
2101 products
  • Blandys 10Yr Malmsey Medium Dry Madeira 500ml

    The Blandy's are unique in being the only family of all the original founders of the Madeira wine trade to still own and manage their own original wine company. Madeira is unique in that their grape varieties will always indicate the richness (sweetness) of the wines - Sercial is dry,…

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  • Blandys 10Yr Sercial Medium Dry Madeira 500ml

    Pale, bright topaz color with a golden tinge, this gem from Portugal has fresh notes of dry fruit, wood, and citrus. The nutty and persistent finish makes this a wonderful match for flambees and spicy cheeses.

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  • Blandys 10Yr Verdelho Medium Dry Madeira 500ml

    Amber with golden nuance, brilliant crystalline. Characteristic bouquet, with notes of jam and marmalade, candied fruits and dried fruits such as nuts and hazelnuts. Very rich, soft, sweet and fresh at the same time, with a long nose of wood and dried fruits macerated in brandy.

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  • Blandys 5Yr Bual Medium Rich Madeira 750ml

    Blandy's 5 year old Bual was aged in American oak casks in the traditional 'Canteiro' system. This comprises of the gentle heating of the wine in the lofts of the lodges in Funchal. Over the years the wine is transferred from the top floors to the middle floors and eventually…

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  • Blandys Rainwater Medium Dry Madeira 750ml

    Rainwater Madeira is names after a legend that a Madeira wine was left on a dock in a port on the US’s eastern cost and after days of heavy rainfall, the wine had been diluted. Rather than discard the Madeira, the merchant sold it as a new, lighter style, gaining…

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  • Bocale 2018 Montefalco Sagrantino 750ml

    Made exclusively from grapes of the native Sagrantino, this wine combines perfectly aromatic expressiveness and structural elegance. Of great character and personality, it gives its best with a perfect aging period.

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  • Bocale 2019 Montefalco Rosso 750ml

    Montefalco Rosso is a typical Umbrian wine with great versatility, which can match the complexity of a great wine with freshness and drinkability. It’s made mostly from the grapes of Sangiovese with a small percentage of a well-known indigenous grape, Merlot and Colorino. An ideal companion for a wide variety…

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  • Bodega Chacra Barda 2022 Pinot Noir 750ml

    Piero Incisa della Rocchetta has made a name for Bodega Chacra by crafting the most elegant, Burgundian-like wines I've tasted from South America. In the center of Patagonia, Río Negro is an ideal location for Burgundian varieties, as the cold nights and fierce winds mitigate daytime heat and preserve natural…

    In stock (19)

  • Bodega Colome 2020 Estate Malbec 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Bright and intense in color with beautiful aromas of blackberries, red fruits and exotic floral notes, this wine delivers aromatics that entice the senses. A full lush entry of ripe and rich black fruit surrounds spiced oak notes and hints of pepper. Fresh acidity supports big, bold tannins…

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  • Bodega Norton Privada 2016 Red Blend 750ml

    Bodega Norton Privada is a ruby red color of remarkable intensity. This wine has excellent aromatic complexity with notes of ripe fruit and a fine touch of smoke and coffee. It's rich on the palate with an excellent concentration.. Blend: 40% Malbec, 30% Merlot, 30% Cabernet Sauvignon Critical Acclaim "A…

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  • Bodegas Benjamin De Rothschild & Vega Sicilia 2020 Macan Clasico Rioja 750ml

    From the slopes of the Sierra de Cantabria, Macán Clásico is deeply rooted in the territory, in Rioja’s Sonsierra, an area with centuries of winemaking tradition, wisdom and culture. Deep and complex, it is a reflection of the freshness, fruitiness, vivacity and finesse of this terroir. This wine is the…

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  • Bodegas El Nido 2021 Clio 750ml

    Glass-staining purple color. Explosive, alluring scents of blueberry, boysenberry, pipe tobacco, licorice and vanilla bean. Lush and broad but juicy and firmly built. Suave candied dark fruit flavors accented by floral and Asian spice qualities. Finished broad, juicy and impressively long, with echoing boysenberry and spice notes.

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  • Bodegas Hidalgo Amontillado Napoleon Sherry 500ml

    True Amontillados are naturally-aged versions of the best finos, and are totally dry. Napoleon is a rare example of an authentic amontillado from manzanilla origins in a rich yet long, lean and elegant style.

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  • Bodegas Los Bermejos 2022 Listan Negro Maceracion Carbonica Lanzarote 750ml

    When you think of BBQ wine you probably aren't thinking about the Canary Islands and less so the grape variety Listan Negro. Los Bermejos has set the standard for amazing wines coming from Lanzarote. Lightly carbonic we think this wine is PERFECT for anything grilled; veggies, seafood, meats, sausages. Just…

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  • Bodegas Los Bermejos 2022 Malvasia Volcanico Seco Lanzarote White 750ml

    100% tank-aged Malvasía Volcanica; a grape that is truly indigenous to the Canary Islands, a crossing of Marmajuelo (an indigenous peach-skinned white grape) and Malvasía Aromatica.  One of those white wines that fits in the middle of the flavor spectrum.  Crisp and bight with exotic middle palate flavors of citrus…

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