
2167 products
  • Fonseca Bin No. 27 Port 750ml

    Fonseca Bin No. 27 was created over a century ago for family consumption, and only released commercially in 1972. It is produced primarily from wines from Fonseca's own quintas in the Cima Corgo and thus shows an exceptional quality and consistency from year to year. Blended from reserve wines selected…

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  • Fontanabianca Barbaresco DOCG 750ml

    The Fontanabianca 2017 Barbaresco delivers terrific results at an approachable price. This production of 25,000 bottles offers a full bouquet of Nebbiolo typicity with the extra heft and exuberance of this warm vintage. The bouquet delivers all the headline aromas you might expect, with wild cherry, dried blueberry, spice, licorice…

    In stock (6)

  • Forever Summer by Mirabeau 2022 Rose 750ml

    A delicious and light everyday rosé with a lovely freshness, a pretty nose of cherry and almond flower and aromas of white peaches. Enjoy as an aperitif or with all kinds of food. Pretty nose with cherry and almond flower notes and combava zest aromas. On the palate, a lovely…

    In stock (9)

  • Forge Cellars 2021 Arlo Seneca Lake Cabernet Franc 750ml

    With complete candor, we can admit that our fascination with “collecting sites” can sometimes seem a bit crazy. Despite the possibility that we truly are a bit mad, the utter joy of watching people discover and connect with different vineyards is unparalleled. Certain sites speak more deeply to some people…

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  • Forge Cellars 2021 Classique Seneca Lake Dry Riesling 750ml

    Winemaking partners Rick Rainey and Louis Barruol (of Château de St. Cosme, in Gigondas) have organized Forge Cellars to explore the unique qualities of Seneca Lake vineyard sites. With a focus on biointensive and regenerative growing practices, they have made a commitment to sustainability in every aspect of their business.…

    In stock (9)

  • Fortress North Coast 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Intense color with a dark ruby center and garnet edges. Aromas of raspberry to dark plum with a bit of dark spice and a lift of sweet toffee. The palate is fruit-forward with dark lush blackberry, blueberry, and black cherry flavors, followed by a great mid-palate with chewy…

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  • Four Vines Biker 2019 Zinfandel 750ml

    Paso Robles Zins are bold, full-bodied wines with jammy fruit and pepperspice. Biker roars out of the glass with heady aromas of blackberry, black currant and spice. Flavors of wild bramble, sweet black cherry and jam follow while the finish is intense, layered and long. Biker will not disappoint when…

    In stock (9)

  • Four Vines Biker 2020 Zinfandel 750ml

    Black cherry and spicy aromas lead to an elegant palate of wild black- berry and plum flavors bolstered by a touch of black pepper and sweet, toasted oak. The 2020 offers a plush mouthfeel and a long, velvety finish.

    In stock (27)

  • Four Vines Naked Central Coast 2020 Unoaked Chardonnay 750ml

    California’s Central Coast is a vast, rugged landscape stretching from Santa Barbara north to Monterey Bay. It’s wild country with a gorgeous coastline and few towns. Wide open with fertile farming soil and abundant ranchland, this place attracted more than just farmers and cowboys it also attracted artists, rebels, seekers…

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  • Four Virtues 2020 Bourbon Barrel Aged Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Heavily charred new Bourbon oak barrels impart nuanced layers of caramel, vanilla and toasty oak to the wine’s naturally intense dark berry character. The result is a robust, deliciously complex and silky smooth Lodi Cabernet Sauvignon. Four Virtues Cabernet Sauvignon is named thus because of a popular saying that exceptional…

    In stock (3)

  • Fournier Pere ET Fils 2019 Vin De France Pinot Noir 750ml

    Pale to medium ruby with a clear rim. On the nose ripe red fruit, wet leaves, and slight notes of vanilla. Moderate acid, minimal tannin, medium alcohol and light bodied. Red fruit on the palette. Strong strawberry and stewed fruit nose. Light to medium ruby color. Light body, dry with…

    In stock (4)

  • Foxglove Central Coast 2016 Chardonnay 750ml

    Foxglove Chardonnay always represents great value. With this wine, you have the richness of fruit from California's Central Coast giving you tropical notes. However, the wine is bottled without going through malolactic fermentation and has no oak on it so it maintains a very clean profile. Great on its own…

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  • Foxglove Paso Robles 2016 Zinfandel 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Brambly, ripe Zinfandel fruit and spice in a fresh package. The use of stainless on the Foxglove Zin keeps the ripe fruit from being too dark. With a slight chill this is an excellent BBQ wine!

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  • Foxglove Paso Robles 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Winemaker Notes The grapes are destemmed (no whole clusters) at the winery into stainless steel tanks for fermentation. Pressing occurs at dryness. Malolactic fermentation completes after pressing.

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  • Fraga Do Corvo 2022 Godello Monterrie D.O. 750ml

    The godello grape in this white wine comes from vines that are between 18 and 25 years old and grow at high altitudes along the Támaga River in Monterrei, Galicia. The fruit is selected from the best locations in the Fraga do Lecer vineyards and samples the breadth of soils…

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