
2084 products
  • Collefrisio Sottosopra Red 750ml

    Wine with sour cherry is a traditional product of the Abruzzo region, called Ratafia. There are different versions, including fortified ones. This one is made exclusively with Montepulciano d'Abruzzo with some sour cherry syrup. Intense notes of red fruits and cocoa. Elegant, soft and fresh. Served chilled. The preparation and…

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  • Colome 2020 Autentico Malbec 750ml

    Colomé “Auténtico” is a tribute to our pioneers who planted the vineyards and opened the winery in 1831. Since then, the vineyards at Bodega Colomé have been grown with sustainable farming practices to achieve the “authentic” expression of the terroir. Higher altitudes offer more sun, less UV protection and produce…

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  • Colome 2022 Autentico Malbec 750ml

    Colomé “Auténtico” is a tribute to our pioneers who planted the vineyards and opened the winery in 1831. Since then, the vineyards at Bodega Colomé have been grown with sustainable farming practices to achieve the “authentic” expression of the terroir. Higher altitudes offer more sun, less UV protection and produce…

    In stock (23)

  • Columbia Crest 2021 Grand Estates Chardonnay 750ml

    This hedonistic treat is a well-executed take on the buttery-creamy style of Chardonnay. The wine features coconut and warm apple-pie aromas, with a splash of rose water on the nose. Flavors such as lemon butter, spicy cinnamon and caramel apple fill every nook and cranny of the olfactory system.

    In stock (245)

  • Columbia Crest H3 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Dark fruit dominates this Cabernet with notes of black cherry, and blackberry. There is a touch of dark chocolate and currant with a hint of minerality added by the concrete ageing. The wine finishes with plush tannins and a cocoa.

    In stock (6)

  • Concha Y Toro Casillero Del Diablo Reserva 2021 Carmenere 750ml

    In the closing years of the 19th century Don Melchor de Concha y Toro discovered that his most treasured wines had been pilfered from the "casillero" (cellar) beneath his family home. To discourage further theft, the enterprising Don spread a rumor that his deepest, darkest cellars were haunted by the…

    In stock (13)

  • Concha Y Toro Casillero Del Diablo Reserva 2022 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Deep, intense ruby red. The expression of cassis in this wine perfectly represents the Valle Central and its richness in fruit such as cherries and plums. The barrel ageing length thanks to the toast and coffee notes. Medium bodied with silky tannins and long, ripe fruit and berry…

    In stock (32)

  • Condado de Haza 2019 Crianza Ribera Del Duero 750ml

    The Condado de Haza Crianza is intense dark in color and full on the nose with aromas of dark fruits and mature overripe red fruits like strawberries. The palate is also rich and has great concentration with a fine and weighty structure. Flavors of vanilla and spice are added to…

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  • Condado de Haza 2020 Crianza Ribera Del Duero 750ml

    The Condado de Haza Crianza is intense dark in color and full on the nose with aromas of dark fruits and mature overripe red fruits like strawberries. The palate is also rich and has great concentration with a fine and weighty structure. Flavors of vanilla and spice are added to…

    In stock (21)

  • Cono Sur 2018 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Winemaker Notes This Sauvignon Blanc, made from organically grown grapes certified by the BCS Öeko Garantie GmbH, bears the spirit of our estate workers, pedaling their way to our vineyards each day. Young and fresh, this wine has a nice a bright yellow color with green hues. Its nose is…

    In stock (10)

  • Conte Calevi Vulcanico Aglianico 2013 Red 750ml

    Tasting Notes: Attractive aromas of forest floor, plum, smoke, game and fresh herbs, with chocolate and earthy aromas leading to incense, tar and milk chocolate notes on the long finish. Full body, with black fruits and smoky vanilla on the finish.

    In stock (7)

  • Conti Costanti 2015 Brunello De Montalcino 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Deep ruby red with brilliant garnet reflections, the bouquet is rich, ample and intense with notes of brushwood, berries, plums, violets, spices and vanilla confirmed on the palate; wonderful elegance and balance, lush concentration, voluptuous body and silky, smooth tannins. Shows power and finesse all at once. A…

    In stock (6)

  • Conti Costanti 2017 Brunello De Montalcino 750ml

    Brilliant ruby in color, with intense, ripe aromas of berry fruit providing a prelude to a lush, full-bodied palate. Serve with rich, structured dishes, red meat or seasoned cheeses.

    In stock (6)

  • Conundrum 2021 Red Blend 750ml

    A rich, dark red, it offers aromas of ripe berries and plums, warmed by a hint of cocoa. Dried fruit and the taste of chocolate-covered cherries come through on the palate, while a wisp of smokiness makes this wine – created from dark red varietals including Zinfandel and Petite Sirah…

    In stock (21)

  • Conundrum 2022 White 750ml

    Blending wines was almost unthinkable when Conundrum White was born more than 25 years ago. Since then, this wine has attracted a loyal following and remains as inventive as ever. While the exact blend is under wraps, every vintage includes Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Semillon, Muscat Canelli, and Viognier. Conundrum White…

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