
961 products
  • Woodford Reserve Distillers Select 90.4 Proof Kentucky Straight Wheat Whiskey 750ml

    Woodford Reserve Wheat is based on historical recipes but influenced by the iconic core Woodford Reserve Bourbon brand. With wheat as the dominant grain – at 52 percent, followed by malt (20%), corn (20%) and rye (8%) – this whiskey was created by renowned Master Distiller Chris Morris. Woodford Reserve…

    In stock (7)

  • Woodford Reserve Double Oaked 90.4 Proof American Whiskey 750ml

    An innovative approach to twice-barreled bourbon creates the rich and colorful flavor of Woodford Reserve Double Oaked. Uniquely matured in separate, charred oak barrels – the second barrel deeply toasted before a light charring – extracts additional soft, sweet oak character.

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  • Woodford Reserve Kentucky Straight Rye American Whiskey 750ml

    Woodford Reserve Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey uses a pre-Prohibition style ratio of 53% rye in its mash bill, delivering notes of tobacco and spice among a sea of fruit, floral, and sweet aromatics. Enjoy this bourbon whiskey neat, on ice or in cocktails.

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  • New

    Woodford Reserve Masters Collection 119.5 Batch Proof 700ML

    The anticipation is over—Woodford Reserve has officially released its highly anticipated annual limited-edition high-proof expression, Woodford Reserve Batch Proof 119.5. This year’s release is a testament to the brand’s commitment to craftsmanship, offering bourbon enthusiasts a pure, unadulterated tasting experience. Batch Proof is more than just bourbon; it’s an exploration…

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  • Woodford Reserve Masters Collection 121.2 Batch Proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 700ml

    Batch Proof is a highly limited offering from Woodford Reserve, crafted from a standard batch of barrels that is presented before its final 90.4 proof bottling adjustment. This limited-edition Proprietary Batch of Woodford Reserve is bottled at 121.2 proof. Every expression crafted by Woodford Reserve showcases at least one of…

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  • Woodinville Moscatel Finished Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Our Flagship 5 year straight bourbon “finished” in 10-year-old Moscatel de Setúbal pipes. This “finishing” process adds notes of dried apricot and orange peel, with a honey and toffee sweetness.

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  • Woodinville Pot Distilled Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    This truly small-batch bourbon starts with traditionally grown corn, rye and malted barley. All of our staple grains are cultivated exclusively for us on the Omlin Family farm in Quincy, Washington. The grains are mashed, distilled, and barreled in our Woodinville™ distillery, then trucked back over the Cascade Mountains to…

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  • Woodinville Straight Bourbon Whiskey Finished in Port Casks 750ml

    We take our fully matured 5-year straight bourbon and transfer it into Ruby Port barrels for 6 additional months. The Port finishing process adds a viscous mouthfeel with notes of candied cherry, dried plums, berries and chocolate on top of the traditional bourbon flavor characteristics. Available in our tasting room…

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  • World Whiskey Society 6Yr Straight Bourbon Whiskey Finished in Oloroso Sherry Cask Edition 750ml

    Limited Edition Straight Bourbon Whiskey Finished in Oloroso Sherry Cask 48% ABV

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  • Writers Tears Copper Pot Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Writers Tears is a light, sweet Irish whiskey made using a mix of single pot still and single malt whiskeys, resulting in oodles of honey'd, fruity notes. Wonderfully easy to drink, it would make for a great introduction to Irish whiskey for folks new to the spirit. No writers were…

    In stock (1)

  • Writers Tears Double Oak Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Walsh Whiskey has rarely released better whiskeys than those of 2019, which included two expressions made in collaboration with the Legaret family of Deau Cognac. Here, they apply bourbon and French oak cognac barrels to the unique marriage of single pot still and single malt Irish whiskeys, arguably the most…

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  • Wyoming Small Batch Bourbon 750ml

    A traditional bourbon, from an nontraditional place. Our original, flagship, and defining product, the award-winning Wyoming Whiskey Small Batch Bourbon Whiskey.

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  • Yellow Spot 12Yr Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey 750ml

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  • New

    Yellowstone 101 Proof 2024 Release Limited Edition Kentucky Straight Bourbon American Whiskey 750ml

    The 2024 Yellowstone Limited Edition is a rich amber color and features the bright aroma of pear, panela sugar, ripe apple and leather. With a thick, soft texture, the body includes flavors of American basswood honey, ripe stone fruits and citrus with traditional notes of caramel and vanilla. The bourbon’s…

    In stock (12)

  • Yellowstone Select 93 Proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon American Whiskey 750ml

    Yellowstone Select Kentucky Straight Bourbon, a masterful fusion of flavors from seventh-generation distillers, Paul and Steve Beam. It features a hand-picked blend of sweet, spicy, and smoky bourbons, each selected to give this exclusive whiskey a taste that celebrates its deep, family origins. Tasting Notes: Appearance: Deep, golden chestnut. Nose:…

    In stock (21)
