
961 products
  • Southern Comfort 100 Proof American Whiskey 750ml

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  • Southern Comfort 70 Proof American Whiskey 1.75L

    This is whiskey at its most laid back. Smooth. Satisfying. With that just-right balance of sweetness and spice. Southern Comfort Original is the one-of-a kind taste you'll keep coming back to. Fix your drink any way you like it. On the rocks, with soda, juice, whatever's handy. One delicious sip,…

    In stock (126)

  • Southern Comfort 70 Proof American Whiskey 750ml

    Southern Comfort Original is inspired by our founder’s 1874 recipe, with core whiskey notes and iconic fruit and spice accents. Enjoyed best with mainstream mixers and in cocktails, it brings everyone together – just like our hometown.

    In stock (37)

  • St Augustine Florida Port Finished Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    51% ABV / 102 PROOF For this release, we took our award-winning Florida Double Cask Bourbon and finished it in port wine barrels from our neighbors at San Sebastian Winery. The result is spectacular; A unique malted bourbon with a smooth and semi-sweet finish with hints of raisins, cinnamon, cloves,…

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  • St Augustine Florida Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Because there was so much agricultural heritage in Florida, Philip McDaniel and Mike Diaz wanted to make their bourbon there. Not only did they want to make their bourbon in Florida, they wanted to make it in St Augustine, The Nation’s Oldest City. They discovered an abandoned ice plant (the…

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  • St Augustine Toasted Finish Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    How did we create this toasty take on our Florida bourbon? Simple: by playing with fire. Like all of our Florida bourbon, this spirit first began its aging process by entering 53-gallon American White Oak barrels, toasted, then flame-charred to our specifications. Next, we let the barrels age for three…

    In stock (6)

  • St George Baller Single Malt Whiskey 750ml

    THE SPIRIT “A California take on the Japanese spin on Scotch whisky.” So says master distiller Lance Winters of this unique and inspired spirit, which was created with Japanese-style whiskey highballs in mind (hence the name Baller). THE PROCESS We start with 100% American barley (predominately two-row pale malted barley,…

    In stock (24)

  • New

    Stagg Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY George T. Stagg built the most dominant American distillery of the 19th century, during a time known as the Gilded Age of Bourbon. Uncut and unfiltered, this robust bourbon whiskey ages for nearly a decade and boasts the bold character that is reminiscent of the man…

    In stock (8)

  • Starlight Cigar Batch Private Select Barrel Bourbon Finished in Brazilian Amburana Barrels 750ml

    UniversalFWS.com Exclusive Private Select Barrel Carl T. is our signature bourbon named after 4th generation family member, carl Theodore Huber. After 4+ years of aging in new, charred American oak, this small batch was transferred into a Brazilian Amburana barrel. This process provides intense baking spice aromas, sweet vanilla flavor,…

    In stock (196)

  • Stranahans 10Yr Mountain Angle Single Malt Whiskey 750ml

    Stranahan’s Mountain Angel is pushing the boundaries of American Single Malt Whiskey. This is an ultra-premium expression made with pristine Rocky Mountain ingredients. De to Denver’s hig altitude and the usage of new American Charred Oak barrels, Mountain Angel had a unique angel’s share loss that allowed Stranahan’s to achieve…

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  • Stranahans Colorado Single Malt Whiskey 750ml

    This is the number one American single malt whiskey in the US. Born in the heart of the Rocky Mountains and hand-crafted from barley to bottle in our distillery. Our whiskey is non-chill filtered and well-built in small batches.

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  • Sugarlands Shine Blueberry Muffin American Whiskey 750ml

    Our Blueberry Muffin moonshine layers fresh, bright blueberries with a crumbled streusel finish. This flavor is a great accent to many classic cocktails such as mojitos and lemon drops. Sugarlands Blueberry Muffin moonshine is much different than other blueberry flavored spirits; in addition to a natural blueberry flavor there is…

    In stock (10)

  • Sugarlands Shine Pina Colada Monnshine American Whiskey 750ml

    Mix a little Pina Colada with our Hazelnut Rum and make a delicious German chocolate cake shooter! This moonshine is coconut forward and finishes with a smooth pineapple flavor; with one sip you will feel like you’re sitting in a beach chair with your toes in the sand! But sip…

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  • Sugarlands Shine Pumpkin Spice Latte Appalachian Sippin Cream Liqueur 750ml

    Bring the tastes of Fall to your glass or cup with Sugarlands Pumpkin Spice Sippin' Cream. Our Pumpkin Spice Sippin' Cream combines a mild pumpkin flavor with holiday spices such as ginger, cinnamon, and clove. Our Pumpkin Spice Sippin' Cream if the perfect way to celebrate Autumn. Gather round the…

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  • Suntory Hakushu 12Yr Single Malt Japanese Whisky 750ml

    A perennial favorite and a must-try for anyone interested in discovering Japanese whisky. Hakushu is owned by Suntory, founders of the first Japanese distillery, Yamazaki. The original Hakushu distillery was built in 1973, with another distillery building called Hakushu Higashi (east) added in 1981. Hakushu is the Japanese connoisseurs choice.…

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