
2150 products
  • Zenato 2017 Sergio Zenato Amarone Della Valpolicella Classico Riserva DOCG 750ml

    Ruby red in color, offering dense and smokey aromas of dark cherries, raisins, chocolate, and anise, framed by fruity tannins and a spicy finish. With the level of complexity and balance that this wine shows, it will evolve beautifully for 10+ years.

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  • Zenato 2022 San Benedetto Lugana White 750ml

    Lugana San Benedetto is characterized by its rich and deep personality, with a wide and complex range of fresh aromas. Its full and full-bodied taste, which passes from dried apple to pineapple, from pear to vanilla, is characterized by a long and bright finish, which leads to a pleasant persistence…

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  • Zenato Ripassa 2020 Valpolicella Ripasso Superiore 750ml

    “Ripassa” by Zenato Winery is a Valpolicella produced with the Ripasso technique on the pomace of Amarone. It comes from Corvina, Rondinella and Oseleta grapes and is left to refine for 18 months in tonneau. Full-bodied and intense. Awards: James Suckling 94/100, Robert Parker 91/100

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  • Sale

    Zonin Prosecco 750ml

    When it comes to sparkling wine, Italy has perfected the craft and for nearly 200 years, ZONIN1821 has established itself as one of the most important wine producers in the world. Operating under the simple philosophy that, “each region has its own traditions, each region has its own wines,” ZONIN1821’s…

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    Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $7.99.
  • Zuccardi Serie A Valle De Uco 2022 Malbec 750ml

    Fresh black cherries and blueberries with some violets and dried herbs. A medium-to full-bodied malbec that is all about primary fruit and some raw spice. Not a flattering wine, but rather pure and nervy with fresh, linear acidity and calculated tannins.

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