
2149 products
  • Poderi Luigi Einaudi 2020 Dolcetto di Dogliana 750ml

    Luscious and jammy reds are medium-bodied, full-bodied or very full-bodied wines that combine ripe berry notes and pronounced jammy flavours. You can discern notes of cherry jam, wild berry jam or dark plum in these wines. Ripe tannins add the necessary structure for pairing the wines with food.

    In stock (14)

  • Poggio Anima Belial 2020 Toscana Sangiovese 750ml

    This shows various levels of floral intensity with pressed violets and red rose. It offers a steady flow of berry and sour cherry aromas with tightly polished tannins. Dark red cherry, plum, tobacco, smoke, leather and menthol notes continue to a long, effortless finish. Poggio Anima is a joint venture…

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  • Poggio Anima Samael 2021 Montepulciano D Abruzzo 750ml

    A very decent Md'A. Juicy dark cherry fruit with a twist of liquorice and tomato leaf on the nose. Supple, easy-going but not 'stretched' or thin in flavour.  Interesting to note that Samael is the Angel of Death in Jewish scripture. Being provoker of evil and doing the work of…

    In stock (1)

  • Poggio Rosso Feronia 2014 Viognier 750ml

    A bright golden yellow in the glass with heady, floral aromas alongside mango, passion fruit, and grapefruit peel. Ripe and rich with more flowers balanced by minerals, cantaloupe, and honey. Long, floral, and fresh on the finish.

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  • Pol Roger 2015 Blanc De Blancs Champagne 750ml

    Immediately captivating in the glass with a persistent thread of fine bubbles. Notes of pastry, meringue and white flowers, accompanied by spicy freshness. Full and rich, but reserved. The finish is impressive and seductive with notes of dried peach and hazelnut.

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  • Pol Roger Reserve Brut Champagne 750ml

    Pol Roger, one of a few luxury Champagne firms still family-owned, was established in Epernay in 1849. Pol Roger owns 200 acres of vineyards, which provide about 45% of their needs. Pol Roger's cellars extend over four miles of winding chalk passageways on two levels. The second or deeper cellar…

    In stock (18)

  • Pomalo 2023 Slavonija Croatia Frankovka Rose 750ml

    Direct press Frankovka showing that Slavonia knows how to party in the summertime just as much as the coast! Delivers a nose bursting with floral aromas and red berry fruits, particularly strawberries and raspberries. The palate is fresh, vibrant, bright, and effortlessly pleasing - the PERFECT summer wine for doing…

    In stock (4)

  • Pomelo Wine Co 2021 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Slow and even ripening in California’s sun-drenched vineyards gives our Sauvignon Blanc grapes plenty of time to develop their signature crisp acidity. Each vineyard block is fermented in stainless steel tanks to preserve the clean, fresh fruit character of the grapes. Bright and vibrant in the glass, our Sauvignon Blanc…

    In stock (10)

  • Pommery Champagne 750ml

    The essence of the Pommery style: Liveliness, Fresh, Finesse  TASTING NOTES:  On the eye: Pale yellow with light green accents. On the nose: It is vivacious and cheerful, fresh, easy, fine, delicate, and open. It has notes...

    In stock (17)

  • Portlandia 2016 Momtazi Pinot Noir 750ml

    Aromas of ripe Marionberry and cherry pie accented with spice, chocolate, subtle ginger and nutmeg undertones. Bright acid entry, balanced by assertive fine-grained tannins and a full mid-palate. Rich flavors of Bing cherry are backed by pipe tobacco, cocoa and subtle hints of vanilla. A bold wine that can be…

    In stock (2)

  • Portlandia 2022 Columbia Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    This bold Cabernet begins with aromas of blackberry, vanilla, and coffee, followed by layered flavors of black cherry, dark plum and sweet spices. Structured by fine, firm tannins and well-integrated acidity, we love to pair this food friendly wine with grilled beef or portabella mushroom dishes.

    In stock (12)

  • Sale

    Portlandia 2022 Oregon Pinot Noir 750ml

    Portlandia Oregon Pinot Noir: From the cooler climate of Oregon, this Pinot Noir is elegant and nuanced, with flavors of red berries, earth, and a hint of spice. The balanced acidity and soft tannins make it a versatile wine for a variety of dishes, from salmon to poultry.

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    Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $13.99.
  • Postmark 2021 Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    A Postmark is an official seal traditionally stamped on letters to indicate a significant place and date. Sharing a bottle of wine creates the same experience, transporting you to a unique vintage and site in the past. We bring you this Postmark from Paso Robles. Like a letter from a…

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  • Potro De Piedra 2018 Single Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon-Cabernet Franc Reserve 750ml

    Potro de Piedra is the greatest expression of our Sagrada Familia terroir. This wine comes from our oldest barracks of Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc varieties, which are co-fermented and vinified using traditional methods for subsequent storage in new French oak barrels for a minimum of 18 months. Potro de…

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  • Priest Ranch 2018 Peacemaker Napa Valley Estate Grown Proprietary Red 750ml

    The 2018 Peacemaker is a red blend that was aged 24 months in 75% new French oak and 25% once-used French oak barrels. The lees were stirred for the first year followed by three racking in the second year of aging. The wine was bottled unfined and unfiltered. The first…

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