
2149 products
  • Roederer Estate Anderson Valley Brut Rose Sparkling 750ml

    Like the Roederer Estate Anderson Valley Brut, the Roederer Estate Rosa is untraditional. While most rosas are made with more Pinot Noir than Chardonnay, the Roederer Estate Rosa is a blend of 60 percent Pinot Noir and 40 percent Charodnnay. For color, the winemaker prepares a small portion of Pinot…

    In stock (2)

  • Roederer Estate Brut Sparkling 1.5L

    Roederer's winemaking style is based on two elements complete ownership of its vineyards and the addition of oak-aged reserve wines to each year's blend or cuvae. All the grapes for the wines are grown on the Estate. Oak-aged wines from the Estate's reserve cellars are added to the blend, creating…

    In stock (1)

  • Roederer Estate Brut Sparkling 750ml

    Roederer's winemaking style is based on two elements complete ownership of its vineyards and the addition of oak-aged reserve wines to each year's blend or cuvae. All the grapes for the wines are grown on the Estate. Oak-aged wines from the Estate's reserve cellars are added to the blend, creating…

    In stock (16)

  • Rombauer 2018 Napa Valley Merlot 750ml

    Complex aromas of black cherry, ripe plum, and mocha intertwine with subtle notes of violet and mint.  This medium-bodied wine is bursting with flavors of plums, red currant, and figs upfront, leading to juicy red fruit on the midpalate.  The soft mid-palate finishes with fine, plush tannins highlighted by bright…

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  • Rombauer 2019 Napa Valley Merlot 750ml

    Ripe black plum, black tea and mint aromas mingle in the glass with subtle scents of spice, freshly baked pie crust, and vanilla. This wine's lively palate jumps with cherry and plum flavors with a touch of mint and hint of spice, giving way to dark chocolate and vanilla notes.…

    In stock (9)

  • Rombauer 2021 Zinfandel 750ml

    Winemaker Notes When poured, this classic California Zinfandel is a purple-ruby color with a bright crimson hue. On the nose, there are concentrated aromas of dried cherries that meld with warm vanilla, mocha, and mulling spices. Lush flavors of ripe plum and raspberry jam flood the palate, followed by touches…

    In stock (4)

  • Rombauer 2022 Napa Valley Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    VINEYARDS The fruit for this wine comes from four carefully selected sites in Napa Valley offering lots of sunshine yet moderate temperatures — ideal conditions for growing Sauvignon Blanc. WINEGROWING A wet winter with moderate rainfall, a mild spring and a warm summer created the ideal growing season. Very warm…

    In stock (16)

  • Rombauer Carneros 2023 Chardonnay 750ml

    Aromas of ripe yellow peach, melon, and chamomile all framed by freshly baked pie crust. The palate is bright with flavors of nectarine, followed by a subtle spice, and lively acidity. The finish leaves you wanting another sip.

    In stock (4)

  • Rombauer El Dorado Twin Rivers 2021 Zinfandel 750ml

    Aromas of floral raspberry & ripe black berry are echoed on the palate along with expansive & dense flavors of baking spices, vanilla & dried florals. The ripe tannins frame the palate & provide a balanced texture to give the wine structure & roundness.

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  • Ron Rubin 2022 Russian River Valley Pinot Noir 750ml

    Bright ripe red cherry, cranberry, and warm silky berry aromas with hints of allspice. The bouquet is rounded out with sweet vanilla and berry flavors, with a balanced and elegant finish. This very approachable wine offers mouth-filling, yet soft and silky, tannins. Ripe fruit flavors are complemented by bright acidity…

    In stock (31)

  • Roots Run Deep Winery Bound+Determined 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The Bound and Determined Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon exhibits an abundant perfume of black currant and bing cherry, intermingled with intoxicating notes of lilac, wild spices and wet slate. The wine shows incredible depth and has tiers of mouthwatering flavors of black cherry, vanilla, cassis and oak. The latest wine…

    In stock (9)

  • Roscato Dolce Sweet Rose 750ml

    Roscato Rose Dolce is a sweet rose wine with delicate aromas of red berries and cotton candy. It's fresh and lively with a slight frizzante and soft, lingering finish. Roscato Rose Dolce complements spicy foods, barbecue dishes, fresh fruit and desserts. Serve chilled.

    In stock (8)

  • Roscato Rosso Dolce Sweet 750ml

    Roscato is an irresistible, delicately sweet, gently fizzy red wine from the northern Italian region of Lombardy. Made from three native grape varieties grown in this beautiful region for centuries – Croatina, Teroldego and Lagrein – Roscato makes a wonderful aperitif and is also incredibly food-friendly. Roscato seamlessly combines a…

    In stock (18)

  • Rose All Day 2017 Beaujolais Rose 750ml

    Salmon pink color with elegant aromas of flowers and fruits with a dominant hint of tangerine. A complex yet harmonious wine. This rose with match perfectly with grilled meats, fish and summer salads, and most definitely enjoyed with friends!

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  • Rose All Day France IGP Pays d’Oc 750ml

    Pink coral color. Savory, umami aromas and flavors of marinated mushrooms on a wheatberry-rye cracker and washed triple cream cheese rind with a supple, bright, dry light-to-medium body and a smooth, breezy finish with touches of pickled melon rind and starfruit with balsamic and shoyu with no oak flavor. A…

    In stock (21)
