
2149 products
  • Chateau Ste Michelle 2023 Columbia Valley Rose 750ml

    The Chateau Ste. Michelle Columbia Valley Rosé is a dry and elegant style wine with beautiful pale pink color hues. The fresh and lively wine offers bright aromas of watermelon and raspberry with flavors of wild strawberry, citrus zest and hints of melon.

    In stock (23)

  • Chateau Suau 2015 Cotes De Bordeaux 750ml

    This smoky wine already shows a fine balance between oak, spice and bright red fruit. It's structured to age but is also attractive now; its juicy berry flavors show easily through the tannins. Drink from 2019. -ROGER VOSS

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  • Chateau Suau 2016 Cotes De Bordeaux 750ml

    The vineyard is situated in the Cotes de Bordeaux-Cadillac apellations, and encompasses 66 hectares. The vines, planted in gravel and clay “terroir”, benefit from favorable south-south east facing slopes and plateaus. The grapes are destemmed then sorted on a table in the cellar. Cold maceration before fermentation in thermo regulated…

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  • Chateau Tour Prignac 2018 Medoc Bordeaux 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Chateau Tour Prignac shows a beautiful dark ruby red color. Ripe red fruit on the nose with a delicious touch of spice. A smooth, creamy attack leading to a well-structured body with a vein of silky tannins. Admirable elegance gives way to a very pleasing finish full of…

    In stock (2)

  • Chateau Tour Prignac Grande Reserve 2015 Medoc 750ml

    A 2017 Decanter World Wine Awards Winner This is a powerful, elegant wine, an excellent expression of the two varietals from which it is blended. A powerful, dense nose with aromas of black fruit, liqueur cherries, and fresh, high-quality wood. This is carried through to the palate, with an additional…

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  • Chateau Vitallis 2022 Les Vignes Du Chateau Pouilly-Fuisse 750ml

    Bright and rich fruit envelopes the palate in this substantial chardonnay, the fruit is soft and round with seemingly endless depth.  The wine has a long finish with mineral hints to keep the wine bold, yet clean.  If you are a fan of Pouilly-Fuisse then this is a must-try!

    In stock (15)

  • Chateau Yon 2018 Saint Emilion Grand Cru 750ml

    An appealing nose, aromatic with hints of pepper and black berry fruit. Good body and really well-judged balance. It is complete and long in the mouth with the oak well integrated on the finish. Chateau Yon is situated near Saint Christophe des Bardes at the bottom of the slopes and…

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  • Chateau Yon 2019 Saint Emilion Grand Cru 750ml

    Winery Château Yon Grapes Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot Region Saint-Émilion Grand Cru Regional styles Bordeaux Saint-Émilion Food pairing Beef, Lamb, Game (deer, venison), Poultry

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  • Chaucer’s Raspberry Mead 750ml

    Our Raspberry Mead is a blend of our Chaucer’s Mead and a small portion of our Raspberry Wine. A blend of fruit such as raspberry is known as Melomel. This blend of fruit and honey has been enjoyed for centuries. Less sweet than our regular mead, this wine finishes with…

    In stock (9)

  • Chaucer’s Sparkling Mead 500mL

    CHAUCER'S Sparkling Mead is a delicious twist on our CHAUCER'S Honey Mead. This semi-dry, hard honey beverage has natural orange and ginger essence. Gluten Free. Best enjoyed when chilled! CHAUCER'S Sparkling Mead is 100% gluten-free.

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  • Chehalem Stoller Vineyards Dundee Hills 2013 Pinot Noir 750ml

    This very dark ruby colored Pinot Noir from the Dundee Hills is very nice. It opens with a black cherry-cola like bouquet. On the palate, this wine is full bodied, balanced and juicy. The flavor profile is red plum with notes of strawberry and some oak. I also detected hints…

    In stock (1)

  • Chimney Rock Stags Leap District 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Deep red with purple hue. This Cabernet is abundant with aromas of black cherry, mocha, with subtle hints of mint and floral. This Cabernet is graceful and elegant with black cherry flavors on the entry. On the palate, this wine is luscious in the midpalate, while the tannin structure and…

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  • Chloe 2020 Central Coast Rose 750ml

    Chloe Central Coast Rosé is a dry, bright and delicious wine that is light and elegant in style. Delicate notes of fresh strawberries, raspberries and watermelon dance on the nose and palate, unfolding into a crisp and well-balanced wine with bright acidity and a refreshing finish.

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  • Chloe 2020 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Hailing from prized vineyards in Marlborough, New Zealand, Chloe Sauvignon Blanc is a classic expression of this zesty varietal. Alluring aromatics lead to an intense expression of the Sauvignon Blanc grape with a generously structured mouthfeel. Tropical fruit aromas and layers of fresh citrus, ripe lychee and juicy pineapple delight…

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  • Chloe 2021 Central Coast Rose 750ml

    Chloe Rosé is a dry, bright and delicious wine that is light and elegant in style. Delicate notes of fresh strawberries, raspberries and watermelon dance on the nose and palate, unfolding into a crisp and well-balanced wine with bright acidity and a refreshing finish

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