
2101 products
  • Bartenura Dolce Noir Semi Sweet Red 750ml

    An off-dry red blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Barbera, this semi-sweet red is Mevushal. Pair with tzimmes and beef.

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  • Barton & Guestier 2019 Tourmaline Cotes De Provence Rose 750ml

    Pale shiny pink color. Seductive and delicate with ripe red berries and white flowers on the first and second nose. An explosion of fruit. Expressive on the palate with a nice freshness throughout the finish. To be enjoyed as an aperitif or with salads, grilling and Mediterranean dishes Best served…

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  • Barton & Guestier Chateau Magnol 2019 Cru Bourgeois Haut Medoc 750ml

    When young, Chateau Magnol shows a brilliant rich ruby color. On the nose it develops an elegant and fruity bouquet, favored by the blackcurrant notes of the Cabernet Sauvignon and the redcurrant notes of the Merlot. On the palate the wine is full bodied, with soft silky tannins, and a…

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  • Barton Guestier 2020 Vouvray Passeport Chenin Blanc 750ml

    The first barrels of wine marked with Thomas Barton's own seal left from the port of Bordeaux in 1725.  Almost 300 years later, Thomas's pioneering spirit is still inspiring us.  Our taste for innovation and our pursuit of quality have remained unchanged.  We are proud to offer you this collection…

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  • Beaulieu Vineyard Napa Valley 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

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  • Beaulieu Vineyard Napa Valley 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    From Calistoga in the north to Carneros in the south, our Beaulieu Vineyard Napa Valley wines reflect this region's diverse terroir with classic varietal character. The 2020 Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon is a dark burgundy, russet-red color with beautiful depth and richness. The bouquet is soft and alluring with aromas…

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  • Beaulieu Vineyards Rutherford Napa Valley 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Rutherford is the heart of Napa Valley and home to Beaulieu Vineyard. For more than 20 years, winemaker, Jeffrey Stambor, has crafted our Cabernet Sauvignon, which defines the unique expression of our Rutherford vineyards with rich dark berry and cocoa, accented by well-integrated oak spices for a long finish. This…

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  • Beaux Freres 2018 The Beaux Freres Vineyard Pinot Noir 750ml

    A wine of presence and expression, impeccably structured yet elegantly layered, with evocative raspberry, rose petal and brown baking spice notes that pick up richness and tension toward fine-grained tannins.

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  • Beckmen Vineyards 2017 Cuvee Le Bec 750ml

    The Beckman family established their estate in the Santa Ynez Valley in 1994. The estate consists of two vineyards: the Beckman Estate in Santa Ynez and the Purisima Mountain Vineyard in Ballard Canyon. The Purisima Mountain Vineyard is certified Biodynamic and home to the estate's Rhône varietals, plus Sauvignon Blanc…

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  • Bedrock 2018 California Syrah 750ml

    As usual our value offering of Syrah is primarily made up of declassified lots of our vineyard designated wines. In 2018 this means Hudson, Griffin’s Lair, Alder Springs, Weill, Shake Ridge and others make the majority of the blends, combined with small amounts of Bedrock Vineyard Syrah, Walker Vine Hill…

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  • Bedrock Esola Vineyard 2018 Zinfandel 750ml

    If you were to tell me 13 years ago that a lightly colored, well-structured, expressively perfumed wine from Amador County that is more about finesse than power would be one of our most popular wines, I would have been quite surprised (thankful, but surprised).  Esola is as singular as the…

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  • Bedrock Evangelho Vineyard Heritage 2018 Red Blend 750ml

    2018 was our second vintage with full control of farming at our nearly 130-year-old estate site (still gives me chills to say that), and we enjoyed a mild and even vintage leading to a relatively late harvest at this amazing Delta site. This is a classic Evangelho, showing the bright…

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  • Bee’s Box 2018 Pinot Noir 750ml

    The Bee’s Box story began with a bee that grew to a swarm. Unsure of what to do with a swarm of bees on a property full of guests, we did what anyone would do – we Googled it. And so, with a brand new bee suit, a Youtube video,…

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  • Begonia Sangria 1L

    Begonia is a premium sangria fashioned to communicate the bright orange citrus flavors of the Mediterranean. All its ingredients are natural and of high quality. It exhibits bright citrus aromas and fresh red berry flavors. It is smooth and delicious! Enjoy Begonia Premium Sangria chilled, poured over ice and/or garnished…

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  • Belasco De Baquedano AR Guentota 2017 Malbec 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Deep ruby red with bright purple tones. Intense and complex bouquet with red and black fruit notes (blueberry, blackberry, etc.). Generous tannins, with a ton of bitter chocolate and herbal-liquor character. Well balanced, elegant and dry long finish. Critical Acclaim JS91James Suckling A very assertive play of oak…

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