
2113 products
  • Paso D’Oro 2022 Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Aromas of ripe black currants, hibiscus with subtle notes of vanilla, cinnamon and clove. Full bodied palate bursting with red, bright, juicy fruit flavors. Elegantly balanced with vanilla, coffee and baking spice.

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  • Patz and Hall Sonoma Coast 2017 Pinot Noir 750ml

    A marvelous collection of thirteen small, independently family-owned vineyard sites come together in this gorgeous display of Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir. The color is dark rubygarnet with great density to the rim, hinting at the layered concentration this wine carries so effortlessly. Aromas of spicy, dried cherries, five-spice powder, cocoa…

    In stock (2)

  • Paul Hobbs 2018 Crossbarn Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Rich and luxurious, this deep ruby-colored wine displays a lovely purity of fruit, with aromas of blackcurrant and boysenberry leading to notes of blueberry and a touch of dried herbs on the palate. Finely grained tannins and a backbone of graphite balance the plush black fruits, creating a silky mouthfeel…

    In stock (29)

  • Paul Hobbs 2021 Russian River Valley Sonoma County Chardonnay 750ml

    Crafted with precision from six pedigreed sites, our newest vintage shines with an opalescent, pale straw hue. Aromas of red apple skin, Asian pear, and Meyer lemon zest entices the nose, followed by delicate notes of gardenia. Lively flavors of apricot and nectarine emerge on the palate, giving way to…

    In stock (8)

  • Paul Hobbs 2021 Russian River Valley Sonoma County Pinot Noir 750ml

    Vibrant, with racy-edged pomegranate, plum and black cherry notes, this has light sparkles of anise and savory throughout that add range, while the finish is sleek and tightly focused.

    In stock (7)

  • Paul Hobbs 2022 Crossbarn Sonoma Coast Chardonnay 750ml

    Hailing from the cool Sonoma Coast appellation, the 2022 vintage showcases pale straw in the glass and opens with aromas of green apple, lemon zest, and honeysuckle. Alluring flavors of Honeycrisp apple and Asian pear are balanced by a flinty minerality and creamy texture on the mid-palate. A vibrant acidity…

    In stock (31)

  • Paul O’Brien Oregon Territory 2020 Pinot Noir 750ml

    Silky and elegant, fine tannins with mouthwatering acidity.  Black cherry, crushed raspberries, and light notes of vanilla.  Easily to drink and perfect by the glass.

    In stock (31)

  • Peachy Canyon Incredible Red 2015 Zinfandel 750ml

    A rich and fruity nose opens with black cherry, blackberry, nutmeg, and vanilla, leading into toffee, cigar, and cherrywood. On the palate the wine is round and sumptuous, with notes of cherry, clove, and orange oil. This Incredible Red meets and exceeds the promise in its name. 

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  • Pecchenino 2019 San Lugii Dogliani Red 750ml

    Winemaker Notes The color is ruby red with violet highlights. The bouquet is fruit-forward with notes of currants, raspberries, blackber- ries and prunes. The flavor is well-balanced with sweet tannins and good acidity. Pairs well with appetizers, pastas, white meats, red meats and roasts.

    In stock (12)

  • Pendulum 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon Columbia Valley 750ml

    This full-bodied Cabernet Sauvignon is dense with flavors of spicy black pepper, ripe blueberries and black plum. Notes of leather, Red Delicious apple and toasty oak linger on the long and satisfying finish.

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  • Pendulum 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon Columbia Valley 750ml

    Aromatics of sweet herbs and forest floor lead to flavors of blueberry, cherry, and milk chocolate. This is a full-bodied and stain your glass dark red wine, that finishes with dusty, earthy notes paired with mixed berry pie. This is a savory Cabernet so will pair well with fatty steaks,…

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  • Pendulum Columbia Valley 2018 Red Blend 750ml

    Aromas of black plum and cola lead to flavors of toasty oak, mocha and blackberry cobbler. Full-bodied, with big tannins, complex structure, and vanilla and fruit leather on the finish.

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  • Penfolds 2021 Max’s Shiraz 750ml

    A salinity – perhaps best described as salted plum? Coolness/flowing texture. Spearmint tea (fresh leaves) and lavender. Graphite from the nose continues as a theme on the palate, Black olive tapenade. Ylang Ylang, powdery-style tannins that are tapered on the palate. All clearly converging to a well-defined point.

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  • Penfolds Bin 149 Wine of the World 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Penfolds Bin 149 Cabernet Sauvignon seeks out northern hemisphere excellence via meticulous vineyard and block selection, reinforced by flagship-worthy South Australian cabernet sauvignon. The result is distinctive, and of distinction. House Style is in the building blocks of Bin 149, a name derived from the percentage of South Australian cabernet…

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  • Penfolds Bin 600 2020 Cabernet Shiraz 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Medium-bodied with a glycerous texture and a backbone of sweet licorice brimming with potent aniseed. Radiating from this backbone is pepper-rubbed pastrami, rare roast beef, cocoa dusting, semi-dried dates, and freshly harvested persimmons with an open textural weave. Critical Acclaim JS 93 James Suckling A very fine and…

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