
2149 products
  • Cupcake Signature Sweets Peach Fruit 750ml

    Our Peach wine is bright with ripe stone fruit flavor. Layered with hints of tropical fruit and floral aromatics, each sip is fruity and light-bodied with a touch of sweetness and refreshing effervescence on the finish. Enjoy chilled.

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  • Cupcake Signature Sweets Watermelon Fruit 750ml

    Our Watermelon wine is bursting with juicy, freshly cut melon flavor. Each sip is fruity and light-bodied with a touch of sweetness and refreshing effervescence on the finish. Enjoy chilled.

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  • Cupcake Vineyards 2021 Pinot Grigio 750ml

    Our Pinot Grigio is crafted from grapes sourced from the foothills of the Italian Alps, making for a uniquely flavorful wine. Refreshing fruit flavors of fresh pear, cantaloupe, apple and pineapple lead to a crisp finish with subtle notes of honey and lemon zest. Pair with Caesar salad, chicken fettuccine…

    In stock (10)

  • Cupcake Vineyards 2022 Chardonnay 750ml

    A big, rich wine from California, this full and elegantly textured Chardonnay has decadent levels of butter, cream, bright citrus and vanilla. These layers melt into a balance of oak and subtle spice.

    In stock (18)

  • Cupcake Vineyards 2022 Pinot Grigio 750ml

    Our Pinot Grigio is crafted from grapes sourced from the foothills of the Italian Alps, making for a uniquely flavorful wine. Refreshing fruit flavors of fresh pear, cantaloupe, apple and pineapple lead to a crisp finish with subtle notes of honey and lemon zest. Pair with Caesar salad, chicken fettuccine…

    In stock (59)

  • Cupcake Vineyards Extra Dry Cava Sparkling 750ml

    Crafted in northern Spain in the traditional Champagne method, our Cava sparkling wine delights any palate with fine bubbles and creamy flavors of lemon mousse, baked pear, and toasted brioche. Our Cava comes from the Penendes region of Northern Spain, where mild temperatures and moderate rainfall create ideal grape-growing conditions.…

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  • Cusumano Nero D Avola 2020 Red 750ml

    A deep ruby red, with violet reflections in the glass. This wine displays fresh aromas of red and black berries. Well-rounded with firm tannins, this Nero d'Avola entices the palate with jammy ripe fruit followed by a wave of black spices.

    In stock (1)

  • Cusumano Nero D Avola 2021 Red 750ml

    A deep ruby red, with violet reflections in the glass. This wine displays fresh aromas of red and black berries. Well-rounded with firm tannins, this Nero d'Avola entices the palate with jammy ripe fruit followed by a wave of black spices.

    In stock (24)

  • Cusumano Terre Siciliane 2022 Merlot 750ml

    The wines of Cusumano are among the best that Sicily has to offer in terms of wine. They have a lot of personality and carry their own handwriting. They have an incredible abundance of attractive, beguiling fruit flavors and the melting of the South. Her latest achievement is vineyards around…

    In stock (12)

  • Cusumano Terre Siciliane IGT 2021 Merlot 750ml

    The wines of Cusumano are among the best that Sicily has to offer in terms of wine. They have a lot of personality and carry their own handwriting. They have an incredible abundance of attractive, beguiling fruit flavors and the melting of the South. Her latest achievement is vineyards around…

    In stock (3)

  • Cuvaison Estate Grown Napa Valley Los Carneros 2019 Chardonnay 750ml

    WINEMAKER'S NOTES: A warmer growing season, the 2019 vintage delivered wine with more weight and depth, giving the wine a plush, luxurious mouthfeel while delivering crispness and length on the finish. Our 2019 Estate Chardonnay has a citrus driven nose with lemon, grapefruit, and lime zest in spades. On deeper…

    In stock (2)

  • Cuvaison Estate Grown Napa Valley Los Carneros 2020 Chardonnay 750ml

    Grown on a vein of Cortina clay soil that runs through the heart of our Los Carneros Estate, the 2020 vintage of our Chardonnay, Coeurtina opens with acacia blossom and apricot on the nose. Known for its luscious core of stone fruit and citrus, the wine finishes with a pleasant…

    In stock (12)

  • Cuvaison Napa Valley Los Carneros 2022 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Winemaker Notes: Our 2019 Sauvignon Blanc, En Cigare is named after the cigar-shaped oak barrels in which it is fermented and aged. The larger size and cigar shape of these barrels enhance the contact with the lees, lending richness and concentration. Our En Cigare displays notes of grapefruit, lime, lemongrass,…

    In stock (20)

  • Cvne 2017 Imperial Reserva Rioja 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Deep cherry red in color. The nose is attractive and complex, combining the fruit driven notes from the blend of varieties with those from the ageing in French and American oak barrels. The palate is well rounded, with the clear presence of supple, silky tannins and concludes with…

    In stock (34)

  • Cvne 201X Monopole Clasico Blanco Seco Rioja 750ml

    CVNE — shorthand for Compañia Vinicola del Norte de España — has been a source of traditional Rioja for nearly a century and a half, and while Rioja is best known for its reds, its rarer white wines are what we use to assess a producer's potential.

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