
2101 products
  • Belasco De Baquedano Llama 2019 Malbec 750ml

    Modern wine with attractive dark cherry-red color with violet hues. The nose shows great intensity. Fruity aromas of cherries, blackberries and plums stand out against a background of fine toasty hints from ageing in top-quality oak. Warm, rounded and well-structured on the palate, with an explosion of fruit flavors underscored…

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  • Belasco De Baquedano Llama 2020 Malbec 750ml

    Modern wine with attractive dark cherry-red color with violet hues. The nose shows great intensity. Fruity aromas of cherries, blackberries and plums stand out against a background of fine toasty hints from ageing in top-quality oak. Warm, rounded and well-structured on the palate, with an explosion of fruit flavors underscored…

    In stock (20)

  • Bella Union 2022 Napa Valley Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Our 2022 Bella Union Sauvignon Blanc is a true Napa Valley Sauvignon Blanc with beautiful aromas citrus and hints of stone fruit and tropical notes. Refreshing on the palate, with a crisp minerality layered with notes of grapefruit, kiwi, and citrus blossom. The touch of Semillon in the blend adds…

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  • Bellavita Sweet Red 750ml

    Bellavita sparkling wine, We put all the sweetness and delicacy of Italian grapes, this bright red has been the undisputed star of all parties around the world.

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  • Belle Glos Clark and Telephone 2021 Pinot Noir 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Aromas of plum, cinnamon and clove are complemented by flavors of ripe blackberry, raspberry, sweet baking spices, along with velvety tannins and a smooth toasty finish.

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  • Sale

    Belle Glos Dairyman Russian River Valley 2022 Pinot Noir 750ml

    Bright crimson red in color. Aromas of black cherry and ripe plums combine with subtle notes of dried herbs and smoke. The palate entry shows flavors of cranberry, fresh raspberry, and ripe cherry, complemented by hints of vanilla and baking spice. A balance of savory, cedar and cocoa powder, and…

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    Original price was: $44.96.Current price is: $39.98.
  • Belle Glos Las Alturas 2021 Pinot Noir 750ml

    The Spanish term 'Las Alturas' means 'the heights', a fitting name for this vineyard located on one of the highest grape-growing benches in the Santa Lucia Highlands AVA. At this elevation, the sunny but very cool climate creates a wine bearing all the hallmarks of this coastal region: robust, expressive,…

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  • Benziger Sonoma County 2018 Merlot 750ml

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  • Beringer Brothers 2017 Bourbon Barrel Aged Red Blend 750ml

    150 years ago, Jacob and Frederick Beringer were pioneers of a new age, making their way across the frontier to plant their first vines in Napa Valley. Today, we remain true to their bold, pioneering spirit with Beringer Bros. Bourbon Barrel Aged Wines. Our latest varietals are aged for sixty…

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  • Beringer Brothers 2019 Bourbon Barrel Aged Red Blend 750ml

    150 years ago, Jacob and Frederick Beringer were pioneers of a new age, making their way across the frontier to plant their first vines in Napa Valley. Today, we remain true to their bold, pioneering spirit with Beringer Bros. Bourbon Barrel Aged Wines. Our latest varietals are aged for sixty…

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  • Beringer Brothers 2020 Bourbon Barrel Aged Chardonnay 750ml

    TASTING NOTES: This wine showcases a bouquet of ripe apricot, vanilla beam, and buttered toast. Creamy and mouth-coating, the palate evokes apple pie and vanilla ice cream with caramel coming through on the lingering finish.

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  • Beringer Brothers 2021 Bourbon Barrel Aged Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    150 years ago, Jacob and Frederick Beringer were pioneers of a new age, making their way across the frontier to plant their first vines in Napa Valley. Today, we remain true to their bold, pioneering spirit with Beringer Bros. Bourbon Barrel Aged Wines. Our latest varietals are aged for sixty…

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  • Beringer Luminus Oak Knoll District Napa Valley 2020 Chardonnay 750ml

    Luminus is fresh and lively with aromas of white floral blossom, honeysuckle and ripe citrus fruits. The intriguing aromas unfold into layers of flavor where white apricot, fresh apple, essence of bergamot, and lemon curd notes are interwoven with whipped meringue, spiced Asian pear and delicate almond notes. The judicious…

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  • Berlucchi ’61 Franciacorta Rose Champagne 750ml

    Berlucchi’s excellence is born of curiosity and deep friendship. In 1955, Guido Berlucchi, a successful landowner in the Franciacorta region, approached the young enologist and consultant, Franco Ziliani, to improve his still wines. Then, Ziliani came to Berlucchi with the question: what if we were to make a sparkling wine…

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  • Bernardynski Trojniak Honey Wine 750ml

    This mead has a vinous, relatively sweet taste. Aronia juice and spices added during fermentation give it an interesting taste.

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