single Grain Whiskies are a celebration of this ancient spirit - each on exclusively distilled, matured and bottled in Okinawa.  Our whiskies reflect the unmistakable style of…

    In stock (4)

  • Shibui Grain Select Japanese Whisky 750ml

    Blended and bottled in Niigata, Japan, this 100% wheat whisky is matured in American ex bourbon, Oloroso sherry and rare Japanese Mizunara Oak giving it exceptional natural color and notes of coconut and cereal.

    In stock (6)

  • Shibui Pure Malt Whisky 750ml

    Blended & bottled in Niigata, Japan, this 100% malt whisky is matured in American ex bourbon, Oloroso sherry & rare Japanese Mizunara Oak giving it exceptional natural color with notes of chocolate, coffee & walnut. 

    In stock (7)

  • Sia Blended Scotch Whisky 750ml

    This Award-Winning Whisky awakens the nose with vanilla and caramel notes, then opens the palate with citrus and honey. Hint of soft smoke for a gentle warm finish. A blend of Speyside, Highland and Islay malt and grain whiskies.

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  • Siervas Guava Whiskey 750ml

    Established in 2021, Siervas was created from the fusion of traditional American whiskey and Caribbean flavors. Driven by the roots of our flavors from Puerto Rico, Siervas provides the perfect balance of soft, gentle and smooth after taste while also providing a hint of traditional whiskey on every sip. Siervas…

    In stock (50)
