
2150 products
  • Bonterra 2022 Mendocino County Organic Chardonnay 750ml

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  • Bonterra 2023 Organic Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Winery & grapes certified by the California Certified Organic Farmers. Made with organic grapes. Bonterra was founded on a philosophy that farming organically produces the purest, most flavorful fruit. this holistic approach balances the land and surrounding habitat of wasps, birds and wildlife to produce wines of unmatched flavor and…

    In stock (6)

  • Booker Vineyard 2021 Harvey and Harriet Red Blend 750ml

    Harvey and Harriet is the Bordeaux blend created by Eric Jensen of Booker Vineyard, in an attempt to make a wine that his parents would love and could afford. It is a wine that’s made by hard work, the best vineyard sites, the best barrels, the best team and of…

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  • Booker Vineyard 2021 Harvey and Harriet White Blend 750ml

    This new addition to the Harvey & Harriet family brings a fun, medium gold tone at first glance. Hints of tangerine, pineapple, and honeydew exude from your glass in this aromatically driven delight. A subtle saltiness with nutmeg undertones lead you into this lighter in body wine that still manages to…

    In stock (4)

  • Bootleg 2016 Red Blend 750ml

    Winemaker Notes This opulent, purple-hued wine is rich with aromas of bramble berries, baking spices and espresso. On the palate it exhibits flavors of plums, blueberry compote, soft vanilla and allspice, with hints of cigar box and black tea. The wine is full and inviting enough to enjoy on its…

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  • Bootleg 2017 Red Blend 750ml

    Winemaker Notes This opulent, purple-hued wine is rich with aromas of bramble berries, baking spices and espresso. On the palate it exhibits flavors of plums, blueberry compote, soft vanilla and allspice, with hints of cigar box and black tea. The wine is full and inviting enough to enjoy on its…

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  • Borgo Savaian Aransat Orange Vino Blanco 750ml

    This is a project that is very close to our hearts: Michele Machetti together with Gabriele Gorelli, Italy's first Master of Wine, collaborate directly with two friends Nicola Biasi - oenologist and producer, and Stefano Bastiani, producer of Cormons. These four characters who drank something together, wanted to enhance an…

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  • Borgogno 2019 Barolo 750ml

    Ruby red colour with purple highlights. Ethereal, persistent with violet, rose, fresh fruits and spicy hints on the nose. A dry, harmonious, velvety, full-bodied wine, austere and generous wine.

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  • Borgogno 2021 Freisa Langhe Barolo 750ml

    The Langhe Freisa di Borgogno was born in vineyards located in the heart of the municipality of Barolo, a terroir known for the production of quality wines. It is produced exclusively with Freisa grapes. Fermentation takes place naturally, without the addition of selected yeasts at low temperatures of 24-28 °…

    In stock (2)

  • Boroli 2017 Barolo 750ml

    Starts off with gorgeous cut flowers and rose scents with rich red and dark berry flavors mingling with hints of spice. Not a massive blockbuster but wonderfully balanced with an elegant finish.

    In stock (3)

  • Borsao 2019 Garnacha 750ml

    This wine has a deep ruby color, a big sweet kiss of licorice, kirsch liqueur and darker currants, cherry red with violet nuances. Has a ripe fruit nose with floral tones. It is medium-bodied, refreshing, exuberant and fruity, pure and lusty spiciness and with a complex and long aftertaste.

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  • Borsao Tres Picos 2020 Garnacha Campo De Borja 750ml

    Very intense cherry color with purple tones. On the nose it shows a great concentration of aromas of ripe red fruits with floral nuances. On the palate it is a rich and well-structured wine that evokes flavors of blackberry, plum and tones of leather and vanilla, with sweet tannins. A…

    In stock (2)

  • Borsao Tres Picos 2021 Garnacha Campo De Boria

    Once again, Bodegas Borsao delivers phenomenal quality for the price. Their Bodegas Borsao Tres Picos Garnacha has it all: intense dark fruit, gentle tannins, a hint of smoky minerality, and spice and floral notes. Whether you're firing up your grill, stove or oven, you can't go wrong with this medium-to-full-bodied,…

    In stock (36)

  • Boscarelli 2018 Vino Nobile di Montepulciano 750ml

    The Boscarelli family have been producing Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG since 1968. Boscarelli is a small estate in Montepulciano where a Genoese family has been making wine for 50 years. We are certain that quality can be achieved only through commitment and dedication. The passionate person and the curious…

    In stock (20)

  • Bosso 2022 Pinot Grigio Delle Venezie DOC 750ml

    Floral apple, lemon and fresh pear fruits with a nice, juicy texture and plump yet lifted feel on the palate. This has quite the density of flavor, yet stays fresh and long on the finish. Delicious!

    In stock (9)
