
2150 products
  • Verdi Mango Sparkletini Sparkling 750ml

    Mango Sparkletini from Verdi has a wonderful taste of mango and pleasant bubbles that pearl on the tongue. It has nice and balanced sweetness with a light and clean taste of grapes.

    In stock (1)

  • Verdi Raspberry Sparkletini Sparkling 750ml

    A delightfully sparkling Spumante with a light, refreshing Raspberry taste that’s perfect whenever you feel like enjoying a fun, sophisticated drink. Serve chilled to enjoy its balanced, clean taste.

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  • Verdi Spumante Sparkling 750ml

    Verdi Spumante is a natural, sparkling beverage imported from Italy. Deliciously sparkling and zesty, it has a soft and fruity flavor. Serve chilled to fully enjoy its balanced, clean, delightful taste.

    In stock (45)

  • Verite Le Desir 2012 Red 750ml

    Le Désir—predominantly Cabernet Franc supported by Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot — shows layers of concentrated fruit, exotic spice, opulent aromatics and a plush suede texture.

    In stock (1)

  • Vermillion 2020 Napa Valley Grenache & Syrah 750ml

    In northern California, winemaker Helen Keplinger is a serious powerhouse. After cutting her teeth at a series of standout wineries—including Grace Family, Bryant Family, Carte Blanche and others—she was named Wine & Spirits Magazine’s 2012 Winemaker of the Year and, two years later, graced the cover of Wine Spectator magazine.…

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  • Very Raspberry Rose 750ml

    Very is the expression of the perfect balance between wine & fruit.  Very Raspberry will seduce you with its subtle and fruity flavors.  It will be perfect as an aperitif or in accompaniment to fresh and light meals

    In stock (10)

  • Veuve Clicquot 2012 La Grande Dame by Yayoi Kusama Brut Champagne 750ml

    A unique limited edition of Veuve Clicquot La Grande Dame 2012 designed by Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama. It is with its iconic symbols, the flower and the polka dots, that Yayoi Kusama adorns La Grande 2012 gift box and bottle. The polka dots, Yayoi Kusama's signature patterns evoke the Champagne…

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  • Veuve Clicquot NV Brut Rose Ecobox 750ml

    A smoky version, exhibiting light berry and watermelon notes. Quite firm, as much from the chalky sensation as from the lively acidity. Despite its lightness, this shows intensity and length.

    In stock (170)

  • Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin Demi-Sec Champagne 750ml

    As with all Veuve Clicquot blends, Demi-Sec is predominantly Pinot Noir (40-45%), which gives the champagne its fundamental structure. The pursuit of very distinct fruit flavors means that there is a higher level of Meunier (30-35%) in the blend than would typically be found in Yellow Label, for example, and…

    In stock (10)

  • Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin Rose Champagne 750ml

    The wine has a luminous color with radiant rose accents. The nose is elegant and generous, with initial aromas of fresh red fruit raspberry, wild strawberry, cherry and blackberry leading to dried fruits and biscuit notes almonds, apricots and brioche . On the palate, the fresh first impression is followed…

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  • Veuve Clicquot Rich Champagne 750ml

    Maison Veuve Clicquot unveils RICH, an easy-to-drink champagne, ideal for every occasion, every season. Crafted to be served on ice or very chilled, there is no easier way to enjoy champagne under the sun.

    In stock (12)

  • Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label Brut Champagne 750ml

    Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label is an iconic Champagne. It is the signature Champagne of the Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin house and as such it represents the house's ideals perfectly. With its crisp flavors and smoky finish, its no wonder that Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label has become one of the world's most…

    In stock (111)

  • Veuve De Vernay Ice Rose 750ml

    Veuve Du Vernay Ice Rose is a beautiful, light pink wine with numerous, fine, sparkling bubbles. On the nose, it is fruity with prominent notes of wild berries. Ice Rose is well-balanced, full-bodied with good fruit and a fine acidic aftertaste which gives a lovely freshness. Serve this well-chilled, or…

    In stock (14)

  • Veuve Du Vernay Brut Sparkling 750ml

    Food Pairing Cheese - Creamy & Bloomy, Cheese - Fresh & Soft, Cured Meats, Dessert - Chocolate & Coffee, Dessert - Fruit, Dessert - Vanilla & Caramel, Nuts

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  • Vietti Tre Vigne 2020 Barbera D Asti 750ml

    Ruby purple color with ripe red cherry aromas with hints of mineral and vanilla. A dry, medium bodied red wine with refreshing acidity (making it perfect to pair with food) and soft tannins, the Barbera d’Asti Tre Vigne is well balanced with good integration of oak, good complexity and a…

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