
2149 products
  • Cordero Di Montezemolo 2023 Arneis Langhe 750ml

    Bright straw colour; intense bouquet of peach and acacia flowers, chamomile, melon and yellow flowers. Inviting and fresh with a typical note of a slightly bitter finish. Splendid accompaniment for antipasti and springtime first courses including omelets with wild herbs, savory pies, vegetable soups, stuffed squash blossoms, freshwater seafood and…

    In stock (12)

  • Corte Dei Venti Le Terre Rosse 2016 IGT Toscana Rosso 750ml

    Le Terre Rosse is Corte dei Venti's Toscana Rosso IGT born with the idea of producing a wine that can be drunk one glass after another, intended for the most convivial occasions. Intense and brilliant ruby red color, intense aroma of red fruit, hints of clove and cocoa. On the…

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  • Corvo 2021 Terre Siciliane IGT Moscato 750ml

    Straw yellow with greenish highlights. intense and harmonious, delicate Muscat scents with clear notes of peach, honey and apricot. Light, fresh, lively, pleasantly aromatic.

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  • Crafted Pollinator Hopped Blackberry Honey Wine 16.9 oz

    POLLEN-NATION 2014 Mazer Cup International Mead Competition Gold Medal - Session Mead Category 2015 Mazer Cup International Mead Competition Bronze Medal - Session Mead Category Style: Dry Hopped Blackberry Session Mead with Cinnamon ABV: 6% Package: 500ml & Draft

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  • Cresti Fattoria Carpineta Fontalpino Do Ut Des Toscana IGT 2011 Red 750ml

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  • Crios 2020 Mendoza Malbec 750ml

    A fresh, pure expression of the variety, this Malbec displays aromas of violets, cherries and spices. Fruity, with balanced acidity on the palate, notes of ripe red fruits and a subtle hint of oak.

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  • Croft Reserve Ruby Porto 750ml

    Winemaker Notes A powerful, rich blackcurrant bouquet with subtle hints of cedar and spice. In the mouth black, woodland fruit and chocolate flavors dominate. The wine has good weight and structure with a fine finish.

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  • Crowded House Marlborough 2022 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Whitehaven captures intense notes of passionfruit, lemongrass and white peach in this bold, refreshing Sauvignon Blanc. Superbly structured and elegantly balanced, with fresh-snipped greens and citrus characteristics that blend effortlessly with notes of tropical fruit. Each glass boasts the long, clean finish of classic Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc. With its bright…

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  • Cuevas De Arom 2020 Altas Parcelas Garnacha 750ml

    The first wine that Fernando Mora made in his apartment was called AROM (his last name backwards) and was a symbol of his start in the world of wine in 2008. In the search for greater heights in order to achieve greater freshness and precision, Bodegas Frontonio and Bodegas San…

    In stock (12)

  • Cupcake 2020 Pfalz Riesling 750ml

    Our Riesling is a zesty, fruit-forward wine from vineyards in Germany’s celebrated Pfalz region. Delightful flavors of lemon, fresh peach, ripe honeydew and white cherry dance on the tongue and lead to a creamy mouthfeel. Balanced with bright citrus and a hint of sweetness, this wine finishes with a zesty…

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  • Cupcake 2021 Rose 750ml

    Our Rosé comes from vineyards along California’s alluring coastline where the sun-drenched days slowly ripen our grapes and cool nights ensure a bright, crisp wine. Elegant flavors of watermelon, strawberry and white nectarine lead to a silky texture and a refreshing finish. Serve with prosciutto wrapped melon, an arugula salad…

    In stock (20)

  • Cupcake 2022 Butterkissed Chardonnay 750ml

    Our Butterkissed Chardonnay is a rich, decadent take on a timeless varietal. We grow our grapes in the sun-drenched vineyards of California, where the long, warm growing season helps us coax rich, indulgent flavors into the bottle. Butterkissed Chardonnay has a smooth, creamy mouthfeel, with luscious buttery notes and hints…

    In stock (54)

  • Cupcake 2023 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    This vibrant and complex Sauvignon Blanc bursts with flavors of Key Limes, white nectarines, grapefruit and gooseberry leaving a well-balanced finish.

    In stock (33)

  • Cupcake Signature Sweets Berry Fruit 750ml

    Our Berry wine is a deliciously sweet mix of juicy strawberry, raspberry, and blueberry flavors. Light-bodied, each sip has a touch of sweetness with a refreshing effervescence on the finish. Sourced from Italy’s vibrant Piedmont region, Signature Sweets Berry is crafted to delight the senses with an effervescent blend of…

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