
957 products
  • Very Old Barton Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Very Old Barton 86 Proof has been carefully distilled and aged for generations in Bardstown, Kentucky. This classic bourbon whiskey has a bold and rich taste that goes down smooth, just as it has for decades. The initial tantalizing sip hints at tropical fruits over the essential vanilla, oak and…

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  • Very Olde St Nick 8Yr Estate Reserve Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    The Old St Nick legend has taken on a life of its own with the advent of the internet, many claiming inside information, or knowledge about who first developed the product and why, it’s original pedigree, the source of its bourbons, and the story behind the eclectic style. The Very…

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  • Very Olde St Nick Cask Strength Summer Rye Whiskey 750ml

    Preservation Distillery out of Bardstown, KY has been putting out some incredible barrels of whiskey. Very Olde St Nick (VOSN) was the very first brand to take quirky, odd lot barrels of whatever they could find that was good. It wasn’t long ago that no one really wanted old barrels…

    In stock (2)

  • Von Payne Black Blended Whiskey 750ml

    With a stunning gargoyle pour spout, you are sure capture the attention of anyone around when you are pouring a glass of this deep red blended whiskey. With a guaranteed conversation starter, who knows where the night will lead. Slightly sweet, slightly tart, and a kick that says, “this is…

    In stock (7)

  • Von Payne Cask Strength Reserve Limited Release Black Whiskey 750ml

    Discover the Pleasure of this limited release of our base bourbon that has spent years longer in our reserve charred oak barrels. This is a rare spirit that is to be shared among the noblest of friends! Don’t miss this opportunity to experience Von Payne Reserve Cask Strenght Bourbon Whiskey.…

    In stock (3)

  • Waterford Cuvee Argot Single Malt Irish Whisky 750ml

    Argot, a patois, the underground language of bohemians & renegades. An idiom for the underworld, a secret tongue reserved for only those in the know. A vibrant, enthusiastic, devil-may-care cuvée, bringing together several Single Farm Origins layered for beguiling complexity — & with a mere Will o’ the Wisp of…

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  • Waterford Organic Cuvee Gaia Single Malt Irish Whisky 750ml

      The Arcadian Series represents our otherworldly garden of delights. We sought out maverick farmers, inspirational growers, iconoclasts whose ethos & way of life respects the land & the old ways in the pursuit of pure flavours over yield imperatives. Gaia, the neopagan goddess of yore, a personification of Mother…

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  • Wattie Boone & Sons 8Yr Small Batch American Whiskey 750ml

    Historians say that pioneer distiller Wattie Boone was the first documented person to produce bourbon in Kentucky in 1776. He erected the first distillery in Knob Creek, even employing the son of Abraham Lincoln ― according to local legend. Boone is one of a handful of persons most likely to…

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  • Westland Garryana 2019 American Single Malt Whiskey 750ml

    This whiskey gets its name from Quercus garryana, the Latin name for Garry Oak found in the Pacific Northwest, though the actual oak is only used to mature 21% of the final whiskey with the rest in a combination of new and used American White Oak (Quercus alba). That’s enough…

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  • Whiplash Whipped Cream Flavored Whiskey 750ml

    Chill It. Shoot it. Shake it. Share it! Nose - Whipped Cream Palate - Whipped Cream Taste - Exactly like Whipped Cream!

    In stock (31)

  • WhistlePig 10Yr Private Barrel Select Single Barrel Rye American Whiskey 750ml

    UniversalFWS.com Exclusive Private Select Barrel WhistlePig Whiskey kicked off our Rye Whiskey journey with the Quintessential Rye –our Small Batch Rye, Aged 10 Years -it’s the one that started it all. True to our original Master Distillers’ vision, it’s a high Rye whiskey with a bold, spice forward whiskey that…

    In stock (7)

  • New

    WhistlePig 10Yr Snout to Tail Toasted Barrel Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    WhistlePig's Snout to Tail 10-Year Toasted Bourbon is a meticulously crafted straight bourbon whiskey that exemplifies innovative aging techniques. Aged for a decade, this bourbon undergoes a unique secondary barrel finishing process known as the "Two-Headed Toast," where each barrel head is toasted differently using Vermont oak: Snout Toast: VT…

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  • WhistlePig 10Yr Straight Rye American Whiskey 50ml

    10 YEAR AGED, 100 PROOF, 96 POINTS, WINE ENTHUSIAST From the makers: The spirit of entrepreneurship. Fortune, superb taste, and hustle lead us to the discovery of an aged Rye Whiskey stock in Alberta, Canada. We rescued the stock from misuse as a blending whiskey, aged it in new American…

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  • WhistlePig 10Yr Straight Rye American Whiskey 750ml

    10 YEAR AGED, 100 PROOF, 96 POINTS, WINE ENTHUSIAST From the makers: The spirit of entrepreneurship. Fortune, superb taste, and hustle lead us to the discovery of an aged Rye Whiskey stock in Alberta, Canada. We rescued the stock from misuse as a blending whiskey, aged it in new American…

    In stock (20)

  • WhistlePig 15Yr Estate Oak Rye Single Barrel American Whiskey 750ml

    One of our oldest whiskeys ever bottled is also the first WhistlePig product finished in Vermont Estate Oak. Harvested right off our farm the wood has more rings than the standard American oak used in whiskey barrels. That gives it more opportunity to impart deeper flavors during maturation. Hitting the…

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