
2101 products
  • Campo Viejo 2018 Rose 750ml

    Pale in colour, but vibrant in taste, Campo Viejo Rose expresses the lovely aromas of cherry, citrus, strawberries and rose petals. It is perfect for capturing the moments of the Spanish summer with friends over BBQ with Spanish style salmon with chorizo, roasted vegetable salad with manchego and chicken pinxto.

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  • Campo Viejo 2020 Rose 750ml

    Pale in colour, but vibrant in taste, Campo Viejo Rose expresses the lovely aromas of cherry, citrus, strawberries and rose petals. It is perfect for capturing the moments of the Spanish summer with friends over BBQ with Spanish style salmon with chorizo, roasted vegetable salad with manchego and chicken pinxto.

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  • Campo Viejo Reserva 2018 Rioja 750ml

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  • Campo Viejo Rioja 2021 Tempranillo 750ml

    Crafted from 100% premium Tempranillo and a passionate winemaking philosophy. The result is a fresh and lively fruit expression of the variety, that is undeniably Campo Viejo. Leading with beautifully ripe black plum and berry fruit, and the brooding, dark earthy/cacao complexity typical of great Merlot, the wine also displays…

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  • Campo Viejo The Red Blend 2019 750ml

    Winemaker Notes The Campo Viejo, The Red Blend, is the celebration of three winemakers coming together to craft an expressive blend of smooth, silky, dark red fruit. The wine exudes hints of blackberry, cherry, plum, and fresh spice. Round in the mouth, yet fresh and appetizing. Bold but vibrant, with…

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  • Candoni 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    While Cabernet Sauvignon is not an indigenous variety of Italy, growers in several regions in the country have planted it and producers are making various styles. In Friuli and the Veneto regions in the north, the wines are often medium-bodied with moderate tannins and flavors of berry, cassis and olive…

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  • Candoni 2022 Organic Merlot Terre Siciliane IGP 750ml

    Candoni Organic Merlot is a fine wine which is pleasing to the eye, nose, and palate. It is a deep ruby color with full body and smooth tannins. Wonderfully aromatic and fruity, blending silky flavors of blackberry, cherry, and blackcurrant. Its rounded character makes it a great accompaniment to just…

    In stock (7)

  • Candoni 2022 Pinot Grigio 750ml

    Candoni Pinot Grigio Friuli proves both rich and sophisticated in taste, with its well balanced apricot and vanilla tones. Not too sweet and deliciously crisp, this delectable wine couples well with shrimp, crab and other shellfish as well, or even fresh vegetables.

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  • Candoni Prosecco Extra Dry Brut Sparkling 750ml

    Delicate and fruity with a hint of honey, Candoni Prosecco is crisp and clean in the mouth. It has a pleasant acidity level that leaves behind a delicious and persistent freshness with a dry, well-balanced finish. Candoni Prosecco is produced in a flourishing winery nestled in the midst of the…

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  • Candoni Sweet Moscato 750ml

    Candoni Moscato comes from Pavia. It has aromas of fresh nectarine and honey, followed by sweet and refreshing flavors of ripe peach and apricot. The harmonious combination of crispness and fruitiness makes it a perfect accompaniment to spicy dishes or any fruit-based desserts. Made from 100% Moscato Bianco grapes from…

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  • Cantina Lavis 2020 Pinot Grigio Rose 750ml

    Region Trentino Variety Pinot Grigio. Vineyards located in Lavis and Trento. Tasting notes Its coppery colour, defined by a straw-yellow with delicate reflects. Intense bouquet of citrus fruits and flower aromas are the typical organoleptic traits of Pinot Grigio Rosè. Strong sensation of minerality on the palate. Harmonious taste with…

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  • Cantina Lavis 2022 Pinot Grigio Rose 750ml

    Pinot Grigio has been grown in Trentino for many decades, because here, at the foot of the Dolomites, this grape variety is fully able to express its character. Pinot Grigio has found the ideal environment conditions in the foothills and valley vineyards of Lavis, on the sandyloam soil originated from…

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  • Cantina Lavis 2022 Pinot Grigio Trentino DOC 750ml

    Deep golden-yellow color, rich, warm and inviting aroma of ripe fruits and honey. Strong sensation of minerality on the palate. Harmonious taste, balanced silky tannins.

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  • Cantina Lavis 2023 Pinot Grigio Trentino DOC 750ml

    Deep golden-yellow color, rich, warm and inviting aroma of ripe fruits and honey. Strong sensation of minerality on the palate. Harmonious taste, balanced silky tannins.

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