
2150 products
  • Bertrand Senecourt Beau Joie Brut Special Cuvee Champagne 750ml

    Combining supreme quality with impeccable, cutting-edge design, BEAU is made from the highest quality wine – 60% Pinot Noir and 40% Chardonnay – naturally derived from the finest grapes of Epernay, France. A unique, zero-dosage champagne with none of the added sugars common in other champagnes, BEAU’s true, uninhibited flavors…

    In stock (4)

  • Bex Nahe Qualitatswein 2021 Riesling 750ml

    Bright and youthful color; classical notes of mandarin orange; green apples, and just whiff of honeysuckle; refreshing key lime and melon fruit on the palate; nicly balanced and concentrated finish.

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  • Bex Nahe Qualitatswein 2023 Riesling 750ml

    Bright and youthful color; classical notes of mandarin orange; green apples, and just whiff of honeysuckle; refreshing key lime and melon fruit on the palate; nicly balanced and concentrated finish.

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  • Bianchi California Signature Selection 2018 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Classic with grassy scents on the nose, this also shows lime peel, lemongrass, ripe honeydew and slight passionfruit aromas. Ripe Anjou pear powers the tip of the palate, with sharper grass elements and a sour citrus flavor emerging later.

    In stock (3)

  • Bieler Pere et Fils Coteaux D’Aix en Provence Sabine 2022 Rose 750ml

    The classic Provence Rosé profile is what every serious winemaker around the world attempts to mimic and for good reason. The goal is to find the delicate balance between floral, herbal, wild red fruit (not overly ripe), stone fruit and acid. Enticing aromatics of peach, white cherry and wild raspberry…

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  • Big Bad Cab 2021 Aged 3 Months in Bourbon Barrels Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    This full-bodied release was partially aged in bourbon barrels for three months to add an intriguing whiskey aroma and flavor profile that complements the Cabernet Sauvignon. Aromatic and flavors of blackberries, plum and dark cherries. The chocolate and leathery notes lead to a supple finish.

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  • Big Bad Chard 2021 Lodi Chardonnay 750ml

    The grapes were sourced from some of Lodi's finest vineyards, here Chardonnay thrives in the Mediterranean climate and the rich fruit flavors are enhanced by cool evenings and mornings. The crisp acidity and smooth finish make it the perfect pick for seafood and risotto dishes.

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  • Big Flower 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Winemaker Notes The wine has a deep plum colour with a delicious blend of blackcurrant, tobacco and fennel notes on the nose. On the palate this opulent wine has a balanced acidity that is supported by layers of blackcurrant and plum. The palate is rounded out by firm tannins.

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  • Big Flower 2022 Cabernet Franc Stellenbosch South Africa 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Ripe and rich aromas of dark berries with a hint of pencil shavings, this is an approachable full-bodied red wine with soft tannins. A very versatile food wine.

    In stock (13)

  • Billecart-Salmon Brut Reserve Sparkling 375mL

    Fine bubbles which rise slowly, persistent mousse. Straw-colored. A nose of ripe pear with some touches of cut hay. Full fruit, but clean in the mouth. This cuvée contains 40% Pinot Meunier, 30% Pinot Noir, 30% Chardonnay. All wines from the best sites in the department of the Marne, from…

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  • Billecart-Salmon Brut Rose Sparkling Wine 375ml

    A radiant color with a sparkling intensity, entwined with a beautiful pale pink hue. An elegant visual ensemble bestowed with a graceful effervescence. Subtle and fine aromas, leading to a gourmand seduction of red berry flavors and citrus zest with an aromatic burst of great finesse which is both floral…

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  • Billecart-Salmon Extra Brut Le Blanc De Blancs Grand Cru 750ml

    This cuvée has been elaborated from the four Grand Cru vineyards of the Côte des Blancs : Avize, Chouilly, Cramant, Mesnil-sur-Oger and is a blend of two different years revealing the special quality of the Chardonnay. Its complexity, its great vinosity and the surprisingly fresh finish is particularly appreciated by…

    In stock (11)

  • Bisol Jeio 2020 Prosecco Rose 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Delicate rose color with fine and persistent perlage. Elegant, complex bouquet on the nose with scents of rose, hints of fresh fruits and lychees. The sip is full, sapid, harmonious, with a well-balanced acidity. Critical Acclaim JS 91 James Suckling A juicy and flavorful rosé sparkling wine with…

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  • Bisol Jeio Prosecco Valdobbiadene Superiore DOCG Sparkling 750ml

    Creamy, racy and fun, this offers inviting aromas of green apple, wisteria and aromatic herb. The vibrant palate delivers Bartlett ear, citrus and thyme accompanied by an elegant, continuous mousse. It has a crisp, dry close.

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  • Bitch 2021 Grenache Calatayud D.O. 750ml

    The bouquet of red berry fruits dominates this Grenache, which is lively and luscious. The taste is medium to full-bodied, with red and black cherries, raspberry, and fruit cake spice, and is rich and flavorful. The palate lingers for a long time, with beautiful, soft tannins.

    In stock (10)
