
2159 products
  • Ferrari Carano Tre Terre 2022 Russian River Valley Chardonnay 750ml

    This is Ferrari Carano's ultimate expression of Chardonnay, from a vineyard in the esteemed Russian River Valley. Ripe and concentrated, with smoky, toasty oak and a broad array of flavors of fig, pear, butterscotch, and butter, makes this a spectacular wine.

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  • Ferrari-Carano 2023 Friuli Pinot Grigio 750ml

    The Grave region is named for its gravelly soils, and this mineral-stony based white possesses spark and gleams with white-peppered peach. Lime zest and kiwi are subtle and graceful. Its crisp and lengthy finish offers a crème fraiche tonality.

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  • Fess Parker Bien Nacido Vineyard Santa Barbara County 2012 Pinot Noir 750ml

    This wine is quintessential Bien Nacido, big, rich and velvety on the palate with loads of forward cherry and strawberry fruit framed in with attractive spice, cola and toasty characteristics adding complexity. 

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  • Fess Parker Santa Barbara County 2022 Riesling 750ml

    Riesling was the first varietal we planted on the Fess Parker Home Ranch in the late 80’s. Although it’s sometimes misunderstood, it’s a varietal we love working with and a wine that’s perfect to drink this time of year. At Fess Parker, we make two different styles of Riesling, one…

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  • Fetzer Gewurztraminer 750ml

    Passion fruit along with tangerine, mango and aromas of honey and orange spice join with pineapple, baked pears and hints of cinnamon. This wine can be zesty, and flavors of clove, orange and caramelized apples are evident.

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  • Feudi Di San Gregorio 2017 Rubrato Aglianico 750ml

    An intense ruby red color, this Aglianico displays aromas of wild berries, licorice and herb. It's well-balanced with savory notes of balsamic, and pairs well with hard cheeses, eggplant parmigiana or hearty beef stew. Great fresh-plum and herbal character on the expressive nose leads into an aglianico that manages to…

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  • Feudo Di San Gregorio 2021 Visione Campania Rosato 750ml

    Intense and crystal clear pink. Aromas of fresh flowers, wild strawberries and raspberries. Fresh and lively on the palate with notes of freshly picked cherries. Super versatile food-friendly Rosé, perfect with shellfish, seafood or a plate of salami and cheeses, but best with a Margherita Pizza!

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  • Feudo Disisa Chara Terre Siciliane 2021 White 750ml

    Being aware of the great potential of the Di Lorenzo family farm located in the area of Grisì/Monreale near Palermo, we were used – and somehow addicted – to the outstanding performance of Feudo Disisa extra virgin olive oil, a product that has always been among the best ones in…

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  • Feudo Disisa Sicilia Catarratto Lu Bancu 2021 White 750ml

    Winery Feudo Disisa Grapes Catarratto Bianco Region Terre Siciliane Wine style Southern Italy White Food pairing Shellfish, Vegetarian, Appetizers and snacks

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  • Feudo Disisa Sicilia Catarratto Lu Bancu 2022 White 750ml

    Winery Feudo Disisa Grapes Catarratto Bianco Region Terre Siciliane Wine style Southern Italy White Food pairing Shellfish, Vegetarian, Appetizers and snacks

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  • Fillaboa 2021 Estate Grown Albarino Rias Baixas D.O. 750ml

    This wine comes from the historic Fillaboa Estate, from vineyards covering 50 hectares of land that lie on sloping hills adjoining the Tea and Miño Rivers in the south, on the natural border with Portugal. Fillaboa belongs to the Association of Grandes Pagos de España.This coupage includes eight of Fillaboa’s…

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  • Finca La Escarcha Encubierto 2021 Blend De Tintas Mendoza 750ml

    Estate-grown, sustainably-farmed vines averaging 15 years-old. Aged in French oak barriques for 12 months. 2,300 bottles produced. Fresh and herbaceous, aromas of tobacco and black pepper open to soft raspberry flavors on the palate. Elegant and expressive, the round, polished tannins are balanced with a freshness provided by acidity and…

    In stock (11)

  • Finca Los Aljibes Enclave 2016 Monastrell 750ml

    Winery Finca Los Aljibes Grapes Monastrell Region Castilla Regional styles Spanish Monastrell Food pairing Beef, Pasta, Lamb, Game (deer, venison)

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  • Finca Parera 2016 Sasso Penedes 750ml

    About Ruben Parera - Celler Finca Parera Catalonia, Spain We are fourth generation farmers since 1892, organic winegrowers since 1999 and biodynamic winemakers since 2013. Our own vineyards are in the Upper Penedès, with calcareous – clay soil, low rainfall and Mediterranean influence. Our wines Xarel.lo, Sumoll and other varieties…

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  • Fishbone 2015 Shiraz 750ml

    Produced from premium Western Australian Shiraz fruit, the wine has deep plum purple colour, fruity aroma, and soft tannins supporting dark berry flavours. Vineyard: Geographe, Western Australia. Shiraz 100%. Nose: Ripe plum & rhubarb, with hint of tobacco and vanilla. Palate: Dry, spiced dark fruits, balanced acidity with healthy tannin…

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