
2101 products
  • Carpineto 2018 Brunello di Montalcino 750ml

    Silky and elegant, revealing cherry, plum, tobacco, earth and iron flavors. The vibrant structure keeps this red pulsing through the long, mineral-infused finish. Shows fine balance and complexity.

    In stock (2)

  • Carpineto 2018 Chianti Classico Riserva DOCG 750ml

    Intense ruby red in color, this wine offers and elegant and full bouquet, with harmonious and persistent notes of vanilla and raspberry. On the palate, it is velvety, generous and warm. Perfect with roasts and game.

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  • Carpineto 2019 Chianti Classico 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Ruby red, garnet reflections on aging. The nose is intense with hints of violets, berries and cherries. The palate is velvety, well-rounded, full bodied and well balanced. Pairs well with grilled red meats and game.

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  • Carpineto 2019 Chianti Classico Riserva DOCG 750ml

    Intense ruby red in color, this wine offers and elegant and full bouquet, with harmonious and persistent notes of vanilla and raspberry. On the palate, it is velvety, generous and warm. Perfect with roasts and game.

    In stock (7)

  • Carpineto Dogajolo 2020 Toscano 750ml

    This is a very innovative product, a young “Super-Tuscan”, whose characteristics are never found together in the same wine. Dogajolo combines the power and deep colors of a young wine, the elegance and balance given by wood aging, as well as a fruity and fragrant bouquet.

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  • Carpineto Vino De Montepulciano Riserva 2017 Montepulciano 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Brilliant ruby red with a tendency to garnet. The nose is ethereal, extraordinarily elegant with hints of violet and wood. The palate is dry, harmonic, fruity and velvety, with an elegant texture and long finish. Pairs well with aged cheeses and games, especially wild boar. Critical Acclaim WS…

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  • Carpineto Vino De Montepulciano Riserva 2018 Montepulciano 750ml

    Brilliant ruby red with a tendency to garnet. The nose is ethereal, extraordinarily elegant with hints of violet and wood. The palate is dry, harmonic, fruity and velvety, with an elegant texture and long finish. Pairs well with aged cheeses and games, especially wild boar.

    In stock (19)

  • Carta Vieja 2019 Gran Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The winery is located 300 kilometers south of Santiago de Chile in the heart of the Maule area. It has been owned by the Del Pedregal family for 7 generations and is one of the oldest in Chile. In 1978, Alberto del Pedregal brought Aldunate Carta Vieja to life, the…

    In stock (5)

  • Carta Vieja Reserva 2020 Valle De Loncomilla Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Ripe red bell pepper flavours supported by lush cherry and bramble fruit. The ripeness of fruit is lush on the palate, with a clean finish.

    In stock (4)

  • Casa Di Monte 2021 Chianti 750ml

    Casa di Monte is a family owned and operated estate. It is composed of a total of 80 hectares of land in the ownership of which 35 hectares, 5 vineyards for the production of red and white wines and IGT wines Chianti, Chianti and Chianti Classico DOCG Montespertoli and 7…

    In stock (1)

  • Casa Di Monte 2022 Chianti 750ml

    Casa di Monte is a family owned and operated estate. It is composed of a total of 80 hectares of land in the ownership of which 35 hectares, 5 vineyards for the production of red and white wines and IGT wines Chianti, Chianti and Chianti Classico DOCG Montespertoli and 7…

    In stock (27)

  • Casa Ferreirinha Vinha Grande 2019 Vinho Tinto Douro 750ml

    2018 Casa Ferreirinha, Vinha Grande Douro Tinto Vegan & Vegetraian Vinha Grande is the second oldest wine of the Douro Valley (after Barca Velha) and its heritage is noticeable in every sip. An elegant, complex wine with the structure of a fine Bordeaux exhibiting flavours of blackcurrant, leather and subtle…

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  • Casal Garcia 2019 Vinho Tinto Port 750ml

    This wine is a real original. If an alarm bell is ringing in your head, then that is probably a good intuition, because authentic, regional wines not made for foreign tastes often times are not for everyone. However, if you are curious about why 50% of vinho verde production is…

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  • Casanova di Neri 2018 Brunello Di Montalcino 750ml

    The 2018 Brunello di Montalcino keeps me coming back to the glass to take in its pretty bouquet of dusty florals, exotic spices and dried strawberries. This is like pure silk on the palate, seamless and supple, with depths of dark red fruit and mineral tones that add a more…

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  • Cascinetta Vietti 2022 Moscato D Asti 750ml

    Pale sunshine yellow color and slight frizzante, this Moscato d'Asti has intense aromas of peaches, rose petals and ginger. On the palate it is delicately sweet and sparkling with modest acidity, good balance, good complexity and a finish of fresh apricots.

    In stock (12)
