
2150 products
  • Bread & Butter 2022 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    This Cabernet Sauvignon expresses captivating aromas of mocha, ripe berries, violets, and blackcurrant with intertwining layers of subtle black pepper, toasted oak and rich vanilla. Lively and complex, this beautifully crafted Cabernet Sauvignon enters the palate with layers of ripe blackberry and chocolate covered cherries. The round and luscious mouthfeel…

    In stock (14)

  • Bread & Butter 2022 Napa Valley Chardonnay 750ml

    What you’ll enjoy about this wine: Rich with creamy notes of vanilla bean, almond and tropical fruit. Balanced acidity and savory toasted notes lead to a long, smooth finish remembered for its touch of sweet vanilla. How we recommend you enjoy it: This wine goes well with creamy pastas, winter…

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  • Bread & Butter 2022 Pinot Noir 750ml

    Bread & Butter wines take their name from the natural aromas and flavors that develop during winemaking. It also reminds us that some things are just better together. This Pinot Noir blends grapes from two vineyards into a luscious and layered wine. The wine gets ripe, red fruits and fragrant…

    In stock (15)

  • Bread & Butter 2023 Chardonnay 750ml

    Butter, vanilla oak, and citrus, with delicate notes of melon, lemon peel, and jasmine.

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  • Brendel 2019 Cooper’s Reed Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    This Cabernet begins with fresh aromas of eucalyptus and vibrant red and black fruits. The palate follows the nose and finishes with a thread of softer tannins than you would expect from Napa Valley Cabernet. Perfect for a Cabernet lover to drink every day! The Cooper's Reed Cabernet Sauvignon is…

    In stock (1)

  • Brewer-Clifton 2020 Santa Rita Hills Chardonnay 750ml

    The primary emphasis of the predominately sandy 10-acre Sta. Rita Hills vineyard is Chardonnay, with equal amounts of five clones planted (4, 76, Hyde, Mount Eden and Sea Smoke Wente). In addition to Chardonnay, there is a smaller field of Pinot Noir planted to Swan, Pommard, 667 and 828 clones.…

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  • Brewer-Clifton 2022 Machado Pinot Noir 750ml

    We are committed to a finite stretch of land within the Sta. Rita Hills appellation even before we mapped and defined it some twenty years ago.  From our first working moments here in the early 1990’s, we have been lured and seduced by this magnificent wine growing area.  The pure…

    In stock (7)

  • Brewer-Clifton 2022 Pinot Noir Santa Rita Hills 750ml

    We are committed to a finite stretch of land within the Sta. Rita Hills appellation even before we mapped and defined it some twenty years ago.  From our first working moments here in the early 1990’s, we have been lured and seduced by this magnificent wine growing area.  The pure…

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  • Brewer-Clifton 2022 Santa Rita Hills Chardonnay 750ml

    The primary emphasis of the predominately sandy 10-acre Sta. Rita Hills vineyard is Chardonnay, with equal amounts of five clones planted (4, 76, Hyde, Mount Eden and Sea Smoke Wente). In addition to Chardonnay, there is a smaller field of Pinot Noir planted to Swan, Pommard, 667 and 828 clones.…

    In stock (1)

  • Broadside Paso Robles 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Brilliant violet. Spice-accented cherry and dark berry aromas show very good clarity and a subtle smoky nuance. Sappy and focused on the palate, offering bitter cherry and black currant flavors that become sweeter with air. Shows very good energy and clarity on the finish, which is firmed by supple, slow-building…

    In stock (3)

  • Broadside Paso Robles 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Broadside Paso Robles Cabernet opens with a beautifully perfumed bouquet that teases hints of violets, black cherry, and cedar. Perfectly balanced medium acidity and fine tannins provide the right support and structure to showcase the rich flavors of blackberry, hints of cola, and subtle notes of vanilla.

    In stock (10)

  • Broglia La Meirana 2019 Gavi Di Gavi DOCG White 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Pale straw yellow-green, this wine offers a fine and delicate nose with fruity notes of peach, melon and pink grapefruit, as well as hints of anise and flowers. On the palate, it is very balanced, with a long fruity finish.

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  • Brown Estate 2019 Chaos Theory Proprietary Red 750ml

    Deep crimson core, garnet rim. Lily of the valley and banana blossom, delicate passionfruit, papaya, and allspice. Secondary notes of blueberry/boysenberry brioche, warm blackberries with maple sausage, Meyer lemon zest, traces of eucalyptus and cocoa. Medium to full body with formidable structure and supple tannins.

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  • Brown Estate 2021 Chaos Theory Proprietary Red 750ml

    Deep crimson core, garnet rim. Lily of the valley and banana blossom, delicate passionfruit, papaya, and allspice. Secondary notes of blueberry/boysenberry brioche, warm blackberries with maple sausage, Meyer lemon zest, traces of eucalyptus and cocoa. Medium to full body with formidable structure and supple tannins.

    In stock (4)

  • Brunier Vieux Telegraphe 2019 Chateauneuf Du Pape 750ml

    Vieux Telegraphe is an iconic wine. The Brunier family who owns the estate is legendary in its own right, having been rooted to the enigmatic plateau known as "La Crau" for over one hundred years. The wines of Vieux Telegraphe evoke the concept of terroir in its purest form: they…

    In stock (18)
