
2084 products
  • Clos Cibonne 2017 Tibouren Cuvee Tradition Cotes De Provence Cru Classe Rose 750ml

    This is Clos Cibonne's easy drinking red: made from mostly Tibouren, this wine will make you re-evaluate what you think you know about reds from Provence. This unusual wine has a charming freshness. Fruity, light, and very aromatic. Light red color. Great with a slight chill. Blend: 90% Tibouren, 10%…

    In stock (2)

  • Clos Du Bois 2023 Butter Chardonnay 750ml

    Our Buttery Chardonnay is rich in flavor with a creamy texture. Aromas of spiced pear and pineapple are complimented by hints of vanilla and toasted oak. Enjoy a glass chilled by itself, or pair with vegetable risotto, grilled lemon chicken or pan seared salmon.

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  • Clos Du Val 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    This fresh and vibrant Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon is brimming with aromas of blackberry, mulberry, cassis, and violet. On the palate, bright flavors of cranberry, red plum, cherry, and lavender are intertwined with supple tannins, balanced acidity, and a long, smooth finish.

    In stock (13)

  • Clos La Chance 2019 Heritage Estate Vineyards 750ml

    Dark ruby and slightly opaque, with aromas of violet, blackberry, dried herbs and molasses. Medium- to heavy-bodied, with flavors of cola, dried cherries, tea leaf and chocolate.

    In stock (7)

  • Cloudy Bay 2023 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Winemaker Notes This Sauvignon Blanc is fresh and vibrant on the nose, with aromatics of bright citrus, kaffir lime, orchard blossom and passion furit. The palate is concentrated and mouthwatering, with juicy stone fruit and subtle tropical characters underpinned by a fine minerality and meyer lemon acidity. Enjoy with keta…

    In stock (12)

  • Cockburns 2017 Vintage Porto Port 750ml

    Of opaque color, almost black, extremely complex aroma, with evidence for the notes of rock rose and red fruits and some minerality, intense taste with excellent fruit, spicy tannins and a claw that holds it to the taste buds in an endless finish.

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  • Cockburns Fine Ruby Porto Port 750ml

    Cockburn's Fine Ruby port is a blend of young wines from various years, aged for three to five years and bottled after filtration. It retains the red color and fruit flavor of youth, and is ready to drink when bottled, offering a rich, fruity, sweet taste.

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  • Codorniu Anna Brut Sparkling 750ml

    The Anna de Codorniu Cava Brut begins with pale straw yellow color in the glass, clean and brilliant. Fine bubbles with continuous beads and a persistent mousse. On the nose, it displays delicate aromas of tropical fruit such as pineapple as well as citrus, grapefruit and lime. On the palate…

    In stock (3)

  • Codorniu ARS Collecta Cava Brut Blanc be Blancs Sparkling 750ml

    Codorníu Ars Collecta represents the legacy of almost five centuries of winemaking expertise. Our experience, together with an exhaustive understanding of our vineyards, have allowed us to create this unique blend of Chardonnay with Xarel·lo and Parellada.

    In stock (17)

  • Codorniu ARS Collecta Rose Cava Sparkling 750ml

    Codorníu Ars Collecta represents the legacy of almost five centuries of winemaking expertise. Our experience, together with an exhaustive understanding of our vineyards, have allowed us to create this unique blend of Pinot Noir with Trepat and Xarel·lo.

    In stock (9)

  • Codorniu Zero Alcohol Free Brut Rose Sparkling 750ml

    A pleasant non-alcoholic sparkling wine made with Macabeo, Xarel-lo, and Parraleta that goes through a process of dealcoholization retaining the aromas of red fruit, strawberries, cherries, and woodland fruits with hints of green apple. A delicate cherry color with strawberry tones showcases fine and persistent bubbles that are elegant and…

    In stock (10)

  • Codorniu Zero Alcohol Free Brut Sparkling 750ml

    Codorníu Zero is a delicious alcohol-free sparkling wine obtained by dealcoholizing. Its fresh citrus flavors and tropical fruit combine perfectly with any occasion that requires an alternative pleasure. Fine bubble, fruity character and harmonious...

    In stock (14)

  • Collefrisio 2022 Rose 750ml

    Filarè is the line of classic Collefrisio wines, a range of four wines from the typical Abruzzo to international variety of grapes. Cherry pink color. The bouquet has floral hints, fresh fruit, cherry and black cherry. Good structure and balance, fresh, persistent, fragrant. The fruity palate is well integrated with…

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  • Collefrisio 2023 Rose 750ml

    Filarè is the line of classic Collefrisio wines, a range of four wines from the typical Abruzzo to international variety of grapes. Cherry pink color. The bouquet has floral hints, fresh fruit, cherry and black cherry. Good structure and balance, fresh, persistent, fragrant. The fruity palate is well integrated with…

    In stock (17)

  • Collefrisio Appassimento Vino Rosso 2021 Red Blend 750ml

    The successful winemakers of Collefrisio in Abruzzo also offer a nice appassimento. The 60% Montepulciano and 20% Merlot grapes dry on the vine and are only harvested in the second half of October. The 'normally' harvested sangiovese adds freshness to the wine and provides a nice balance with the concentrated,…

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