
2160 products
  • Pacific Rim 2019 Dry Riesling 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Pale straw in color with a bouquet of Jasmine. The palate has notes of citrus, white peach and minerals. Crisp, dry and lush with flavors of citrus, jasmine and minerals. Ideal with Asian and European cuisine and a wide variety of seafood, cheeses and cold meats. Critical Acclaim…

    In stock (2)

  • Pacific Rim 2021 J Riesling 750ml

    The "J" in the name stands for "Just Right" Riesling! Because of the popularity and demand of our Dry Riesling and Sweet Riesling, we thought it made perfect sense to craft a Riesling in a taste profile that was directly between our other popular Rieslings.As wine lovers crave alternatives to…

    In stock (2)

  • Pacific Rim 2021 Sweet Riesling 750ml

    Moderately sweet and refreshingly low in alcohol with flavors of pineapple and peach. Pacific Rim Sweet Riesling brings perfect balance to all fiery fare - especially Thai, Szechwan and Caribbean cuisine... or simply enjoy as an aperitif.

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  • Pacific Rim 2022 J Riesling 750ml

    The "J" in the name stands for "Just Right" Riesling! Because of the popularity and demand of our Dry Riesling and Sweet Riesling, we thought it made perfect sense to craft a Riesling in a taste profile that was directly between our other popular Rieslings.As wine lovers crave alternatives to…

    In stock (6)

  • Pacific Rim 2022 Sweet Riesling 750ml

    Moderately sweet and refreshingly low in alcohol with flavors of pineapple and peach. Pacific Rim Sweet Riesling brings perfect balance to all fiery fare - especially Thai, Szechwan and Caribbean cuisine... or simply enjoy as an aperitif.

    In stock (3)

  • Page Wine Cellars Napa Valley 2013 Propietary Red 750ml

    In stock (13)

  • Pago Del Vicario 2023 Blanco De Tempranillo 750ml

    Pale, steely yellow, with green hues, viscous and very bright. Nose: Grapefruit and pineapple fruit, with kumquat, quince, pear and passion fruit followed by notes of hay, spearmint, and bay. Palate: Full, fresh and unctuous. Marked acidity gives an agreeable combination between sweet quince and pineapple fruit and the freshness…

    In stock (4)

  • Palacio De Fefinanes 2021 Albarino Rias Baixas 750ml

    There was a lot of thirst for the new vintage as the wines from the region sold out, so there are a handful of 2021s in the market, including the super young and austere 2021 Albariño de Fefiñanes. It's from a cold year that delivered a wine with 12.5% alcohol…

    In stock (14)

  • Pams Unoaked 2020 Chardonnay 750ml

    Winemaker Notes This lovely Un•Oaked Chardonnay is perfect for all gatherings. Its refreshingly fruity and light-bodied, with a beautifully transparent, pale yellow color. It has showy fruit aromas of Asian pear and Golden Delicious apple; and, ripe citrus, like key lime and tangerine. With a touch of sweet, this wine…

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  • Paraduxx 2020 Proprietary Red Blend 750ml

    From the only winery devoted to stylish Napa Valley blends, the Paraduxx Proprietary Red Wine is a bold and expressive blend crafted to satisfy the modern palate. It has rich, full fruit flavors and soft, elegant tannins. This alluring Cabernet Sauvignon-driven blend draws you in with luxurious aromas of ripe…

    In stock (7)

  • Parajes Del Valle 2022 Monastrell Organic Jumilla D.O.P. 750ml

    Winemaker Maria Jover, who honed her craft at Vega Sicilia, before she returned to her native Levante, produces wonderfully fresh wines from the organic, old-vine Monastrell grapes in Spain's Jumilla DOP. Since its beginning, the winery has focused efforts on the preservation of the "Terraje" farming system whereby landholders rent…

    In stock (10)

  • Parajes Del Valle 2023 Macabeo Skin Contact Organic Manchuela D.O. 750ml

    Parajes del Valle is a bright and exciting winery that is filled with the kind of energy that usually fills sports stadiums and concert venues. The team is lead by Maria Jover who is only 28 years old but who’s resume is more like a passport, stamped by some of…

    In stock (11)

  • Pascal Janvier 2020 Jasnieres White 750ml

    Racy, slightly honeyed, exotically perfumed, and loaded with minerality, this wine is an excellent representation of how Chenin reacts to the local conditions. The aroma is always fascinating—guava, flowers, citrus, clove, and gunflint are often cited. The aroma is always fascinating—guava, flowers, citrus, clove, and gunflint are often cited. This…

    In stock (6)

  • Pascual Toso Brut Sparkling 750ml

    This sparkling wine is bright and clear with a touch of pale yellow. The aroma displays a bouquet of perfectly balanced yeasts with the Chardonnay used for this basic wine. Over time, this evolves and gains complexity in the bottle. The aroma is complemented by the flavor and has a…

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  • Pascual Toso Estate 2020 Malbec 750ml

    Winemaker Notes This Estate-grown Malbec reveals a fruity nose filled with plum and quince aromas and a touch of elegant oak. The mouthfeel is full, with flavors of blackberry and licorice, and has a rich and lingering finish. There are smoky accents of vanilla and lingering oak. This Malbec is…

    In stock (2)
