
2091 products
  • Chateau La Cardonne 2018 Medoc 750ml

    Deep garnet red, with purple highlights. The bouquet mingles black fruits (blueberry, blackberry), spices and perfectly integrated wood. The palate is rich, round and fresh. Impressive and yet fine tannins, very promising. A long finish with vanilla aroma.

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  • Chateau La Graviere 2019 Bordeaux 750ml

    Beautiful garnet color, wine seduces you with a complex nose of aromas of vanilla, black fruits and cherry.

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  • Chateau La Nerthe 2019 Chateaneuf Du Pape Blanc 750ml

    A beautiful pale yellow color with green highlights. On the nose, expressive and complex with pear, pastry and candied citrus tones. Lovely freshness on the palate, with hints of white peach and dried candied fruits. The finish is long with floral notes, a touch of pineapple and green banana, all…

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  • Chateau La Nerthe 2019 Chateaneuf Du Pape Rouge 750ml

    A beautiful pale yellow color with green highlights. On the nose, expressive and complex with pear, pastry and candied citrus tones. Lovely freshness on the palate, with hints of white peach and dried candied fruits. The finish is long with floral notes, a touch of pineapple and green banana, all…

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  • Chateau La Nerthe 2020 Chateaneuf Du Pape Rouge 750ml

    A beautiful pale yellow color with green highlights. On the nose, expressive and complex with pear, pastry and candied citrus tones. Lovely freshness on the palate, with hints of white peach and dried candied fruits. The finish is long with floral notes, a touch of pineapple and green banana, all…

    In stock (10)

  • Chateau La Nerthe Les Cassagnes 2020 Cotes Du Rhone Villages 750ml

    Deep red color with a purple border. On the nose, intense red fruits with some black cherry notes. A beautiful freshness on the palate, with roundness. The finish is long with candied red fruit notes highlighted by sweet spices. Fresh, silky finish. Food Pairings: Grilled pork chops with ratatouille, grilled…

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  • Chateau Lassegue 2019 Saint Emilion Grand Cru 750ml

    A floral touch from the first nose, smoky but delicate, with a powerful and surprisingly supple touch to the tannins. This must be one of the best 2017s in St-Emilion. So much smoke and grilled chocolate add layers of interest to the berry fruits. This was the year of the…

    In stock (6)

  • Chateau Le Gay 2016 Pomerol 750ml

    James Suckling: 98 Points Exotic aromas of blackberries, truffle, earth and cedar follow through to a full body, rich and layered tannins and a long, long finish. Shows so much here. Exotic. Give it at least three or four years of bottle age. Exuberant. Try from 2023. Wine Advocate: 95…

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  • Chateau Les Tourelles De Longueville 2016 Pauillac 750ml

    The 2016 Les Tourelles de Longueville is a blend of 58% Merlot, 25% Cabernet Sauvignon, 12% Cabernet Franc and 5% Petit Verdot (from young vines that are destined to go into the Grand Vin one day, according to Christian Seely), matured in 30% new oak for 12 months. It offers…

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  • Chateau Massiac Sentinelle de Massiac 2016 Minervois 750ml

    A very serious -- and very enjoyable red that's ideal to enjoy with dinner on a cold night (or, looking ahead, with something grilled, in the summer). From organically farmed vineyards around the former Cathar village of Minerve, one of the best vineyard areas in the Languedoc, comes fruit that…

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  • Chateau Montelena 2017 Calistoga Zinfandel 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Aromas of cinnamon and allspice quickly yield to ripe cherry and a torrent of red fruit along with a characteristic hint of tobacco. Dark and lush, the initial perception of tart raspberry is overwhelmed by blackberry jam, red licorice, and a supple earthiness that leans toward black pepper…

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  • Chateau Montelena Napa Valley 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Dark garnet, nearly violet in the glass, the aromatic intensity of this wine is irresistible. Fresh berries and dried cherries comingle with bergamot, lavender, mint, gunpowder and sage without a single element dominating another.  Fresh and dynamic, with cranberry, cola and raspberry jam. The acidity is laser focused, the spine…

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  • Chateau Montelena Napa Valley 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Dark garnet, nearly violet in the glass, the aromatic intensity of this wine is irresistible. Fresh berries and dried cherries comingle with bergamot, lavender, mint, gunpowder and sage without a single element dominating another.  Fresh and dynamic, with cranberry, cola and raspberry jam. The acidity is laser focused, the spine…

    In stock (11)

  • Chateau Montelena Napa Valley 2020 Chardonnay 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Golden straw-colored in the glass, the wine opens with cinnamon and ripe peach, bolstered by aromas of melon, fig, and pear. More fruity than floral upon release, there’s nonetheless plenty of honeysuckle and spice, softening to green apple and vanilla. Initially fused with lemon curd and ripe orange,…

    In stock (26)

  • Chateau Musar Hochar 2016 Pere Et Fils Bekaa Valley Lebanon 750ml

    Bottled unfined and unfiltered, Hochar Père et Fils Reds are suitable for vegans; they’re also richly-textured and likely to produce deposits in bottle. This is a feature of most fine wines. Ideally, the wine could be decanted (discarding any sediment) up to one hour before serving at between 16-18°C. This…

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