
2155 products
  • Penner-Ash 2022 Viognier 750ml

    We produced our first bottling of this wine in 2000, blown away by how pretty the Viognier fruit was we were seeing in the vineyards, and the flavors that burst from the grape when you popped one into your mouth. We love the uniqueness of this white variety and strive…

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  • Penner-Ash Willamette Valley 2021 Pinot Noir 750ml

    Aromas of spiced raspberries and ripe Hood strawberries gently fold into warm vanilla oak. Rainier cherry and cocoa provide a savory sweetness and weight on the palate leading to a lengthy finish. James Suckling Review -  Rated 92: Crushed cherries, raspberries and dried cranberries here, together with savory herbs, dried…

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  • Perrier Jouet 2013 Belle Eqoque Rose Champagne Limited Edition by Mischer’Traxler 750ml

    Through this year's artistic collaboration Maison Perrier-Jouët and mischer’traxler bring a poetic and mindful perspective to the terroir of Maison Perrier-Jouët and its most essential quality: its biodiversity. True to the free spirit of Maison Perrier-Jouët, Perrier-Jouët Belle Epoque Rosé is a resolutely original champagne which combines rarity with the…

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  • Perrier Jouet Belle Epoque Fleur Brut 2014 Champagne 750ml

    A beautiful pale yellow, clear with hints of green and a lively mousse. Aromas of white fruits - lemon, white peach, pear and grapefruit - give way to hints of pineapple and fresh spring flowers. This is followed by richer aromas of nuts, marzipan and sweet spice. Delicate, yet generous.…

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  • Perrier Jouet Grand Brut Champagne 375ml

    Perrier-Jouët Grand Brut is a melting pot of aromas and flavours – a wonderfully rounded, generous champagne whose joie de vivre makes every moment more special.

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  • Perrier Jouet Grand Brut Champagne 750ml

    "A gentle mousse nudges the honey, vanilla, citrus and ginger notes across the palate in this round, creamy Perrier Jouet Grand Brut Champagne. It's rich, yet subtly flavored" 90 Points Wine Spectator

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  • Peter Lauer 2019 Kern Fass 9 Riesling 750ml

    Weingut Peter Lauer is a German wine producer located in the Mosel's Saar region. It has been in the Lauer family since 1830 and is currently run by Florian Lauer. It was admitted to the VDP in 2013 and is best known for producing some of Germany's most classic Rieslings,…

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  • Peter Lauer 2019 Unterstenberg Fass 12 Riesling 750ml

    David Schildknecht has to be given credit for “discovering” this estate. Indeed, Schildknecht was the first person to import the wines to the U.S. back in the 1980s. Since the reintroduction of Lauer to the U.S., the estate has gone cult. It’s a status they most certainly deserve; the wines…

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  • Peter Lauer 2021 Barrel X Riesling 750ml

    Peter Lauer focuses on dry and off-dry Rieslings that come from the Saar area of the Mosel Valley. The mineral on the palate along with the purity and focus is so clearly attributed to the terroir. The grapes come from an intricate tapestry of parcels and sub-parcels - the majority…

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  • Peter Lauer 2021 Senior Fass No 6 Ayler Saar Mosel Riesling 750ml

    This legendary Saar-based producer is a master at all things Riesling. Fruit for  ‘Fass 6 Senior Ayler’ comes from a cooler parcel and is named for Lauer’s grandfather. Barely off-dry and textured, this electric wine oozes with nervy flavors of Meyer lemon, wet slate, green apple skin, and white flowers.…

    In stock (7)

  • Pewsey Vale Eden Valley 2022 Dry Riesling Eden Valley 750ml

    This wine and the philosophy behind it have not changed significantly since the first wine was made from the 1964 harvest. A blend from most of the blocks on the vineyard, this wine expresses the hallmarks of Eden Valley and the Pewsey Vale Vineyard. Intense aromas reminiscent of fine dried…

    In stock (13)

  • Philipponnat Royale Reserve Brut Champagne 750ml

    The latest rendition of the NV Brut Rosé Royale Réserve is based on the 2019 vintage and was disgorged in March 2023 with nine grams per liter. Revealing a fresh, fruity bouquet with aromas of strawberries, rose petals, menthol and pastry, it’s medium to full-bodied, vinous and generous with a…

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  • Piattelli Vineyards 2022 Malbec Reserve 750ml

    A striking, slightly smoky wine with a deep burgundy hue, Premium Reserve Malbec's fruity bouquet delights the senses and warms the palate with notes of blackberries, blueberries and lavender, lingers with a gentle tannin pull, and finishes with subtle flavors of toasted hazelnuts. From our shared vision a respect for…

    In stock (24)

  • Pieropan 2018 Calvarino Soave Classico White 750ml

    Brilliant straw yellow color with greenish hints. The delicate nose is reminiscent of almond blossoms and marzipan. Good depth of fruit on the palate, nicely balanced by a zingy acidity that enhances its long length. This wine makes an excellent partner for soups, starters, especially vegetable based such as asparagus,…

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  • Pieropan 2020 La Rocca Soave Classico White 750ml

    Brilliant and intense yellow whit golden hints. Characterful wine, reminiscent of exotic fruit and nuts on the nose; soft and persistent on the palate, with hints of spice, length and elegance. Makes an excellent partner to complex dishes, even with strong flavours particularly risottos such as porcini, or celery, squash…

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