
2095 products
  • Castagnoli Salita 2015 Toscana Red Blend 750ml

    Salita originates solely from our most precious vineyard, our Grand Cru. The fifteen highest terraces leading up to the winery fit only one to three rows of Sangiovese bush vines and produce a very unique expression of Castagnoli's land. Salita is our truest and most unique representation of Sangiovese in…

    In stock (18)

  • Castello Del Poggio Moscato D’ Asti 2021 Sparkling 750ml

    Sweet, slightly sparkling, and easy-drinking, this Moscato d'Asti has lots of orange/tangerine flavors. Enjoy with light desserts or simply on its own, well-chilled.

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  • Castello DI Albola 2019 Riserva Chianti Classico 750ml

    Ruby-red in color (advancing to garnet), this wine is bursting with notes of strawberry, red berries, sage, spice cake and subtle earth on the nose. It is vibrant and medium bodied, revealing lively cherry and exotic spice and leading to polished tannins and a delicate finish. Pairs well with most…

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  • Castello DI Albola 2021 Riserva Chianti Classico 750ml

    Ruby-red in color (advancing to garnet), this wine is bursting with notes of strawberry, red berries, sage, spice cake and subtle earth on the nose. It is vibrant and medium bodied, revealing lively cherry and exotic spice and leading to polished tannins and a delicate finish. Pairs well with most…

    In stock (12)

  • Castello DI Albola 2022 Chianti Classico 750ml

    From Tuscany's historic Chianti region, this wine boasts flavors of sour cherry, plum, and hints of leather. Its robust structure and balanced acidity make it a classic companion for Italian dishes, especially those with tomato sauces.

    In stock (27)

  • Castoro Cellars 2019 Estate Grown Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    This Cabernet has aromas of blackberry, black currant, toasted marshmallow, and vanilla spice. On the palate, black plum, raspberry and blackberry with medium tannins and lean acid.

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  • Castoro Cellars 2019 Estate Grown Merlot 750ml

    The Castoro Cellars Merlot is our first Merlot that has qualified for the CCOF certified "made with organic grapes" designation. It utilized all organic estate grapes from two blocks in the Templeton Gap sub AVA; one block adjoins our tasting room and events center. This cool growing area produces outstanding…

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  • Castoro Cellars 2019 Estate Grown Zinfandel 750ml

    Sourced from our organ­i­cal­ly cer­ti­fied Zin­fan­del vine­yards, these grapes get a lot of sun­shine for full ripen­ing and fla­vor devel­op­ment. Some Petite Sir­ah is incor­po­rat­ed into this wine to offer more struc­ture. This Zin­fan­del has a full, yet round mid-palate with a pleas­ant lin­ger­ing fin­ish. Fla­vors of plum, black­ber­ry, and…

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  • Cataldi Madonna Malandrino 2020 Montepulciano d’Abruzzo 750ml

    Founded in 1920, Cataldi Madonna has been carried forward by three generations of the family. Consisting of just over 65 acres, the estate is home to Abruzzo's native varietal range and has been bottling its own wines since 1975. Balance lies at the heart of Cataldi Madonna's vineyard and winery…

    In stock (15)

  • Catena 2021 Malbec Old Vines Lunlunta 750ml

    The 2021 Appellation Lunlunta Malbec was produced with grapes from vines planted in 1930 at 920 meters in altitude. It fermented with full malolactic and had an élevage of six to eight months in barrels, some 40% of them new. The cool year kept the alcohol to a moderate 13.5%…

    In stock (2)

  • Catena 2021 Mendoza Argentina Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Catena Malbec 2021 is a special wine crafted from high altitude estate vineyards in Mendoza, Argentina. The wine is the result of years of exploration and study of the unique terroirs that make up the region. Fourth generation vintner Laura Catena and chief winemaker Alejandro Vigil have combined their expertise…

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  • Catena 2022 Mendoza Malbec 750ml

    Semillón and Chenin Blanc used to be the two most widely planted white grape varieties in Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza´s historical region for premium wines. Semillón came to Argentina in the 19th century and was planted in field blends with Malbec as it was in France. A century ago, the…

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  • Catena 2022 White Clay Semillion-Chenin Lutan De Cuyo 750ml

    Semillón and Chenin Blanc used to be the two most widely planted white grape varieties in Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza´s historical region for premium wines. Semillón came to Argentina in the 19th century and was planted in field blends with Malbec as it was in France. A century ago, the…

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  • Catena D.V. Catena Tinto Historico 2021 Red Blend 750ml

    DV Catena Tinto Historico Red Blend 2021 is an alluring array of ripe red-berry and plum aromas with a floral, violet-like edge and appealing oak influence, too. The palate has a very plush, open feel with medium body and a fresh, juicy finish. Poached red-berry finish. So charming. Discreetly brilliant…

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  • Catena D.V. Catena Tinto Historico 2022 Red Blend 750ml

    D.V. Catena Tinto Historic Red Blend 2021: D.V. Catena Tinto Historic Red Blend hails from Argentina and features a harmonious blend of red and black fruit flavors, often with notes of spices and a balanced structure. Argentina's high-altitude vineyards contribute to the wine's depth and character, making it a great…

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