
2149 products
  • Santa Margherita 2023 Pinot Grigio 750ml

    With its straw yellow color, clean intense aroma, and dry golden apple taste, our signature Pinot Grigio is full of authentic, flavorful personality.

    In stock (24)

  • Santa Margherita Prosecco 750ml

    The wine is dry with fine, lively bubbles, delicate pear and apple fruit aromas and a crisp finish. Whether served at the beginning of a beautiful evening for two, or sipped throughout a lively meal with friends, this celebrated bubbly has versatility at the table that can be shared time…

    In stock (6)

  • Santa Rita Medalla Real Gold Medal 2017 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    TASTING NOTES Deep ruby-red in color, with a bouquet of black fruits such as black currants, blueberries, and blackberries with dried figs, cigar box, and spice notes. The concentrated palate offers well-rounded ripe tannins that create the prominent backbone that leads the wine on to a long, lingering finish. SERVING…

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  • Santa Rita Medalla Real Gold Medal 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    In this wine, aromas of spicy berry fruits, currant, leather and green herbs announce an edgy but lively palate with slight tannic grab. Blackberry and cassis flavors come with a dose of patented Chilean herbal green. This drink-now Cab tastes minty and lightly herbal on the finish.

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  • Santiago Ruiz 2023 Albarino Rias Baixas White 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Clear and bright yellow. Intense and complex nose showcasing aromas of fruit (apple, pear, apricot), herbs (lemon verbena, aniseed) and mineral notes. Full bodied, its fruity complexity returns combined with wet-stone minerality on the palate prior to a long and crisp finish. The combination of five native grape…

    In stock (9)

  • Santiago Ruiz Rosa Ruiz 2021 Albarino Rias Baixas Do 750ml

    A second, small parcel of old-vine Albariño remains at the original 17th century winery in San Miguel de Tabagón, 10 kilometres west of the Tomiño plantings towards the Miño estuary. Replanted in the 1980s, these old vines are trained in the traditional en parra canopy fashion, anchored by granite posts.…

    In stock (16)

  • Santo Winery 2021 Assyrtiko Santorini 750ml

    This wine is a classic benchmark of the variety and its homeland. A vibrant aromatic cocktail of sea-breeze freshness and citrus fruits, peach with honeyed undertones. Bone-dry, brightly acidic with a textural mineral smokiness and a food-begging finish.

    In stock (19)

  • Santo Winery 2022 Assyrtiko Santorini 750ml

    This wine is a classic benchmark of the variety and its homeland. A vibrant aromatic cocktail of sea-breeze freshness and citrus fruits, peach with honeyed undertones. Bone-dry, brightly acidic with a textural mineral smokiness and a food-begging finish.

    In stock (1)

  • Sao Miguel Do Sul 2020 Alentejano 750ml

    Winemaker Notes sThis wine is ruby in color, with an intense aroma of red and black forest fruits plus toasted notes. With smooth tannins and nice acidity, this is very easy drinking wine. In the Portuguese language, Sul means "South" or "Southern". This wine pairs well with Mediterranean food, pasta…

    In stock (4)

  • Saracco 2023 Moscato D Asti 750ml

    Winemaker Notes It is a lightly sparkling, aromatic wine with aromas of peaches, apricots, honeysuckle, orange blossoms and lemon zest. It is complex, with good body, possessing a perfect balance between sweetness and acidity, and a beautiful persistency on the finish. Moscato is primarily considered a dessert wine, pairing wonderfully…

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  • Scarlet Vine 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The wine is powerful and voluptuous with classic flavors of black cherry and raspberry, subtle hints of mint, herbs and vanilla oak. The finish is long and alluring.

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  • Scarlet Vine 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The wine is powerful and voluptuous with classic flavors of black cherry and raspberry, subtle hints of mint, herbs and vanilla oak. The finish is long and alluring.

    In stock (9)

  • Scarpetta 2021 Barbara Del Monferrato DOC 750ml

    Such a beautiful balance of fruit and acidity.  Aromatics of crushed red berries and plums with a touch of earth and porcini mushrooms.  The palate is juicy with super light tannins and bright acidity.  

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  • Scarpetta 2021 Friuli Pinot Grigio DOC 750ml

    Scarpetta Pinot Grigio showcases some of the best sites in Friuli-Venezia Giulia for this aromatic varietal — starting with the light, gravely soils of the Grave region. This gives it a crisp, clean minerality. Additionally, 30% of our Pinot Grigio is planted on Ponca soil in the Colli Orientali on…

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  • Scattered Peaks 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley 750ml

    Aromas of black & red fruit bolstered by hints of anise; fruit flavors of cherry & cassis mingle w/ essence of black licorice & violets as well as dark cocoa notes; silky tannins & a long finish.

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